Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Completion Of Manufacturing Process Engineering Essay
Crunching is utilized for remotion of metal at finishing technique after fulfillment of creation method. This is a lot quicker than some other fringe instruments which are utilized for outskirt remotion. Furthermore crunching has more prominent speed, truth and surface covering ( ) .Crunching Procedure:In this granulating methodology we will use a crushing wheel to making stuff by cutting move of the interminable troublesome and fresh scratchy iotas. It is extremely of import that we pick the right crunching wheel for the specific kind of cutting required. This crunching wheel comprises of a few scratchy molecules which go about as moment film altering fringes, and these particles are reinforced with the guide of following stuff. Crunching utilizes a strategy for stuff remotion called scratch ; it is must more enthusiastically than the stuff being about. Other than the scratchy requests to have the option to challenge high temperatures brought about by the conflict during the granulating. Now and again, these high temperatures will do mischief to the holding specialists found in the wheel doing the wheel to hinder down. A (,,2010 )Crunching types:Cylindrical plane Surface plane Device and shaper aircraft Belt plane Seat plane Dance plane Rigging bomberSurface grinding:Surface crushing is a manufacture strategy which moves or crunching wheel relative a surface in plane while a crunching wheel contacts the surface and expels brief aggregate of stuff with the end goal that a level surface is made. In Surface pounding there are a few strategies incorporate flat shaft, vertical-axle, opposite axle rotational granulating, level axle singular circle and opposite turn caput crushing. For the surface crunching we need these parts for: To honing of cutting device Produce a level surface Required a smooth surface frayed state Exact resilience thickness ( hypertext move convention:/ process.html,2010 ) hypertext move convention:/ Even †axle responding table surface granulating ( ) hypertext move convention:/ Vertical †axle responding table surface granulating ( )Centreless Grinding:In this focused crunching the pounding is performed at the Center. This is other than called round and hollow pounding. These focused grindings are two sorts ; those are outside Diameter ( OD ) granulating and inside distance across ( ID ) crunching. In Outside Diameter crunching the work piece has focus penetrated terminals, fitting Center focuses and surface is expelled by rotating the plane ‘s face command post with venturing to every part of the crunching wheel or spinning in clockwise waies. ( hypertext move convention:/ process.html ) hypertext move convention:/ A schematic of the Center less pounding method ( )Tool and Cutter bomber:To hone processing cutters and instrument recognizes this apparatus and shaper device is utilized, alongside a large group of other film altering devices. hypertext move convention:/ Vie of an average setuponaT and A ; Cgrinder ( hypertext move convention:/ ) .Crunching wheel:AA crunching wheelA is an extra wheel that is made out of anA abrasiveA compound utilized for arranged grindingA andA scratchy machining activities. They are utilized inA crunching machines. Wheel evacuates a lot littler french friess of metal. The sedimentation of such little french friess, called swarf, happens in light of the fact that theA grindingA wheel is made out of 1000s of cutting outskirts. TwoA typesA of scratchy stuff are utilized in theA grindingA wheel ; Aluminum oxide and Silicon oxide.A AluminiumA oxide is utilized when machining stuffs with a high pliability, or capacity to twist for good. Silicon oxide is utilized for stuffs with a low flexibility. The scratchy grains in aA grindingA wheel take into consideration a smooth completed product, independent of the stuff being dealt with. These scratchy molecules are ordinarily covered with a precious stone dressing. TheA surfaceA plane is typically utilized as a completing activity. ( http:/,2010 ) hypertext move convention:/ Crunching wheel ( ) There are five highlights of a cutting wheel: stuff, grain size, wheel class, grain dispersing and bond type.Material:They will be Material, the existent abradant, is chosen fitting to the hardness of the stuff being cut. Aluminum Oxide ( A ) Silicon Carbide ( C ) Precious stone ( D, MD, SD ) Cubic Boron Nitride ( B )Wheel bond:Wheel holds the abradants, influences finish, coolant, and least/most extreme wheel speed. Vitrified ( V ) Resinoid ( R ) Silicate ( S ) Shellac ( E ) Elastic ( R ) Oxychloride ( O ) Wheel types: Straight wheel Chamber ( or ) Wheel ringing Tightened wheel Straight cup Dish Cup Saucer wheel Precious stone wheel Precious stone axles Cut off wheelsDiamond wheel:Crunching is the most well known technique used to machine troublesome stuffs using precious stone crushing wheels. The status of the corn meal on the edge of a pounding wheel has a significant cheek on the mischief initiated in a land example. In this manner truing and dressing must be done frequently ( Amin et al, 2000 ) .Dressing:The wheel must be dressed each clasp it is set on the machine, despite the fact that it might non hold been expelled from the wheel Center. Mount the wheel dresser on the plane plain cluster. Bring the spinning crushing wheel close to the jewel and get down the coolant stream. Never dress without coolant. Frictional warmth develop can do the precious stone to come free or separate from its seat horse. Absence of greasing up belongingss, alongside chilling, unnecessarily scrapes the diamond.Face DressingWe need to pass on the precious stone contact with the Center of the wheel, took care of in a furthest breaking point of.002 â € , thus crossed every way off the outskirt of the wheel. Learning the best crossbeam rate for dressing the wheel is an issue of test and misstep for every administrator. We must be quick sufficient to hinder coating, yet moderate bounty to limit winding lead Markss. Dressing from the Center of the wheel out to each outskirt limits the outcome of the curling lead Markss on the covering of the work piece. Do non take over.002 †per base on balls. Exorbitant in-feed will do the wheel to move like it ‘s stacked. This results from wheel stuff being â€Å" stuck †into new uncovered wheel permeability. The sort of dress applied to the crunching wheel might be changed to suit distinctive crunching requests. A fast crossbeam will take enormous totals of stuff quickly. A more slow crossbeam will deliver a progressively alluring covering, however do n't accept stuff as fast. Face Dressing a Crankshaft Grinding WheelFace Dressing ( )Side DressingWhenever the sides of a granulating wheel are found to run out, they ought to be dressed. With the bureau mounted to an even exhibit, passing on the jewel into contact with the crunching wheel close to its forepart corner, feed in a furthest breaking point of.002 †. The wheel is so taken care of in and out until the essential entirety has been dressed from each side of the wheel. Side Dressing a Crankshaft Grinding WheelSide Dressing ( )Radius DressingPosition the precious stone in the holder going up against out the forepart. Slip the holder back, spot and lock the span adjustor at the desired measurement. At that point slip the precious stone holder frontward until the jewel contacts the range settlement end. Fix the precious stone holder, open and recant the convenience end. Feed the wheel into spot to the full frontward. Utilizing okay provender, passing on the jewel into contact with the front essence of the haggle the full expansiveness. At that point back the wheel off from the diamond.004 †, extricate the turn lock and take one of the end sticks so the upper turn can be pivoted 90A ° of movement. While turning the precious stone through its 90A ° release, passing on the wheel into contact and gown of the required entirety from one corner. Rehash this system for the contrary corner by supplanting the main end pin and taking t he second pin to gracefully 90A ° turning movement in the contrary way. Be sure to keep up your precious stone bureau devices fresh. Spin the precious stone 30 to 45A ° after each dressing activity. Range Dressing a Crankshaft Grinding WheelRadius Dressing ( )( hypertext move convention:/,2010 ) Coolant: Coolants play an of import work in machining. One of the central maps of coolants is to grease up. This is accomplished by diminishing of the conflict that creates in the contact zones among device and work piece each piece great as among instrument and bit. Warmth dissemination, for example chilling of the work piece, and washing french friess off from the contact zone are farther of import maps of the coolant. The consolidated oil and chilling result diminishes instrument wear and improves surface quality and dimensional truth of the work piece ( Brinksmeier et al, 1999 ) .Oil-based coolants:High power per unit regions and temperatures during machining methods are important to make partition motion pictures between the strong surfaces of the apparatus and work piece. The undermentioned BASIC oils are normal: Mineral oil: normal C-H bonds must be liberated from unsafe fragrant mixes by refinement. Hydrocrack oils: Partially man-made, low substance of fragrant mixes, improved mineral oil Polyalphaolefines: Fully man-made oil with bifurcate hydrocarbons, t
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Interview Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Meeting Project - Essay Example Hence, the hireling chief offers his capacity with the individuals and puts the necessities of the individuals first and encourages his subordinates to completely build up their possibilities. The worker head consequently sees himself/herself as a hireling of the individuals commanded by the individuals to lead them and to assist them with exploiting their possibilities and have the option to accomplish their objectives throughout everyday life. This paper is an Interview venture union. The paper is made out of two sections. The initial segment is the outline of the meeting on worker administration that was done on Moses Charlton, director of a Catholic ward chamber situated in Dallas Texas, while the subsequent part is an assessment of what has been realized in the meeting, and an amalgamation of this data into an individual way of thinking of authority. Proficient Background of the interviewee The interviewee said that he is a prepared human asset chief. He said that he has a maste r’s certificate in human asset the executives. He additionally said that he has gone to different seminars on administration in the Catholic church and he is in this manner knowledgeable with initiative in the congregation. On his involvement with initiative, the interviewee said that he has filled in as a human asset director in different organizations for a time of thirty years, before his retirement. Mr Charlton along these lines said that he has broad information on initiative both in the collaborate world and furthermore in the congregation. Charlton’s duties as the director of Catholic Parish board in Dallas Texas As the executive of ward chamber, Mr. Charlton is as a matter of first importance, the leader of the area committee and he is the person who seats all the gatherings of the ward board in the area. Charlton likewise is responsible for all advancement extends in the area; he directs all the improvement extends in the ward. Mr Charlton likewise is the orga nizer of the considerable number of exercises in the area, and he is in this way commanded to guarantee that all the exercises in the ward run easily as per the program of the ward. Charlton’s Philosophy of Leadership On his way of thinking of initiative, Charlton said that he is a worker head. What's more, when I asked him what he comprehends the hireling administration to be, he said that, worker initiative is a style of authority whereby the pioneer sees himself not as the ace or as the manager of the individuals, but instead as the hireling, the steward, or the shepherd of the individuals. Charlton proceeded to state that the core value of worker initiative is to treat individuals not only as intends to accomplish some target, but instead to consider the to be as the goal or the objective of administration. He proceeded to clarify that, in spite of the fact that in authority making benefits for the association is obviously one of the objectives of administration, financia l benefits anyway ought not be made to the detriment of the lives of the individuals/laborers. He said that for him, the essential goal of authority is to engage his subordinates and to guarantee that they are satisfied and to guarantee that he has given them helpful condition and intends to completely misuse their possibilities. He proceeded to contend that, despite the fact that at quick look hireling administration may seen as an initiative style that will prompt gigantic misfortunes in the association, worker authority really prompts making an association effective
Friday, August 21, 2020
Meth Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, & Treatment
Meth Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, & Treatment Addiction Drug Use Meth Print How Long Does Withdrawal From Methamphetamine Last? By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on September 01, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on November 27, 2019 More in Addiction Drug Use Meth Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Signs & Symptoms Warnings Long-Term Treatment View All Back To Top Meth withdrawal is a natural but uncomfortable process that begins immediately after someone discontinues taking methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth. Overview Withdrawal involves a predictable set of symptoms, that gradually wear off as the body adjusts to the drug no longer being present. Withdrawal involves physical symptoms like fatigue and psychiatric symptoms like depression or psychosis.?? While the physical symptoms go away, the psychological symptoms like anxiety can last a long time. In the first 24 hours following meth use, people may begin to experience initial withdrawal symptoms which can include fatigue and increased appetite.?? You may feel irritable, anxious, and depressed. Verywell / JR Bee Duration and Severity Research shows that meth withdrawal consists of two phases. The first phase is most intense during the first 24 hours after last using meth and gradually gets less intense over the next week. There is often a subacute phase lasting another couple of weeks.?? The severity of meth withdrawal will depend on a number of different factors, such as how long and how much meth the individual has been using, and how dependent the person is on meth.?? How Long Will Withdrawal Last? As a general rule of thumb, the longer a person has been on meth, the worse the withdrawal symptoms will be. The same applies to age, with older people typically experiencing worse symptoms than younger people. The second phase is less intense and lasts for about another two to three weeks. Sometimes meth users experience withdrawal symptoms for months, known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS).?? Other factors that can play a role in the duration and severity of meth withdrawal symptoms include: A persons mental and physical health before and during meth useThe quality of the meth the individual was usingHistory of other drug use, including alcohol What to Know About Methamphetamine Use Signs Symptoms The experience of meth withdrawal is different for everyone, but there are certain signs and symptoms that tend to be common. If your symptoms feel severe, seek help as soon as possible and be sure to tell your doctor that you are withdrawing from meth. Anxiety Anxiety is very common among people who are going through meth withdrawal, and studies show that rates of anxiety disorders among individuals who use methamphetamine are estimated to be as high as 30%.?? Fatigue and Sleepiness When using meth, people often feel hyperactive and like they do not need to sleep. During meth withdrawal, they often feel exactly the opposite.?? Especially during the first week of withdrawal, people are likely to feel very inactive, tired, and sleepy. Symptoms of fatigue usually peak around the fifth day of withdrawal, during which people will sleep an average of 11 hours per day (a phenomenon known as hypersomnia). It is not uncommon to experience vivid dreams, but these will usually subside during the first week or so. Depression Having a low, flat, or depressed mood is normal while going through meth withdrawal. For most, it will be gone by the end of the third week, although depression can continue for a small proportion of people coming off meth.?? Psychosis Psychosis can be a symptom of meth withdrawal and consists primarily of hallucinations: seeing, hearing, and feeling things that arent there. It may also involve delusions, in which ideas that seem true but that arent actually true in reality. These symptoms can also occur when people are high on meth. Meth Cravings Most people who are withdrawing from meth experience a strong desire to actually take more; they are experiencing cravings, which are common among people withdrawing from addictive substances.?? Increased Appetite While on meth, people often experience a lack of appetite for food.?? That changes during meth withdrawal, during which people are likely to have strong cravings for carbohydratesâ€"sugary or starchy foodsâ€"especially at the beginning of withdrawal, and usually lasting into the second and third weeks. Brain Recovery Is Possible After Stopping Meth Coping Relief Meth withdrawal can be difficult, but there are some things that you can do to cope with your symptoms and make the process easier. Exercise: Exercise and medication may help with anxiety, although further research is needed to confirm this.Distract yourself: Although these cravings start out quite intense, the frequency and intensity of drug cravings gradually subside over two to five weeks. The best thing to do is to try to cope with the cravings until they abate. Find ways to keep busy and distracted so you dont focus on these cravings.??Avoid triggers: If there are certain situations or people that tend to trigger your cravings, be careful to avoid them during your withdrawal period in order to minimize the risk of a relapse.Eat a healthy diet: Your appetite for food may return during withdrawal, but its important to try to keep everything in moderation. Try not to eat more than you normally would have before taking meth, as you may develop a substitute addiction to food. If symptoms of depression continue following the discontinuation of meth, see your doctor. Medications are often useful in treating these symptoms. Tips for Coping With Drug Cravings Warnings It is often best to go through the meth detox and withdrawal process under the supervision of trained professionals. Although it may seem daunting, the best place to go if youre having severe symptoms is a hospital or medically-managed detox center. While symptoms will usually go away after the first week of withdrawal, people can run into serious difficulties trying to cope with symptoms, such as psychosis, on their own. Antipsychotic drugs may be prescribed along with other medications to treat psychiatric symptoms. If you or someone you know is experiencing psychosis either during meth intoxication or meth withdrawal, call 911 and inform the paramedics about the drug use. Long-Term Treatment The National Institute on Drug Abuse suggests that behavioral therapy is one of the most effective long-term treatments currently available for methamphetamine addiction.?? Two of the main types that may be used are cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and contingency management (CM). Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on changing the underlying thoughts and beliefs that contribute to maladaptive behaviors.Contingency management utilizes operant conditioning to encourage meth abstinence. People receive incentives, such as vouchers, for passing drug tests.?? Other approaches that may also be used include family education, individual counseling, and 12-step support groups.?? Resources If you or a loved one is ready to quit meth, talk to your doctor for advice. Your doctor can assess your health and refer you to treatment centers in your area. You should also seek medical assistance if you are having severe or worrisome withdrawal symptoms such as depression, paranoia, or psychosis. You can also contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) national helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for treatment referral and information. Or you can use their online treatment locator to find addictions services in your area. A Word From Verywell While meth withdrawal can be difficult, addiction is treatable and recovery is possible. Taking care of yourself during this time is vital. Practice effective relapse prevention techniques and be kind to yourself. Most importantly, dont be afraid to reach out to friends, family, support groups, or treatment professionals if you need help.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Analysis Of Black Mirror s Episode - 1597 Words
Black Mirror’s episode â€Å"Fifteen Million Merits†is a satirical piece that shows a dystopian society in which everything one does and every choice one makes are commercialized. The society and commerce of this environment operate on a system of merits; individuals bike endlessly and monotonously to earn credits, which they can use to purchase items ranging from food to toothpaste to online cosmetics for their characters. The episode portrays the role of commerce within society in an exaggeratedly negative tone, indicating the differences in social class created by an individualized and consumeristic society, showing the monotonous lives of average people compared to the rich and famous, as well as the extremely difficult and narrow opportunity of pursuing a better life - climbing the social class pyramid. It also shows how commerce allows the upper class to control and suppress the desensitized and self-centered lower classes and citizens within this capitalist and consumeristic society. Finally, the episode addresses the inconsistency of people, who set out to create positive social change, being suppressed by the institutional power of the famous and wealthy and converted into commercialized commodity in return of a better lifestyle and higher social class. From the episode’s first scenes, the society’s property of commerce is introduced: the concept of â€Å"merits†is that one must work to survive and work harder to enjoy a better lifestyle. Social classes areShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Utopia And Dystopia1672 Words  | 7 Pagesof utopia and dystopia through films, I have chosen the films Metropolis by Fritz Lang (1927) and the episode Nosedive from the television show Black Mirror (2016). 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Feminism In The Yellow Wallpaper - 1526 Words
In Charlotte Perkins â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†which was published in 1892, the author explores the gender ideologies of the time period and how women were seen as inferior, resulting in unfair treatment in cases even involving their personal health. The main character, who is a woman named Jane, is led to insanity due to the unsuitable treatment received for her depression, but the insanity she goes into symbolizes a revelation. As she progresses into this insanity, the author ties in the discovery the main character makes of the hidden figure in the wallpaper to a woman making the discovery of how the oppressions and limitations women face must be challenged and changed in order to escape the lifestyle which keeps them imprisoned to the†¦show more content†¦She shows her knowledge in her inability to do such things and realizes how when she is not attending to others, even when she is overcome by a sickness, she is seen as a nuisance and as not needing a more se rious type of treatment. This shows not only her beginning to realize how she is not being treated fairly in the case of the treatment she is receiving for her sickness but also how she is not being treated fairly in the household, marriage, and in society as a whole due to her gender. Rula Quawas explains how â€Å"it was believed that while the world outside the home, with its highly competitive character, brutal environment and fluctuating fortunes, was a man’s sphere, the home, the moral sanctuary of society, was the temple of woman and her only proper sphere,†showing the restrictions placed upon women in this time (Quawas 36). This realization comes to light through the wallpaper, and the insanity she progresses into through the story is a symbol of the awareness of the oppression she faces and the wanting to escape from the gender roles placed upon her and other women. When Jane describes the wallpaper, she is first repulsed by its color and the mere sight o f it. Later, she describes that the sunlight reveals a â€Å"pointless pattern†Show MoreRelatedFeminism in The Yellow Wallpaper609 Words  | 2 Pagesâ€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, like many stories, has an underlying message that seems to be hidden between the lines. If you sit down and read this story once, you might see a bit of male domination of John over the narrator, but if you read it a second time and think deeper you see the true feminist theme. Gillman truly showed her feminist ways throughout this story, although it’s a short story and contains a lot of powerful messages in it. The first point is that Gillman uses metaphors to show her feminismRead MoreFeminism In The Yellow Wallpaper1446 Words  | 6 Pagesworld and the movement of women easily facilitates the mobility of men. Equality requires women to live in a society with no legislation on their bodies and to be able to live free of the sword and threat of sexual violence. It is not just the feminism of gender, it is also about racial and ethnic equality, equal capacity, gender, spirituality, class, and all the signs that define one of us. As we see the feminist novel deals not only with what we are but also with our ways of living. The narrativeRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper and Feminism2126 Words  | 9 Pagesshortcomings that history has given them. In Charlotte Perkin Gilman’s short story, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†the dominance of a patriarchal society is exposed. The verisimilitude of Gilman’s imagery of the setting lengthily describes the isolation and confinement of the narrator and their effects on her. The house she is staying in is her own prison, and is a symbol of her isolation from society. Her room with the yellow wallpaper is another representation of the narrator’s oppression and her ambition to breakRead MoreFeminism : The Yellow Wallpaper1861 Words  | 8 PagesFeminism in â€Å"The Yellow Wal lpaper†While reading one can study the societal and feminist aspects of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†and how they have helped change our society in ways like informing people about post-partum depression and its serious outcomes if not treated properly. While reading another thing to aspect to understand is what was happening in the world at the time Charlotte Perkins Gilman published this story that made it so well known. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†is known as a feminist storyRead MoreYellow Wallpaper Feminism Essay1435 Words  | 6 Pagesyellow wallpaper The restrictions on the women movement in the world and the movement of women easily facilitates the mobility of men. Equality requires women to live in a society with no legislation on their bodies and to be able to live free of the sword and threat of sexual violence. It is not just the feminism of gender, it is also about racial and ethnic equality, equal capacity, gender, spirituality, class, and all the signs that define one of us. As we see the feminist novel deals notRead More Feminism, Womanhood, and The Yellow Wallpaper2218 Words  | 9 PagesFeminism, Womanhood, and The Yellow Wallpaper     The Victorian period in American history spawned a certain view of women that in many ways has become a central part of gender myths still alive today, although in a diluted way. In this essay, some characteristics of this view of women, often called The Cult of True Womanhood, will be explored with reference to Thomas R. Dew Dissertation on the Characteristic Differences Between the Sexes (1835). Some of the feminist developments arisingRead MoreFeminism in The Yellow Wallpaper575 Words  | 3 PagesThe Feminist View of the Yellow Wallpaper The yellow wallpaper is a story about John and his wife who he keeps locked up due to her nervous condition of anxiety. John diagnoses her as sick and has his own remedy to cure her. His remedy s to keep her inside and deterring her from almost all activities. She is not allowed to write, make decisions on her own, or interact with the outside world. John claims that her condition is improving but she knows that it is not. She eats almost nothingRead More The Yellow Wallpaper as an Attack on Radical Feminism1139 Words  | 5 PagesThe Yellow Wallpaper as an Attack on Radical Feminism           â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†explores mental illness and, through this exploration, presents a critique of the place of women in a patriarchal society. Interestingly, Charlotte Perkins Gilman never intended the latter. The primary intent of her short story is to criticize of a physician prescribed treatment called rest cure. The treatment, which she underwent, required female patients to â€Å"’live as domestic a life as possible’†(Gilman)Read MoreOn Feminism and ‘the Yellow Wallpaper’ by Charlotte Gilman1876 Words  | 8 PagesOn Feminism and ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ by Charlotte Gilman On the poets forum Feminism is based on the assumption that women have the same human, political and social rights as men, furthermore, that women should have the same opportunities as men in their personal choices regarding careers, politics and expression. A feminist text states the author’s agenda for women in society as they relate to oppression by a patriarchal power structure and the subsequent formation of social ‘standards’Read MoreExamples Of Feminism In The Yellow Wallpaper1089 Words  | 5 PagesThey could only speak if spoken too and of course did not have the right to vote. Women were seen more as property and were merely useless if they could not have children. This time period’s society was male dominated. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wall-paper†strongly argues the theme of patriarchal control while in a authentic sense defines a feminist critique of the role of women. Gilman does a great example of relating the setting to the oppression of females during this time. Jane tells
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diabetes Is A Syndrome Of Impaired Metabolism Of Fat And...
1. Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome of impaired metabolism of fat, carbohydrate and protein which can be caused by either low sensitivity of the tissues to the insulin hormone or lack of insulin secretion. Type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and it is caused by lack of insulin secretion. The cause of diabetes type 1 is not fully understood, however, viral infections, heredity and autoimmune disorders play a important role in the triggering of type 1 diabetes.It’s also known that type 1 diabetes arises when the beta cells of islets of Langerhans which secretes insulin are destroyed by immune-mediated response, viral infection or heredity susceptibility. Furthermore, its onset usually occurs in young people†¦show more content†¦Hyperinsulinemia occurs as a compensatory response by the beta cells for the reduced responsiveness of the peripheral tissue to the metabolic effects of insulin. It leads to impaired utilisation and storage of carbohydrate which induces the raise of blood glucose and stimulates its compensatory secretion of insulin. After a prolonged and severe insulin resistance the compensatory effect has its efficiency reduced Insulin resistance development is a slow process which starts with excess weight gain and obesity, however, the mecha nism that links obesity with insulin resistance is unknown. The substantial accumulation of visceral fat, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes can occurs due to any acquired or genetic condition, such as polycystic overt syndrome or Cushing’s syndrome, impairing insulin signalling in peripheral tissues. In contrast with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed by a health lifestyle, including exercise and healthy diet. 2. In the liver the storage of glucose is stimulated by insulin. It has many effects in the liver which leads to glycogen synthesis and increased glycogen in the liver. Firstly, it induces the phosphorylation of glucose by activating the enzyme hexokinase. It also activates several enzymes involved in the glycogen synthesis such glycogen synthase and phosphofructokinase.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Should Marijuanna Be Legalised free essay sample
According to (Abuse, 2013), Marijuana also known as Cannabis , Pot , Weed is defined as a green, brown or greyish mixture of dried shredded leaves, stems, seeds and flowers of the hemp plant called Cannabis Sativa . Although it is known for medicinal purposes such as in the treatment of cancer and even asthma it is also commonly used in illegal drug trafficking. This drug is known to be highly addictive and over time it may even control the lives of the users. So really do you think that governments worldwide should legalize Marijuana? To this question I would say no. Marijuana is very addictive and studies have shown that it is the most widely used illegal drug worldwide. This simply suggests that once people begin using Marijuana they just cannot stop. Advocates of legalizing pot have tried on several occasions to dismiss the arguments but failed to do so. According to (Drug Policy Alliance, 2014) clinical studies have shown that people who use Marijuana multiple times a week found it almost impossible to quit. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Marijuanna Be Legalised or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These people who tried to withdraw stated in their reports that they felt moody, tense, and anxious and they were very much unable to sleep. In recent years there has been a large ruckus about whether this plant should be legalized. Once Marijuana is legalized it becomes more accessible to persons, this leaves the door open to minors who may now think that it is cool to take this dangerous drug even though their parents may strongly forbid it. If Marijuana is legalized it now opens the door to Children whom now have easier access to it. This may but their education in jeopardy since it may now take their focus off of school and place it on the urge to obtain the drug. In Today’s world Movies portray ‘potheads’ or Marijuana smokers as being harmless, loving people who spend their time partying and feasting on snacks , however what they dont show is these people flunking out of school, losing their jobs, frustrated because they are too hung up on one thing, Marijuana. Don’t you want your children, nieces and nephews and even your siblings to have a bright future? The legalization of Marijuana will make it more acceptable in society, easily obtainable and the consumption rate would go up. For example after Marijuana was legalized in the Netherlands there was a high rise in the amount of people that was using it. With more people using it, more individuals are now opened to the dangerous health effects. In an interview Dr.David Murray stated that Marijuana use is the leading cause of treatment need for those abusing or dependent on illegal drugs’. Hence not only will more people use the drug, but more of them will become addicted. The advocates of marijuana legalization may say that the drug makes people happy and it is not any more dangerous than alcohol, it may also be said that it cures diseases and enables creativity and open-mindedness, But is this really so ? Yes, Marijuana does in fact help to cure diseases but Cannabis takes a toll on your health and even though it aids in the curing of cancer and asthma, do you actually know that it is bad for both your mental and physical health? Marijuana is even more toxic than cigarette smoke. Regular users face lung problems as much as twenty years earlier than cigarette smokers do (Hawkins, 2014) . He also stated that it decreases the fertility rate in men and can cause serious birth defects, mental abnormalities and an increased risk of leukemia in children. The smoking of Marijuana even five hours before driving can cause an accident because of motor impairment. Yes, we may say that Cannabis should be legalized, but how would you knowing that the person driving ahead or even behind of you can get into an accident endangering your life because they were just smoking pot? Isn’t it scary? Cannabis is a gateway to other drugs. Since Marijuana is addictive it is evident that people who use it may more likely move on to harder drugs. Do we move on from there to Crack or even Heroin? According to (Swift, 2011) the smoking of Marijuana daily and on a regular basis sets up users for a lifetime of multiple drug use .This is so since daily or even weekly drug users are three times more likely to take other drugs than occasional users. Once individuals begin using Marijuana heavily they are more likely to resort to crime to keep up with their addictions and it may in fact cause a breakdown in their relationships with others. Some people would say, â€Å"If they want to do it, great, then its no business of ours†, but is this true ? Now is the time to think about it because although its easy to thoughtlessly legalize a drug like marijuana, when things go predictably wrong, it will be a lot harder as they say to put the genie back in the bottle. Indeed there are both positive and negative effects when dealing with the topic at hand, but before arguing and create a large ruckus about legalizing Marijuana. We should realize that whichever way we go there would always be consequences to face. So I urge you to think about your own life than may be placed in danger, and even the lives of your love ones. Is the legalization of Marijuana worth it?
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Are Humans a Part of Nature or Somehow Apart from Essays - Nature
Are Humans a Part of Nature or Somehow Apart from It? Are Humans a Part of Nature or Somehow Apart From It? To think of Nature, you must first define it. I looked it up in an old set of encyclopaedias my parents had in our basement. It said that the term "nature" has been used in various inconsistent senses, corresponding more or less to the different attitudes that thinkers adopted towards the material part of the world in relation to the rest. It then goes on about how different philosophers from the different eras defined it. From the Greeks to the Catholics, every culture has a definition of it. My definition of it is "Everything that makes up the planet, living and dead that is natural." It cannot be described as just one thing. It is everything. Does this mean that man is part of nature? In the Introduction to Nature in Human Life, It talks about how man coexists with nature. It tells us how humans use nature for shelter, food, entertainment, and inspiration. With all of these things that we use nature for, are we still part of it? In some ancient cultures, like the Pueblo Indians, they respected nature and all that she had to offer for them. It wasn't just nature to them. "The ancient Pueblo people called the earth the Mother Creator of all things in this world". They used the sand and clay for their homes. They buried their dead in collapsed parts of these homes. They were thankful for rich crops that the seasons would bring them. The land was holy to them. The Koyukon Eskimos shared some of the same traits of the Pueblo Indians. One of these was when they went hunting. They tried to use every last bit of the hunted animal. Nothing went to waste. To me, this shows a great relationship with nature. The Koyukon elders believed in the recycling of hunted animals. "It shows respect, returning animal bones to a clean, wild place instead of throwing them away with the trash or discarding them in a garbage dump. Math is one of the basic sciences of life; it can be said that is the most basic science, the first thing a person learns, apart from reading and writing, is how to add and subtract. But, is math a part of nature, or was it made to measure or understands nature? It is really hard to know, but in my point of view, math is a method created by men to measure nature. If math was a part of nature, man would be born with math knowledge, but man is not, man had to think about a way to count and measure things. And if it was a part of nature, man would learn it just by existing, but man has to go to classes or special curses to learn math. My way of seeing it, is that science in general is a way to explain and measure nature, but it is growing every day, because everyday man is discovering more things about nature and all things that surround man. Nature will keep growing until man stops living because nature is infinite, as well as explanations for nature, or science. Math can be said to be the most unspecific way of measuring nature, because physics, for example, measures forces; chemistry measure the components of nature. Math is only numbers; basically, it can only say that there is two liters of water. Physics can say the force that water is applying on the ground. Chemistry can say that water is changing the structure of the land, and how the structure of the water itself is changing. In conclusion; math is only a method to measure nature, a way of giving us a small idea of how big is nature is. The problem is that math will never give us a even close number for nature, because nature cannot be measured, nature can only exist as it is. Has man reached the point where he is no longer a part of nature and is abusing nature to the point of killing it off, or does nature have a natural selection that knows when
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Drug Addition essays
Drug Addition essays Historically, alcohol and drug dependency was viewed as a sin or a disease. In recent decades, it has been thought to be a maladaptive behavior patterns (Thombs, 1999). I believe that its a combination of three things: A disease in which people learn to act in immoral ways (Thombs, 1999). A drug is any chemical agent that affects biological function (Thombs, 1999). Some act in the brain, others in organs, and some in several parts of the body at the same time. A psychotropic drug is one that acts in the brain to alter mood, thought process, or behavior. Addictive drugs are defined by the fact that they are self-administered, without medical prescription: repeatedly, compulsively, and even self-destructively (Cohen 1989). Drugs have been classified into seven different families and each affects a different part of the brain. In the past, drug addiction was viewed as a morally reprehensive behavior that addicts could control if only they made the effort. Today, it is argued that drug a ddictions are in many ways like infectious diseases; some people are infected, but not everyone ( There are differing degrees of immunity. Susceptibility depends typically on a complex set of genetic and environmental factors, ethnicity, degree of crowding lack of sanitation, and primarily new users transmit the behavior to their peers. Millions of Americans have been trapped by a vicious, biologic phenomenon called addiction. No sane person ever started out intending to become an addict, yet millions of our neighbors are either addicted to chemicals today or may have spent years trying to free themselves from this insidious cycle. Addiction is neither bad nor good. Addiction is a complex disease that involves both biology and behavior (Goldstein 1992). This high-low trap involves the relationship between stimulation and sedation (Cohen 1989). Stimulants and sedatives t ...
Friday, February 21, 2020
EU Economy Issues and Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
EU Economy Issues and Policies - Essay Example ship and they include: Macedonia, Iceland, Serbia, Turkey and Montenegro and have also started negotiations for membership except Macedonia (Archick, 2005 p.255). Other countries that have signed Stabilizations and Association Agreements (SAA) with the European Union include; Western Balkans, Bosnia, Albania and Herzegovina. This agreement is a prerequisite for lodging membership applications thus are considered potential candidates. Many analysts have argued that the South-eastern enlargement of the European Union is not only a test for the European Union, but also for the member states and candidates as well. According to Nuroglu & Kurtagić (2012 p.42), this kind of enlargement with candidates as well as potential candidates is estimated to increase the number of population by 19%, the European Union area by 25%, and the absolute gross Domestic Product by 5% (Nuroglu & Kurtagić, 2012 p.42). Even though the accession time is not known yet, the European commission is contemplating starting with the first three applicants: Montenegro, Croatia and Iceland (Nuroglu & Kurtagić, 2012 p.43). It is however important to note that the GDP income for the countries are 3 times below 27 member EU average (Nuroglu & Kurtagić, 2012 p.43). This forms the basis of sceptics argument and question that â€Å"why expand the EU at all? (Nuroglu & Kurtagić, 2012 p.43). The following discussion looks into these is sues into details and outlines the compelling economic arguments in support of European Union enlargement. Proponents of European Union enlargement argue that such successful accession would accumulate a lot of benefits not only to the members of the union but also to the individual citizens. However, some economic analysts have differed with this point of argument stating that such enlargement would not benefit the European Union but the new members due to their small size economy and population. The main economic arguments for further enlargement of the European Union are
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Theology essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Theology - Essay Example But God surely kept His promise and showed to Abraham that his ancestors would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. In fact, God made a binding promise through a blood covenant. And indeed, that is what happened, thus God fulfilled His promise to Abraham. Abraham had a son, Isaac who then had a son, Jacob and their bloodline led to Jesus Christ. The second promise that God made to Abraham was of a spiritual nature. He promised to bless all nations in his Seed (Wiersbe, The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: Old Testament: The Complete Old Testament in One Volume 83). Through these promises it is clear that Israel was to be blessed and become an important country of the world. The Old Testament very often refers to Israel while the rest of the countries are referred to just when they have any involvement with Israel. Moses had faith in God at the most difficult of times. He defied Egypt and was not ready to take the position of the son of Pharaoh’s daughter although that would have been in his favor. Moses defied Egypt because he had faith in God and looked forward to spiritual rewards rather than the materialism that Egypt had to offer him (Wiersbe, Be Strong 46). There were times when it can be said that Moses’ faith dwindled (Copan 44). For instance, at the time he escaped when Israelites refused to acknowledge him. It is somewhat questionable that how Moses doubted himself though God had promised to be beside his side. Still, however, Moses was a great figure and very inspirational. His faithfulness is one to speak of. God made some promises to Moses one of which was that Pharaoh will let him go. He promised that Pharaoh will let the Israelites go and drive them out. God confirmed the promise and told Moses that He has control over everything and that Moses must remember Him. The third promise God made to Moses was that He will let them out, He will get them rescued, He will make sure about their redemption, He will consider them as His people,
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Airlines Customer Relationship Management Crm Systems Computer Science Essay
Airlines Customer Relationship Management Crm Systems Computer Science Essay During the early 1920s, several small scale airline companies had come up in different parts of Europe but only two of them made it to the top. They were-The Deutscher Aero Llyod and Junkers Luftverkehr. On January 6, 1926, they merged and founded Deutsche Lufthansa AG. Since then Lufthansa has been continuously transforming itself into a competitive corporation with maximum customer satisfaction and modern organizational structure. Deutsche Lufthansa is divided into 2 main divisions: Lufthansa Airlines Lufthansa Systems Airlines comprise of the different passenger airline services like Swiss airlines, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, German Wings, JetBlue and SunExpress. Systems comprise of various MIS and Software system divisions like Lufthansa Systems, Lufthansa cargo, Lufthansa Technik and Financial Services. (Refer figure 1.) Lufthansa Systems is the major player in the Software systems and provides consulting and IT services to various companies. Companies from different sectors like transport, logistics and industry rely on the expertise of Lufthansa Systems. Apart from developing individual applications, it also provides airlines with integrated platform solutions that help them to optimize their core processes. Its Platform solutions include: The Integrated Operations Control Center (IOCC) Platform for airline operations The Integrated Commercial Platform (ICP) for network management and revenue control The Sirax AirFinance Platform for revenue management The Operations Platform for flight planning and execution The GroundSolutions Platform for check-in and boarding The AdvancedCargo Platform for all cargo processes Customer Relationship Management systems: Any airlines success basically depends on its capability to manage sales, marketing, and to maximize advantages for both from a better understanding of its customers. To achieve this, airline e-CRM models not only provide a comprehensive solution but also contribute towards improving the relationship of the airlines with its customers. An airline e-CRM model is a system made up of various components, different linkages amongst these components, and the dynamics- that can take advantage of the Internet to generate revenue. This is accomplished by building each of the components-value, revenue sources, rates and pricing, scope, capabilities and sustainability-and crafting linkages amongst these components. Hence it enables an airline to achieve an advantage over its competitors. Various softwares and MIS systems not only reduce the manual labour but also cater to the needs of the customers better. A broad classification of all the CRM services provided by Lufthansa includes: Passenger core systems Value added services Passenger Airline Competence Centre (PACC) MultiHost Sales, MultiHost DCS, e-ticketing interlining GroundSolutions Platform, NetLIne, Revenue Integrity. Strategy Vendor, Selection, Migration and Integration, Process Engineering. GrandSolutions GroundSolutions/ Mobile uses SMS dialogues or a mobile website to guide passengers conveniently throughout the entire check-in process. Passengers can use any PC and choose the seats, of their wish from an aircraft-specific seating plan, online. Further they can also print their boarding pass or can send it to a mobile device like a PDA or cell phone. Special check-ins like group check-in or employee standby flights are also integrated in this system. Charter passengers flying with a voucher instead of a ticket can avail this service as well. The system requires the customer to place his ID card or passport on the Check-in machines scanner. Then the flight number and destination for the flight is to be entered. The touch screen helps in entering the personal details. Once the booking is done, it can be confirmed online on under my bookings. The payment is done via a credit card. GroundSolutions offers other services such as: Up gradation to a higher class Lounge access Reservation of special seats including window seats or exit route seats. This shows that the airline is in complete control of its various ancillary revenue channels. As soon as some change is made in the administrative department, this information is available to the passengers. This includes offering an upgrade to the next class or even a change in the advertisement on the boarding pass depending on the time, location or even the flight number. This has not only reduced the cost and time many folds but has also provided better customer satisfaction by addressing the needs of various customer groups differently. Furthermore, because of the flexibility in the system, the customers can be informed about any kind of changes easily. Key features: On to and return check-ins both possible Selection of the seats by the passengers on an interactive seating plan The e-boarding pass available on the cell phone Key benefits: Passengers have a better control over various processes This satisfies customer needs and increases compliance Paperless check-in proves to be more convenient and time saving Altea Customer Management System by Amadeus: Altea MIS is owned by Amadeus IT Group, the largest GDS (Global Distribution System) provider in the world with an estimated market share of 37% in 2009. Spread over 195 countries, its customers include airlines, hotels, travel agencies, rail and road transport companies. In 2009, 238 million passengers boarded different airlines using Amadeus Altà ©a. Air France and Lufthansa are its major customers. Altea is a new-generation CRM system which addresses airlines key functions like sales and reservations, arrival and departure control and inventory management. Altea reservations Altea inventory Altea DCS Availability, Booking, Fares and pricing, Customer profiles, e-ticketing Schedules management, Inventory control, Seat map management. Check-in, Boarding pass issuance, Baggage management, Flight boarding. Altea enables the customers to manage their booking and ticketing also helps airlines to manage their schedules, seating capacity and the associated fares. The user-interface is further simplified by the preferential use of XML over HTML or SOAP. This minimizes the implementation time and enables seamless connection with any ERP system. The Amadeus Altà ©a service unifies end-to-end IP network using highly reliable components supplying a fully managed business class of service. This allows Airlines and Ground Handlers to access the Amadeus Altà ©a DCS services from airports. The system enables the airlines to share network connectivity at airports to reduce operating costs and to provide a simpler solution. It guarantees access to Amadeus applications with better services and response times than what other airports can offer today. It provides access to best speeds available and is a very flexible system for the entire community of users. It provides different Class of Service (CoS) functionality for assigning higher priority to business critical traffic (e.g. Check-in) and lower priority to non-critical traffic (e.g. back office). The Amadeus Altà ©a CRM System is designed around the following core concepts: Single data source- this eliminates inconsistency of data. Customer centricity- entire information about the customers journey made available Automation and flexibility- Intuitive graphical user interfaces facilitate efficient service Common platform- offers benefit due to the combined input of all the world-leading airlines. Key features: Fully automated ticket availability and booking Higher customer satisfaction Increased staff productivity Faster and more efficient ticketing Enhanced self service options via web or kiosk Reduced cost and higher reliability NiceView : NiceView is an in-flight infotainment system which has been recently introduced by the airlines to make each passengers journey a memorable one. It enables the passengers to experience all the beautiful and mesmerizing scenes as though seeing them directly from the pilots cockpit. The NiceView is a moving map system which provides high-resolution 3-D maps and hence provides information and entertainment at the same time. It further provides an impressing 3-D view of the aircraft at its current geographical location as well as the flight path. On zooming in, high-resolution maps of 1 meter per pixel can be configured which display the entire flight route. The view of the entire route, flight track line, destination airport and the arrival time can be seen in 2-D or 3-D. Current flight data can be obtained from airborne communication links via ARINC-429 (ACARS) or Ethernet (Sat-Com/Broadband) . Virtual flights are also possible between the starting and the ending destinations by typing in their names. Lufthansa Airlines has implemented this software in majority of its international flights. It has also customized the software by including several other options like playing audio or video clips including movies or pre-recorded TV series, sports or political news, information regarding the estimated time of arrival, airport or boarding information or other safety briefings. It further gives environmental information like the estimated temperature outside, weather conditions, time change etc. The system also facilitates language translations as well as feeding and editing of geopolitical data. Working: At the time of take-off, NiceView automatically displays a welcome note on the touch-screen. Out of the several options including route map, movies, audio clips, weather information, news, flight related information and others, the passengers are free to select any one of their choice. High definition video output (HDTV) is also available apart from the standard definition video signals (NTSC/PAL). To support multi-channel and multi-language content around 4 mono audio channels are provided. With the help of touch screen, the passengers can surf various components of the system and can go back to the main or previous menu whenever desired. Further the alignment of the maps can be changed as per convenience and the entire time and route of the flight can be displayed. Any kind of selection of an item can be done via the touch-screen followed by a similar exit. Key benefits: Virtual camera views in 2D and 3D from around the aircraft A virtual flight route Display of movies and audio clips Various geopolitical, graphical and information overlays News and information 2-D and 3-D locations relative to the aircraft Illustrations of oceanographic data Thus all in all NiceView is truly an infotainment as it serves the purpose of providing sufficient information as well as entertainment during the flight. Appendix: Fig 1- Organizational structure of Lufthansa Group Fig 2- Display of Amadeus Altea Fig 3- Route of the flight illustrated in 2-D
Monday, January 20, 2020
Discuss Chaucers comic method in the Millers Prologue and Tale Essay
Discuss Chaucer's comic method in the Miller's Prologue and Tale. Combine your personal response with reference to other critical opinion at relevent points in your argument. The Miller's Tale is undoubtedly Chaucer's most crude and vulgar work, but how far did Chaucer intend for there to be a moral to his story? Are we supposed to sympathise with the jealous but 'sely' carpenter when the wife whom 'he lovede moore than his lyf' is unfaithful to him? Should we take pity on Absolon when his 'love-longynge' leads him to the riotous 'misplaced kiss'? We are warned not to 'maken ernest of game' in the Miller's Prologue, and we are also forewarned that the Miller's language and the content of the story may be offensive due to the ' ale of Southwerk'. By this point, it is clear that this is nothing but an amusing story, told purely for pleasure by a drunken and high-spirited miller. Elizabeth G. Melillo agrees in her essay that 'it seems a shame to do anything with the Miller's Tale except laugh heartily! To insert too much intellectual analysis may rob this, the best of 'dirty' stories of its charm.' Chaucer begins by preparing us for the trouble that is to come, by alerting us to the fact that the carpenter has married a woman much younger than him, and that 'his wit was rude' - he is an uneducated and gullible man, with a beautiful young wife. Dissatisfied with presenting us with the bare fact, Chaucer dedicates 40 lines to an elaborate description of Alisoun, in order to emphasise just how attractive she is. As Mc Daniel says, 'She is described in terms of a wily weasel, a vixen, a young calf; animalistic terms that emphasize her youthful sensuality'. By informing us of her 'likerous ye', Chaucer establ... ...ue not to 'maken ernest of game', and not to feel too sorry for the carpenter. The tale ends with the conclusion that 'swyvved was this carpenteris wyf, for al his kepyng and his jalousye'. Chaucer does not want us to take any moral from the tale, but it is packed full of them. It can be seen as a sort of sermon on the sins of pride and jealousy, hidden in the format of a 'naughty story'. According to McDaniel, 'the Miller tells this crude but hilarious story to remind the Host and all the other pilgrims that social pretense is dangerous'. Even though it may be difficult not to pity the carpenter at the end when he is hurt, cuckolded, and taunted, we must refrain from doing it. John Lippitt said that 'the tragic and the comic are not polar opposites, or mutually exclusive, but subtly and sometimes almost paradoxically inter-linked modes of experience'. Discuss Chaucer's comic method in the Miller's Prologue and Tale Essay Discuss Chaucer's comic method in the Miller's Prologue and Tale. Combine your personal response with reference to other critical opinion at relevent points in your argument. The Miller's Tale is undoubtedly Chaucer's most crude and vulgar work, but how far did Chaucer intend for there to be a moral to his story? Are we supposed to sympathise with the jealous but 'sely' carpenter when the wife whom 'he lovede moore than his lyf' is unfaithful to him? Should we take pity on Absolon when his 'love-longynge' leads him to the riotous 'misplaced kiss'? We are warned not to 'maken ernest of game' in the Miller's Prologue, and we are also forewarned that the Miller's language and the content of the story may be offensive due to the ' ale of Southwerk'. By this point, it is clear that this is nothing but an amusing story, told purely for pleasure by a drunken and high-spirited miller. Elizabeth G. Melillo agrees in her essay that 'it seems a shame to do anything with the Miller's Tale except laugh heartily! To insert too much intellectual analysis may rob this, the best of 'dirty' stories of its charm.' Chaucer begins by preparing us for the trouble that is to come, by alerting us to the fact that the carpenter has married a woman much younger than him, and that 'his wit was rude' - he is an uneducated and gullible man, with a beautiful young wife. Dissatisfied with presenting us with the bare fact, Chaucer dedicates 40 lines to an elaborate description of Alisoun, in order to emphasise just how attractive she is. As Mc Daniel says, 'She is described in terms of a wily weasel, a vixen, a young calf; animalistic terms that emphasize her youthful sensuality'. By informing us of her 'likerous ye', Chaucer establ... ...ue not to 'maken ernest of game', and not to feel too sorry for the carpenter. The tale ends with the conclusion that 'swyvved was this carpenteris wyf, for al his kepyng and his jalousye'. Chaucer does not want us to take any moral from the tale, but it is packed full of them. It can be seen as a sort of sermon on the sins of pride and jealousy, hidden in the format of a 'naughty story'. According to McDaniel, 'the Miller tells this crude but hilarious story to remind the Host and all the other pilgrims that social pretense is dangerous'. Even though it may be difficult not to pity the carpenter at the end when he is hurt, cuckolded, and taunted, we must refrain from doing it. John Lippitt said that 'the tragic and the comic are not polar opposites, or mutually exclusive, but subtly and sometimes almost paradoxically inter-linked modes of experience'.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Unme Jeans Case Analysis
1. What problem confronts UNMe? The brand manager was trying to make a decision whether to advertise her brand in emerging social media. She has to consider the benefits and risks, how the new channel will work with the original media plan and what results she can expect. 2. What are the positives and negatives of UNMe’s current media plan? Current media plan: * 30-second TV ad on most popular programs for teenage girls * Full-page magazine print ad in beauty & fashion magazines * 60-second radio on Top 40 A corporate website * Online banner and display ad on the most popular websites for teenage girls * â€Å"key word†Google Positive: multiple ways can make UNMe reach maximum targeted market of women 12 to 24. The media she chooses are consistent with the style of UNMe, like Gossip Girl, American Idol, Top 40 radio and other online banner ad on girls’ favorite websites. She spends most money on TV ad, on which people spend most time on ad. Negative: audiences watching TV are declining. Consumer’s media habits were rapidly changing.They are turning from traditional media, such as TV, magazines and radio to new media choices. Consumers were devoting much more time to online channels. Since there is advertising clutter, the percentage of advertising that consumers remember was as low as 1% to 3%. So having more channels may lead to more costs than revenue.3. What are some potential benefits and risks to utilizing Web 2. 0 media tactics for UNMe? Benefits: consumer co-creation, social affiliation, digital self-expression, sharing.Consumers can directly contribute to the online conversation. Women of 12 to 24 can create their own design of UNMe jeans on Facebook and share their designs. Web 2. 0 makes consumers more like participants with other people than being individual. They can also comment on other people’s design and forward it to more people, which increase the influence of UNMe. It’s an easy way to connect with their friends and family. MySpace and Facebook allow people to create their own profile online so that they can have social network and link with other friends.Young women have an enthusiasm in expressing their identities online. Web 2. 0 makes people to â€Å"be online †rather than â€Å"go online†. We can see from the exhibit 6, visitors of Facebook, YouTube are increasing quickly each year. 47% of teenagers and 69% of young adults have a profile and contact users and the majority of them visit social websites everyday. (Exhibit 7) The typical members of Facebook are high school and college students, highly matches the targeted market of UNMe.Risks: investment in new advertising channel is risky. Foley has to be sure that the money she spends on social media will make higher or comparable revenues as traditional TV, magazines and radio. There might be a lack of control over the content online. Some information on Facebook, youtube, Zwinktopia is inappropriate for UNMe and may have a negative influence on consumers.4. How specifically should Foley integrate social media into her media plan (if at all)? Why?
Friday, January 3, 2020
There Are Several Similarities Between Aristotle And...
There are several similarities between Aristotle and Confucius on the concept of friendship. Both viewed friendship as a relationship between virtuous and trustworthy friends who understand each other s character. According to Aristotle and Confucius, virtue is essential when friends are able to share their lives with one another during the time of fortune and misfortunes. For this leads them to live happily, joyfully, and harmoniously as friends. Aristotle posited that, â€Å"The perfect form of friendship is that between good men who are alike in excellence or virtue†( Nicomachean Ethics VIII. ch.3(1156b(10). Confucius, agreed with Aristotle, as the Analects says â€Å"Virtue is never left to stand alone; he who has it always have†¦show more content†¦ch.3). Friends will be there for one another - encouraging, correcting, and supporting each other with love and care. And this is how everyone is supposed to live in society. A sincere and truthful friendship bu ilt in virtue leads to an honest, good life. The author Vernon said friendship brings a happy life to both parties (â€Å"The Philosophy of Friendship†). A good friendship brings love, peace, joy, and justice not only for each friend but also for society. Friends enjoy a sincere and faithful companionship. Wei Tu said trust between friends is sustained by a long lasting commitment that aims to mutual flourishing (Slote 128). In order to have a true friendship, one has to commit himself or herself to truthfulness in words and actions. A perfect friendship brings forth harmony, peace, love, and justice during someone’s life and allows society to flourish. There also are some differences between the two traditions. For, Aristotle’s list of groups of people whom we are inclined to love, and Confucius’ three types of friends. For Aristotle these groups of friends based their relationships more on human feelings and on virtue rather than on practical actions as it is for Confucius. â€Å"TheShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Aristotle s The Golden Mean 1109 Words  | 5 PagesPart 3 - Aristotle - The Golden Mean Aristotle was a greek philosopher that taught and stressed many important and revolutionary ideas/philosophies. He was born in 384 BC, and was a student of Plato, as well as founded/ taught at several academies. He wrote on diverse subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, logic, politics, government, and ethics. He contributed to almost every field of human knowledge in existence during his time, and he was the founder of many new fields. Aristotle was oneRead MoreBranches of Philosophy8343 Words  | 34 PagesTraditional branches are cosmology and ontology. †¢ Epistemology is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, and whether knowledge is possible. Among its central concerns has been the challenge posed by skepticism and the relationships between truth, belief, and justification. †¢ Ethics, or moral philosophy, is concerned with questions of how persons ought to act or if such questions are answerable. The main branches of ethics are meta-ethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics.Read MoreWorld History AP8768 Words  | 36 Pagesdestructive and oppressive. 4. Do you think that the classical empires hold â€Å"lessons†for the present, or are contemporary circumstances sufficiently unique as to render the distant past irrelevant? †¢ This question can be answered successfully from several perspectives, although in order to argue that the classical empires are irrelevant a student would have to address the arguments made in the Reflections section of the text. †¢ A student might focus on the cultural memory of empires being used inRead MoreImportance of Ethics in Business as an Academic Discipline8970 Words  | 36 Pagesthe establishment by senior management of an ethical business culture.†And, â€Å"Another clear message of the survey is that ethical leadership from the top is the key to reducing corporate malfeasance.†Considering the ethical failures in the last several years and the resulting crisis in confidence, a sincere commitment to creating and sustaining an ethical business culture in public and private sectors has never been more important. It is important that each individual feels personally ethically
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