Sunday, May 24, 2020

Analysis Of Black Mirror s Episode - 1597 Words

Black Mirror’s episode â€Å"Fifteen Million Merits† is a satirical piece that shows a dystopian society in which everything one does and every choice one makes are commercialized. The society and commerce of this environment operate on a system of merits; individuals bike endlessly and monotonously to earn credits, which they can use to purchase items ranging from food to toothpaste to online cosmetics for their characters. The episode portrays the role of commerce within society in an exaggeratedly negative tone, indicating the differences in social class created by an individualized and consumeristic society, showing the monotonous lives of average people compared to the rich and famous, as well as the extremely difficult and narrow opportunity of pursuing a better life - climbing the social class pyramid. It also shows how commerce allows the upper class to control and suppress the desensitized and self-centered lower classes and citizens within this capitalist and consumeristic society. Finally, the episode addresses the inconsistency of people, who set out to create positive social change, being suppressed by the institutional power of the famous and wealthy and converted into commercialized commodity in return of a better lifestyle and higher social class. From the episode’s first scenes, the society’s property of commerce is introduced: the concept of â€Å"merits† is that one must work to survive and work harder to enjoy a better lifestyle. Social classes areShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Utopia And Dystopia1672 Words   |  7 Pagesof utopia and dystopia through films, I have chosen the films Metropolis by Fritz Lang (1927) and the episode Nosedive from the television show Black Mirror (2016). 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Due 14 September their true voice; and this one was, to me, ultimately about the series demonstratingRead MoreImplication Of Costume Design Choices Of William Shakespeare s Doctor Faustus Essay1916 Words   |  8 Pagesdiscuss the overall artistic vision of the show with the director. Interpretation of the text and the resulting goal of the production will guide the artistic design of the show, from the set and costumes to props and acting. Eleanor Fuchs’ essay â€Å"EF s Visit to a Small Planet: Or Some Questions to Ask of a Play† provides an analytical framework that can be applied to any play to help determine the nature of this interpretation. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Feminism In The Yellow Wallpaper - 1526 Words

In Charlotte Perkins â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† which was published in 1892, the author explores the gender ideologies of the time period and how women were seen as inferior, resulting in unfair treatment in cases even involving their personal health. The main character, who is a woman named Jane, is led to insanity due to the unsuitable treatment received for her depression, but the insanity she goes into symbolizes a revelation. As she progresses into this insanity, the author ties in the discovery the main character makes of the hidden figure in the wallpaper to a woman making the discovery of how the oppressions and limitations women face must be challenged and changed in order to escape the lifestyle which keeps them imprisoned to the†¦show more content†¦She shows her knowledge in her inability to do such things and realizes how when she is not attending to others, even when she is overcome by a sickness, she is seen as a nuisance and as not needing a more se rious type of treatment. This shows not only her beginning to realize how she is not being treated fairly in the case of the treatment she is receiving for her sickness but also how she is not being treated fairly in the household, marriage, and in society as a whole due to her gender. Rula Quawas explains how â€Å"it was believed that while the world outside the home, with its highly competitive character, brutal environment and fluctuating fortunes, was a man’s sphere, the home, the moral sanctuary of society, was the temple of woman and her only proper sphere,† showing the restrictions placed upon women in this time (Quawas 36). This realization comes to light through the wallpaper, and the insanity she progresses into through the story is a symbol of the awareness of the oppression she faces and the wanting to escape from the gender roles placed upon her and other women. When Jane describes the wallpaper, she is first repulsed by its color and the mere sight o f it. Later, she describes that the sunlight reveals a â€Å"pointless pattern†Show MoreRelatedFeminism in The Yellow Wallpaper609 Words   |  2 Pagesâ€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, like many stories, has an underlying message that seems to be hidden between the lines. If you sit down and read this story once, you might see a bit of male domination of John over the narrator, but if you read it a second time and think deeper you see the true feminist theme. Gillman truly showed her feminist ways throughout this story, although it’s a short story and contains a lot of powerful messages in it. The first point is that Gillman uses metaphors to show her feminismRead MoreFeminism In The Yellow Wallpaper1446 Words   |  6 Pagesworld and the movement of women easily facilitates the mobility of men. Equality requires women to live in a society with no legislation on their bodies and to be able to live free of the sword and threat of sexual violence. It is not just the feminism of gender, it is also about racial and ethnic equality, equal capacity, gender, spirituality, class, and all the signs that define one of us. As we see the feminist novel deals not only with what we are but also with our ways of living. The narrativeRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper and Feminism2126 Words   |  9 Pagesshortcomings that history has given them. In Charlotte Perkin Gilman’s short story, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† the dominance of a patriarchal society is exposed. The verisimilitude of Gilman’s imagery of the setting lengthily describes the isolation and confinement of the narrator and their effects on her. The house she is staying in is her own prison, and is a symbol of her isolation from society. Her room with the yellow wallpaper is another representation of the narrator’s oppression and her ambition to breakRead MoreFeminism : The Yellow Wallpaper1861 Words   |  8 PagesFeminism in â€Å"The Yellow Wal lpaper† While reading one can study the societal and feminist aspects of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† and how they have helped change our society in ways like informing people about post-partum depression and its serious outcomes if not treated properly. While reading another thing to aspect to understand is what was happening in the world at the time Charlotte Perkins Gilman published this story that made it so well known. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is known as a feminist storyRead MoreYellow Wallpaper Feminism Essay1435 Words   |  6 Pagesyellow wallpaper The restrictions on the women movement in the world and the movement of women easily facilitates the mobility of men. Equality requires women to live in a society with no legislation on their bodies and to be able to live free of the sword and threat of sexual violence. It is not just the feminism of gender, it is also about racial and ethnic equality, equal capacity, gender, spirituality, class, and all the signs that define one of us. As we see the feminist novel deals notRead More Feminism, Womanhood, and The Yellow Wallpaper2218 Words   |  9 PagesFeminism, Womanhood, and The Yellow Wallpaper      Ã‚  Ã‚   The Victorian period in American history spawned a certain view of women that in many ways has become a central part of gender myths still alive today, although in a diluted way. In this essay, some characteristics of this view of women, often called The Cult of True Womanhood, will be explored with reference to Thomas R. Dew Dissertation on the Characteristic Differences Between the Sexes (1835). Some of the feminist developments arisingRead MoreFeminism in The Yellow Wallpaper575 Words   |  3 PagesThe Feminist View of the Yellow Wallpaper The yellow wallpaper is a story about John and his wife who he keeps locked up due to her nervous condition of anxiety. John diagnoses her as sick and has his own remedy to cure her. His remedy s to keep her inside and deterring her from almost all activities. She is not allowed to write, make decisions on her own, or interact with the outside world. John claims that her condition is improving but she knows that it is not. She eats almost nothingRead More The Yellow Wallpaper as an Attack on Radical Feminism1139 Words   |  5 PagesThe Yellow Wallpaper as an Attack on Radical Feminism  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚   â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† explores mental illness and, through this exploration, presents a critique of the place of women in a patriarchal society. Interestingly, Charlotte Perkins Gilman never intended the latter. The primary intent of her short story is to criticize of a physician prescribed treatment called rest cure. The treatment, which she underwent, required female patients to â€Å"’live as domestic a life as possible’† (Gilman)Read MoreOn Feminism and ‘the Yellow Wallpaper’ by Charlotte Gilman1876 Words   |  8 PagesOn Feminism and ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ by Charlotte Gilman On the poets forum Feminism is based on the assumption that women have the same human, political and social rights as men, furthermore, that women should have the same opportunities as men in their personal choices regarding careers, politics and expression. A feminist text states the author’s agenda for women in society as they relate to oppression by a patriarchal power structure and the subsequent formation of social ‘standards’Read MoreExamples Of Feminism In The Yellow Wallpaper1089 Words   |  5 PagesThey could only speak if spoken too and of course did not have the right to vote. Women were seen more as property and were merely useless if they could not have children. This time period’s society was male dominated. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wall-paper† strongly argues the theme of patriarchal control while in a authentic sense defines a feminist critique of the role of women. Gilman does a great example of relating the setting to the oppression of females during this time. Jane tells

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Diabetes Is A Syndrome Of Impaired Metabolism Of Fat And...

1. Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome of impaired metabolism of fat, carbohydrate and protein which can be caused by either low sensitivity of the tissues to the insulin hormone or lack of insulin secretion. Type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and it is caused by lack of insulin secretion. The cause of diabetes type 1 is not fully understood, however, viral infections, heredity and autoimmune disorders play a important role in the triggering of type 1 diabetes.It’s also known that type 1 diabetes arises when the beta cells of islets of Langerhans which secretes insulin are destroyed by immune-mediated response, viral infection or heredity susceptibility. Furthermore, its onset usually occurs in young people†¦show more content†¦Hyperinsulinemia occurs as a compensatory response by the beta cells for the reduced responsiveness of the peripheral tissue to the metabolic effects of insulin. It leads to impaired utilisation and storage of carbohydrate which induces the raise of blood glucose and stimulates its compensatory secretion of insulin. After a prolonged and severe insulin resistance the compensatory effect has its efficiency reduced Insulin resistance development is a slow process which starts with excess weight gain and obesity, however, the mecha nism that links obesity with insulin resistance is unknown. The substantial accumulation of visceral fat, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes can occurs due to any acquired or genetic condition, such as polycystic overt syndrome or Cushing’s syndrome, impairing insulin signalling in peripheral tissues. In contrast with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed by a health lifestyle, including exercise and healthy diet. 2. In the liver the storage of glucose is stimulated by insulin. It has many effects in the liver which leads to glycogen synthesis and increased glycogen in the liver. Firstly, it induces the phosphorylation of glucose by activating the enzyme hexokinase. It also activates several enzymes involved in the glycogen synthesis such glycogen synthase and phosphofructokinase.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Should Marijuanna Be Legalised free essay sample

According to (Abuse, 2013), Marijuana also known as Cannabis , Pot , Weed is defined as a green, brown or greyish mixture of dried shredded leaves, stems, seeds and flowers of the hemp plant called Cannabis Sativa . Although it is known for medicinal purposes such as in the treatment of cancer and even asthma it is also commonly used in illegal drug trafficking. This drug is known to be highly addictive and over time it may even control the lives of the users. So really do you think that governments worldwide should legalize Marijuana? To this question I would say no. Marijuana is very addictive and studies have shown that it is the most widely used illegal drug worldwide. This simply suggests that once people begin using Marijuana they just cannot stop. Advocates of legalizing pot have tried on several occasions to dismiss the arguments but failed to do so. According to (Drug Policy Alliance, 2014) clinical studies have shown that people who use Marijuana multiple times a week found it almost impossible to quit. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Marijuanna Be Legalised or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These people who tried to withdraw stated in their reports that they felt moody, tense, and anxious and they were very much unable to sleep. In recent years there has been a large ruckus about whether this plant should be legalized. Once Marijuana is legalized it becomes more accessible to persons, this leaves the door open to minors who may now think that it is cool to take this dangerous drug even though their parents may strongly forbid it. If Marijuana is legalized it now opens the door to Children whom now have easier access to it. This may but their education in jeopardy since it may now take their focus off of school and place it on the urge to obtain the drug. In Today’s world Movies portray ‘potheads’ or Marijuana smokers as being harmless, loving people who spend their time partying and feasting on snacks , however what they dont show is these people flunking out of school, losing their jobs, frustrated because they are too hung up on one thing, Marijuana. Don’t you want your children, nieces and nephews and even your siblings to have a bright future? The legalization of Marijuana will make it more acceptable in society, easily obtainable and the consumption rate would go up. For example after Marijuana was legalized in the Netherlands there was a high rise in the amount of people that was using it. With more people using it, more individuals are now opened to the dangerous health effects. In an interview Dr.David Murray stated that Marijuana use is the leading cause of treatment need for those abusing or dependent on illegal drugs’. Hence not only will more people use the drug, but more of them will become addicted. The advocates of marijuana legalization may say that the drug makes people happy and it is not any more dangerous than alcohol, it may also be said that it cures diseases and enables creativity and open-mindedness, But is this really so ? Yes, Marijuana does in fact help to cure diseases but Cannabis takes a toll on your health and even though it aids in the curing of cancer and asthma, do you actually know that it is bad for both your mental and physical health? Marijuana is even more toxic than cigarette smoke. Regular users face lung problems as much as twenty years earlier than cigarette smokers do (Hawkins, 2014) . He also stated that it decreases the fertility rate in men and can cause serious birth defects, mental abnormalities and an increased risk of leukemia in children. The smoking of Marijuana even five hours before driving can cause an accident because of motor impairment. Yes, we may say that Cannabis should be legalized, but how would you knowing that the person driving ahead or even behind of you can get into an accident endangering your life because they were just smoking pot? Isn’t it scary? Cannabis is a gateway to other drugs. Since Marijuana is addictive it is evident that people who use it may more likely move on to harder drugs. Do we move on from there to Crack or even Heroin? According to (Swift, 2011) the smoking of Marijuana daily and on a regular basis sets up users for a lifetime of multiple drug use .This is so since daily or even weekly drug users are three times more likely to take other drugs than occasional users. Once individuals begin using Marijuana heavily they are more likely to resort to crime to keep up with their addictions and it may in fact cause a breakdown in their relationships with others. Some people would say, â€Å"If they want to do it, great, then its no business of ours†, but is this true ? Now is the time to think about it because although its easy to thoughtlessly legalize a drug like marijuana, when things go predictably wrong, it will be a lot harder as they say to put the genie back in the bottle. Indeed there are both positive and negative effects when dealing with the topic at hand, but before arguing and create a large ruckus about legalizing Marijuana. We should realize that whichever way we go there would always be consequences to face. So I urge you to think about your own life than may be placed in danger, and even the lives of your love ones. Is the legalization of Marijuana worth it?