Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Lottery By Shirley Jackson Analysis - 784 Words
Sometimes things aren’t always as we perceive them to be and we are often very surprised by certain outcomes. Throughout her short stories, â€Å"The Lottery†and â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†, Shirley Jackson shocks readers with her unthinkable plot twists. During both stories, they begin very peaceful and calm but as you near the end, your view of both readings completely change. Throughout â€Å"The Lottery†if you win the lottery that year you will be sacrificed, which no one would believe would happen as the title has a positive connotation; also, â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†starts out with a nice older woman enjoying her day but as you get closer to the final words of the story you start to realize that she is the reason behind all of the negativity†¦show more content†¦In â€Å"The Lottery†Jackson makes readers believe, just by the name of the story itself, that everyone is going to be excited to play the lottery. She e ven states that one man was talking â€Å"cheerfully†(Jackson pg.2). Most people didn’t seem to be worried about the lottery and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves to some extent; whereas at the end the person to win the lottery is very unlucky and becomes that year’s human sacrifice, seeming insane that people weren’t worried. Readers were not expecting such a terrible outcome for the lottery winner and are blown away come the end of the story. Similarly, at the beginning of â€Å"The Possibility of Evil†, no one thought that Miss Strangeworth would be the one spreading evil throughout the town. Everyone seemed to believe she was a nice old lady that wouldnt hurt a fly. By the end of the story, readers realize that she is the only reason for the evil in the town, which was very unexpected. Lastly, Jackson uses foreshadowing to create anticipation in the reader’s minds. In â€Å"The Lottery†she states that the younger boys â€Å"made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square†(Jackson pg.1) which makes readers question why the boys would be gathering a huge pile of stones at a lottery. Thus, showing that the stones must have an importance and tends to get reader’s minds thinking about what could possibly happen with theShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of The Lottery By Shirley Jackson744 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery†- For Analysis 1. There are multiple examples to suggest that â€Å"The Lottery†is a ritualistic ceremony. In several instances â€Å"The Lottery†is referred to as a ritual: â€Å" much of the ritual had been forgotten..†and â€Å"†¦because so much of the ritual had been forgotten†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . In addition, the ceremony happens annually on June 27th, a t0:00 a.m., suggesting a ceremonial quality. This happens with such regularity that the citizens â€Å"†¦only half listened to the directions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This ceremonyRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson Analysis732 Words  | 3 PagesFollowing other people may have a positive or negative effect, but when it reaches a certain point where you blindly follow others it may not have a positive outcome. â€Å"The Lottery†made by Shirley Jackson is about a small community of villagers that gather together every year to perform a tradition. All of the villagers gather together and draw small sl ips of paper from a black wooden box, whoever draws the first slip with the black dot on it, their family has to draw first. Now all of the membersRead More Analysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Essay693 Words  | 3 PagesAnalysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson was written in 1948. The story takes place in a village square of a town on June 27th. The author does not use much emotion in the writing to show how the barbaric act that is going on is look at as normal. This story is about a town that has a lottery once a year to choose who should be sacrificed, so that the town will have a plentiful year for growing crops. Jackson has many messages about human nature in this shortRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Lottery By Shirley Jackson910 Words  | 4 PagesLiterary Analysis of the Short Story â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson Shirley Jackson explores the subject of tradition in her short story â€Å"The Lottery†. A short story is normally evaluated based on its ability to provide a satisfying and complete presentation of its characters and themes. Shirley describes a small village that engages in an annual tradition known as â€Å"the lottery†. Narrating the story from a third person point of view, Shirley uses symbolism, foreshadowing and suspense to illustrateRead MoreEssay on The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: an Analysis1522 Words  | 7 PagesKouyialis EN102: Composition II Professor Eklund The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: An Analysis The short story â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson was written in 1948 and takes place in a small town, on the 27th of June. In this story, the lottery occurs every year, around the summer solstice. All families gather together to draw slips of paper from a black box. When reading this story, it is unclear the full premise of the lottery until near the end. The heads of households are the firstRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Lottery By Shirley Jackson1534 Words  | 7 Pages Literary Analysis: â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson is a short story written in 1948. Due to World War II ending around this time, her story took some strong criticism. The people at that time wanted uplifting stories, and this story is the very opposite because of its underlying theme of tradition and conformity. â€Å"The Lottery†shows that no matter the tradition or belief, people will not stray from their daily routine because humans are creatures of habitRead MoreAnalysis Of The Lottery By Shirley Jackson773 Words  | 4 PagesIn the short story, The Lottery, written by Shirley Jackson, is about a small village or some type of society with a yearly tradition called, the lottery. From what the reader may read online, they may find out that during the time period Jackson wrote this, she was interested in magic and witchcraft. Not only that she was also rumored to have gotten rocks thrown at her by children who believed she was a witch. One may also say, that the story wa s absolutely unique and the ending completely shockingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Lottery By Shirley Jackson1060 Words  | 5 Pagesthird point of view about other but our view are mostly to always limited, not knowing everything. In a story called â€Å"Charles†by Shirley Jackson, the author creates a limited first point of view of Laurels mother where the reader reads and understand only what Laurie’s mother understand and see. In the other story also written by Shirley Jackson called â€Å"The Lottery†, the story proceed at a limited third point of view where the reader understands more ideas. Although each storied have a differentRead MoreAnalysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson993 Words  | 4 PagesSpanish author, When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow. Shirley Jackson was born in 1919 in San Francisco, California to Leslie and Geraldine Jackson. She is most well known for her s hort story titled â€Å"The Lottery†which was first published in The New Yorker to overwhelming and mixed reviews. The lottery, as portrayed in the short story, is a religious, annual ceremony in the afternoon of June 27. This event is said to be olderRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson Analysis802 Words  | 4 PagesIf everyone else was doing something, would you? Or maybe if someone needed to be stood up for, would you have their back? In The Lottery, people do follow other people blindly. And the consequences are devastating. But in First They Came, not having someone’s back might get you in the same position†¦ The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is a story that takes place in a small village on a warm summer day. Little boy’s run around in boisterous play, collecting small stones into a pile. As the adults gather
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Cleopatra- A sign of times Essay - 3679 Words
Cleopatra: A Sign of the Times by Diana Lerman For Rome, who had never condescended to fear any nation or people, did in her time fear two human beings; one was Hannibal, and the other was a woman (Lefkowitz 126). Abstract Cleopatra VII, the last reigning queen of Egypt, has intrigued us for centuries. Her story is one that has been told many times, and the many different and vastly varied representations of her and her story are solely based on the ways in which men and society have perceived women and their role in society throughout history. By looking at the perceptions of women starting from the Hellenes, the Greeks who greatly influenced Roman ideals, and following those perceptions through to the end of the 19th Century, it†¦show more content†¦Retelling a speech that he believes Octavian may have said to his soldiers he writes: [w]e Romans are the rulers of the greatest and best parts of the world and yet we find ourselves spurned and trampled upon by a [woman] of Egypt‚Ä ¶(52). He continues with Roman propaganda retelling the great accomplishments of Roman forefathers and then stresses that the men who have achieved these feats of arms‚Ä ¶would be cut to the he art if ever they knew that we have been overcome by this pestilence of a [woman]‚Ä ¶(53). He verbally attacks the Egyptian culture and drives home his dislike of them and their barbarisms by saying worst of all, they are not ruled by a man, but are the slaves of a [woman] (53). In conclusion he writes: But, in the end, I cannot describe to you any greater prize that that of upholding the renown which your forefathers won, of preserving the proud tradition of your native lands, of punishing those who have rebelled against us, of conquering and ruling over all mankind, and [of allowing no woman to make herself equal to a man] (55). The dislike of women in positions of power and the absolute necessity to deprive them of this power can be seen in Dios writing. Dio stresses Cleopatras gender and makes it the supreme motivator for the ensuing war with Egypt by the marking the importance of conquering Cleopatra and removing her from her throne. Cleopatras political power is further reduced in theShow MoreRelated Cleopatra: A Sign of the Times Essay3711 Words  | 15 PagesCleopatra: A Sign of the Times For Rome, who had never condescended to fear any nation or people, did in her time fear two human beings; one was Hannibal, and the other was a woman (Lefkowitz 126). Abstract Cleopatra VII, the last reigning queen of Egypt, has intrigued us for centuries. Her story is one that has been told many times, and the many different and vastly varied representations of her and her story are solely based on the ways in which men and society have perceived women andRead MoreEssay Cleopatra957 Words  | 4 Pages Significant Woman: Cleopatra amp;#9;I chose to write my amp;quot;Significant Womanamp;quot; paper on Egypt’s last pharaoh, Cleopatra. When I began my report, I knew very little about Cleopatra, except that she was the mistress of both Julius Caesar and Mark Antony of Rome. I wondered what impacts on history Cleopatra made on her own. amp;#9;I feel that Cleopatra was a very significant woman in history because she was very aggressive and assertive, characteristics that have always been consideredRead MoreEssay on Cleopatra: A True Feminine Tragedy759 Words  | 4 PagesCleopatra: A True Feminine Tragedy In Shakespeares tragedy, Antony and Cleopatra, Cleopatra is efficiently described by Enobarbus as extremely passionate and movable. She possesses all characteristics of a woman in good ways and bad. She is easily swayed by outside decisions and one cannot clearly decipher what she truly wants. She is also extremely manipulative and uses her femininity to her every advantage. It even seems that she is unfit to manage her own mattersRead MoreThe Status And Perception Of Women928 Words  | 4 Pagesancient times and one of the English Renaissance controlled their image, were affected by societal views of women, and were ultimately depicted. Scholarship on Cleopatra and Queen Elizabeth I relays the idea that society and patriarchy led to their respective authorities and depictions. Mary Hamer, author of Signs of Cleopatra, a historical research text, investigates Cleopatra’s cultural significance from her earliest representations in her own time to her status as a symbol in modern times. In theRead More William Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra Essays1003 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra â€Å"Heaven help the American-born boy with a talent for ballet†– Camille Paglia The prim and proper women and the strong and strapping men are no match for Shakespeare’s haze of character’s muddled together in Antony and Cleopatra. As always Shakespeare delivers a luminary cast of individuals that deviate from the socially accepted gender roles. As the audience works its way through the fierce genesis to the catastrophic resolution, it isRead MoreEmpowerment of Women through the Film Cleopatra Essay1616 Words  | 7 PagesOne main message Cleopatra is presenting to society in the 1960s is the empowerment of women. Although Cleopatra is depicted in many different ways in other films and plays, the 1963 film portrays her as a ruler who tried to bridge gaps between men and women. She overthrew her brother’s power and exiled him and Cleopatra wanted to be seen as equal by both Caesar and Antony. This reflects the women’s movement of the 1960s when women mainly stayed at home and took care of children. On DecemberRead MoreA ll For Love: More Sentiment than Tragedy Essay1224 Words  | 5 PagesCleopatras portrayal. Drydens Cleopatra has been portrayed as a woman of exceptional virtue and fidelity (loyalty). She is not the same Cleopatra whom we meet in Shakespeares play. Indeed, Drydens Cleopatra is a model of perfection. Nowhere does she give any sign and disloyalty. She remains constant and virtuous. Even the pretence which she puts up of having fallen in love with Dolabella is adopted by her very much against her own will. The portrayal of Cleopatra, therefore, seems to link thisRead MoreTechniques on Cleopatra and Anthony Powerplay1524 Words  | 7 PagesElective 2: Powerplay – Antony Cleopatra Consider representations of and the interplay of types of power Analyse portrayals of the powerful Consider how the depiction of particular relationships provides insight into the nature of politics Consider the extent to which power resides with the people Techniques Suspense Delays entry of main characters and Caesar Caesar powerful- delayed entrance- magnifies his power for audience (dramatic technique) Soothsayer foreshadowing/foretelling Read MoreOctavian and Marc Antony- The Duel of Words and Deeds1091 Words  | 4 Pagesposition, only Octavian and Antony in control. Even though the Triumvirate remained active until 32 B.C.E., the relationship between Antony and Octavian deteriorated years before. In 37/3C, Marc Antony reignited his affair with the Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, while married to Octavians sister, Octavia. Antonys blatant disregard for his marital pact signifies a breakdown of relations between himself and Octavian. As response, Octavian only provided 2,000 troops to Antony, instead of the 20,000 men heRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Presentation of Octavius Caesar in Antony and Cleopatra1625 Words  | 7 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Presentation of Octavius Caesar in Antony and Cleopatra Shakespeare portrays Octavius Caesar as a very complex character in Antony and Cleopatra. Shakespeare shows the audience how he has very strong feelings about War, leadership, the relationship between Antony and Cleopatra, and his sister Octavia. These attitudes can be seen as being too rational, too ambitious, and too efficient. However it is these characteristics which in some ways, form
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Analysis Of The Impact Of The Penalty Rate Cuts †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Analysis Of The Impact Of The Penalty Rate Cuts. Answer: Introduction: Penalty rates are the increased amounts of compensation that are provided to the employees for working overtime or in cases where they work under abnormal conditions. Research reports show that on an average around 20% of the income of the workers is from the penalty rates. In the hospitals the nurses incomes, midwifes and the workers responsible for care of aged are hugely dependent on the penalty rates. It must also be understood that any cut to the penalty rates threatens to considerably reduce the take home pay of nurses, midwives and aged care workers. In case of the hospital and the healthcare industry, meeting the challenges of an ageing population are significant. Therefore much of the influence of the penalty rate cuts is responsible for the lower turnouts of the workers. It is thus an effect which is to be kept in mind depending on the situation at the hospitals. The rates of penalty make sure that staff are attracted in un-manageable hours. The penalty rates also help in p rotecting the living standards of the low paid workers (Burgess, Cameron Rainnie, 2014). Analysis of penalty rate cuts: The employees in the hospitality, entertainment, retail and others industries, are the strongest proponents of these changes. In case the Sunday rates are reduced, the employees will be able to afford to stay open for longer in shops and restaurants and bars which in turn will be responsible for creation of further employment (Adisa Olasupo, 2015). Another argument which has been put forward is that in a society which works all around the day, there the importance of weekends and also Sundays in connection to Saturdays for time off work has declined significantly. In case this is true it can be said that the main reason for the penalty rates us that they are actually the compensation for working unsociable hours. The income of the weekend workers tend to be low. Only about one third of the workers work weekends only and over half work Sundays only. These people rely on the penalty rates to fulfil their household expenses (Skinner et al., 2014). The demographics of weekend workers do not help in coming to the conclusion that a majority are single, dependants or students thereby having less critical need for living incomes. Majority of the weekend workers are young and the largest group are usually single or young couples without children. This might not be true in all cases. However it needs to be kept in mind that greater employment in all centres is not very high. Human resource management and employee retention: In the present world, a significant role is played by the human resources. They have a enormous impact on the human resource considerations on the employees. HRM should work is such a way so as to enhance the overall workforce productivity and commitment, enhanced job satisfaction and discouraged unionism. Properhuman resource management contributes towards the individuals improvement in addition to the performance of the company. They need to focus on individualism rather than on the concept of collectivism and aim to improve the overall performance of the employees (Panhwar, Channar Brohi, 2012). Regardless of the position on the changes in the organisations, it is necessary to acknowledge that the penalty rates are not regardless in anything. These also need to be subjected to review, specifically as there are changes in the society (Onikoyi, Awolusi Ayodeji, 2015). It has been seen that the function which was usually served by the penalty rates are no longer done as such. This is due to the reason that the changes in the composition of the workforce, reductions in the length of the standard working week and also the working year as also the growth in unemployment, the hour preference of the employees have changed. It has been mentioned by the FWC that the existing penalty rates on Sunday in case of the hospitality, fast food, retail and Pharmacy awards, do not achieve the objective of the Modern Awards. This is because a fair and relevant minimum safety is required (Odeku Odeku, 2014). There are some small business owners state that that they cannot operate on Sundays due to the high costs of the employees wages and thereafter the small margins. Despite the fact the business needs to operate throughout the week. Other people have argued that high penalty rates reduce the business profits and increases the costs to the government, reducing the demand for labour and productivity across the Australian economy (Totterdill, 2015). Managing the employees and their reactions: The employees who need to react to the new rates, it is needed to prepare for the new rates need to review the present payment rates and agreements. There are certain workplace arguments which affect the way in which the penalty rates and the allowances are paid including the salary payments, employment contracts, individual flexibility agreements and also a guarantee of the annual earnings. The payments made as wages under these arrangements need to offer other penalties and loadings in the way of awards. An employee needs to receive at least the same amount under the arrangements as needed to be done based on the award. It needs to be understood that the penalty rates does not necessarily provide employees with the right of varying to the agreed rates. In case the employees are being given a loaded rate already, a weekly or hourly rate which is above the reward cannot be flowed into the loaded up rate (Cascio 2012). Keeping good record and communicating are essential to avoid mistakes. The most important way to fix it is speaking to employees so that they are not severely negatively motivated. The employees also need to review the existing status of their payroll and agreements. The arrangements at the workplace regarding the penalty rates and allowances payment need to be taken care of. The employers who pay more than the award rate cannot rely on the rules for reduction of the amounts which they are going to pay (Candelon Lieb, 2013). Employee motivation: It is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure that the employees remain motivated and stay with the company. To ensure this themanagement needs to motivate the employees by providing suitable compensation and benefits such that the employees feel the need to remain a part of the company. Recommendations: In order to prevent the hardship from the cut in the penalty rates there needs to be an exemption of current workers in comparison to phasing the reduction over the years. The penalty rate cuts need to be prevented at any cost and the current workers need to be protected from the significant decision so that the organisation does not suffer in any way. Despite the fact that the business groups are in tandem with the decision to cut the penalty rates, the employee aspect of the decision also needs to be kept in mind. The transitional agreements to apply the cuts will have to take certain submissions on the questions (Daly, 2014). The human resourcemanagement team of the organisations should effectively communicate with the employees so that they do not feel uncared for or terrorised and do not leave the organisation. The human resource managers need to understand the situation of each and every employee so that the penalty rate cuts are implemented in such a way so that they do not get affected. Much amount of differentiation or demarcation could not be made between the workers so that they left the job as a result of the penalty rate cuts (Oloyede, 2012). The research of the person assumed that the average annual inflation would be less than the minimum wage. It has been observed that thousands of Sunday workers will have their wages fall significantly as the penalty rate cuts and inflation will negate the effect of the annual minimum wage increase. The workers on certain instances also propose legal changes so that the penalty rate cuts need to be accompanied by beneficial pay and the conditions suitable enough such that the workers are not left worse off. Human resource practices need to be performed in such a way that the employees who work for the company diligently are retained. In order to ensure that the employees be retained their pay levels need to be revised the structure of payment needs to be fair, bonus and incentives provided to the employees need to be fair and non-financial rewards should also be ensured. There need to be social ties and teams which should ensure employee retention. Frequent meetings need to be arranged with the employees in order to understand their opinion on the topic of penalty rate cuts. Their schedules and time frames need to be arranged in such a way that the benefits of employees are given major importance. The employee roles should be clearly defined, the goals which they need to achieve need to be clarified from the beginning. The employees need to be prevented from either physical or psychological job withdrawal. Thus it needs to be understood that if employees are not satisfied in their work, no amount of penalty rate adjustments will help retain them in the company. . Lower amount would be given as wages and will also be able to buy goods and services such as meals at restaurants and these would be such that would better suit their lifestyle. Conclusion: In connection to the concept of penalty rates it can be said that on certain occasions the businesses might have to pay a penalty amount for imposing conditions on the disadvantageous employees. From the reduction of the penalty rates, the turnover would be increased and the business could be managed in a much more proficient way. It would be responsible for much more amount of employment as a result of the increased amount of turnover. There would be more shifts available and more employment opportunities for those people who were unemployed. In case of many employees though the rates of their wages would fall, they would receive higher total amount of earnings as the potential to work a higher number of hours would increase. The people who will be most benefited from the removal of the penalty rates are the consumers. References: Adisa, A. L., Olasupo, M. O. (2015). REDEFINING EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIPS FOR HIGH AND SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY IN NIGERIA.International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Review,5(2). Burgess, J., Cameron, R., Rainnie, A. (2014). Contemporary research on work, workplaces and industrial relations in Australia. Candelon, B., Lieb, L. (2013). Fiscal policy in good and bad times.Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,37(12), 2679-2694. Cascio, W. F. (2012). Methodological issues in international HR management research.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,23(12), 2532-2545. Daly, T. (2014). Evenings, nights and weekends: Working unsocial hours and penalty rates. Odeku, O. F., Odeku, K. O. (2014). In pursuit of the employees welfare in the workplace: issues in perspectives.Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,5(15), 652. Oloyede, D. O. (2012). Comparative study of casual and regular workers' job satisfaction and commitment in two selected banks in Lagos State.IFE PsychologIA: An International Journal,20(1), 380-393. Onikoyi, I. A., Awolusi, O. D., Ayodeji, B. M. (2015). EFFECT OF ABSENTEEISM ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY OF CADBURY NIGERIA PLC, IKEJA, LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA.British Journal of Marketing Studies,3(2), 58-71. Panhwar, I. A., Channar, Z. A., Brohi, N. H. (2012). Gender penalty in the employees of different age groups.Global Management Journal for Academic Corporate Studies,2(1), 1. Skinner, N., Elton, J., Auer, J., Pocock, B. (2014). Understanding and managing worklife interaction across the life course: a qualitative study.Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources,52(1), 93-109. Totterdill, P. (2015). Closing the gap: The fifth element and workplace innovation.European Journal of Workplace Innovation,1(1).
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Fashion Channel Case Essay Example
The Fashion Channel Case Paper In doing this we need to focus on ways to increase our share of the market (targeting ratings), and how we can ultimately target ways to boost our viewers versus the increasingly competitive assign programming being released by CNN and Lifetime. The two key levers to drive revenue growth would be Increased viewers (ratings), and increased advertising pricing. Also Important Is to deliver quality audiences, as demanded by advertisers. Based on these key Issues It will be vital to choose the scenario for implementation that will increases TV ratings and advertising revenue. The state of the economy at the beginning of 2007 was promising (pre-housing bubble and job loss). The Fashion Channel at that time had been around for 11 years. The company was started by two entrepreneurs in 1996, with up to date entertainment features that focused on material relating to fashion only on 24 hour a day, 7 days a week schedule. To that point the mall audience was women aged 35-54 and the company tagging was Fashion for Everyone. Coming off of revenues of $310. Million and only $230 million in ad sales, the goal going forward was to find a way to increase that amount. In 2005, one of the more popular series on TFH was a show called Look Great on Saturday Night for Under $100. Other networks like CNN and Lifetime began following the programming plan put on by TFH which started to come more popular In comparison to the programs being broadcast by TFH. This in effect resulted In direct competition against TFH and directly affected the ad revenue shares. We will write a custom essay sample on The Fashion Channel Case specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Fashion Channel Case specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Fashion Channel Case specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Vice President Norm Frazier had advised the management team to decrease the ad pricing by 10% in order to increase our viewers. As mentioned earlier, a key issue to attack in this marketing plan is to improve our average rating compared to similar programming being broadcasted on CNN and Lifetime. Utilizing information obtained in Exhibit 1, Tiffs average rating was 1. 0 based off of 1. 1 million households. In comparison, CNN relished an average rating of 4. 0 (4. 4 million households) while Lifetime enjoyed an average rating of 3. 0 (3. 3 million households) respectively. Major differences exist amongst these three networks based on the fact that Tiffs programming only revolves around fashion 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whereas CNN and Lifetime serve a larger target audience and therefore only present programs dedicated to fashion Monday through Friday from 9-11 pm (Lifetime) and Monday through Friday from 8-pm and Saturday and Sunday Trot 10-11 pm ) Because tense networks are not ovate to a spectral ice, it allows them the opportunity to capture a larger audience that may have never looked for fashion programming if it werent for Fashion Today and Fashion Tonight. The other key objective of The Fashion Channels new marketing plan was to boost advertising revenue. On pages 3 and 4 of the case study, it is noted that advertisers would pay a premium CPM (cost per thousand, represented by the price an advertiser would pay for a moment of viewing) to reach certain groups, and at the time of this study these groups were men of all ages and women aged 18-34, respectively. Based on information in Exhibit 1, TFH is currently in the most unfavorable position amongst the big three networks based on consumer demographics. CNN carried the best percentage of the male audience at 45 % while TFH at 39%. Lifetime carried the best percentage of the 18-34 female audience at 43% while TFH captured Just 33%. Lack of consumer interest, awareness, and value added to potential advertisers could be negatively impacting their advertising revenue. In the competitive threats section of the case study, TFH is noted as being below average in many important categories based on the Alpha research study. They received ratings of 3. 8 for consumer interest, 4. 1 for awareness, and a 3. 7 on value added (perceived value). The other two networks outscored TFH by at least . 4 points on all questions asked. I believe this to be an indirect consequence of programming for a specific niche market. In order for TFH to increase ad revenue we must find a way to penetrate the high dollar CPM groups that our ad buyers are most focused on attracting. Based on our key goals and objectives mentioned earlier, I believe that we have three courses of action to discuss and decide on as a team. These approaches include a broad-based marketing plan (scenario #1), the Factionists segmentation, and the Factionists plus Planners/Shoppers segmentation. I will list the pros and cons of each below as well as the final decision and rationale based on the final decision. Broad-Based Marketing pros: When comparing this plan to the base numbers of 2007, we see that the broad- based scenario delivers the company almost $40 million more in potential net income ($94. 9 million versus $54. 6). This scenario also doesnt require additional incremental programming expense that will cost the other two plans at least $1 5 million to implement. Additionally, women aged 18-34 in all four clusters, so The Fashion Channel will be marketing to 100% of all 18-34 year-olds. This scenario will also allow awareness and viewers to increase by investing in a major marketing campaign across all clusters in the spectrum. Cons: While this marketing plan produces a higher net income the 2007 base, the CPM is $. 20 lower than the current CPM of $2. 00. This plan also lacks a specific target audience and we would run the risk of our competitors penetrating the premium CPM groups, causing our revenue to decrease even further. Differentiation would change as a result of implementation and as a company we would struggle to compete against ten toner two networks walkout canalling our programming. Factionists Segmentation Compared to the 2007 base numbers, this scenario produces almost $100 million more in net income ($1 51. 4 million versus $54. 6 million). This plan also targets a premium CPM group, which increases Techs average CPM from $2. 00 to $3. 50. This plan would make TFH a more attractive ad producer for advertisers because 50% of factionists are females ag ed 18-34. Targeting this segment will help us compete against Lifetime, which is currently the market leader in female audience members aged 18-34. Cons: The factionists segmentation results in a . % reduction in TV ratings for The Fashion Channel. There is also a requirement of $15 million incremental programming expense in order to reposition our programming. The factionists segment is the smallest of the four clusters, which would decrease our viewers amongst the remaining clusters. Its also possible to the targeting only the factionists target is too specific of a niche and will lack the ability for TFH to attract new nonusers. This will pose a threat to us by not allowing us to compete against the CNN and Lifetime which offer programming to a broader segment. By targeting the smallest cluster, awareness amongst our consumers would not change, and our ratings over the long term might decrease even further. Factionists plus Planners/ Shoppers Segmentation Compared to the 2007 base numbers, this scenario produces almost $1 1 5 million more in potential net income ($168. 8 million versus $54. 6 million). The plan improves our TV ratings from 1% to 1. 2% and the average CPM from $2 to $2. 0. Targeting these two clusters will allow us to market to 50% of all TV households also allows us to advertise to the clusters that are made up of 50% and 25% of women aged 18-34. Effectively targeting these two segments will increase advertising revenue by increasing the proportion of women aged 18-34 audience members. This new found repositioning will allow The Fashion Channel to differentiate its programming by producing programs specific to these two separate segments. Cons: Although the scenario produces favorable numbers in terms of ratings and CPM, here is a requirement of incremental programming expense of $20 million to reposition our programming. This scenario only targets 50% of households. This could lead to a reduction amongst our loyal viewers and might adversely affect our TV rating. Decision We at The Fashion Channel should focus our efforts on the third scenario which targets factionists plus planners/shoppers. There is an immense risk associated with this plan because we will Jeopardize losing some of our most loyal consumers by positioning ourselves more towards the higher ad revenue drivers. The $20 million incremental programming expense is another added possibility that could set the company up for failure. However, based on our analysis and forecasting, the benefits outweigh the potential setbacks as we will see an increase in average rating, CPM, and an almost 40% contribution margin (up 10% from 2006). Advertising revenue will increase because of the premium increase in CPM that women aged 18-34 wall erelong In T all I v nauseous out represent ten largest viewers for fashion). This plan is clearly more favorable than the second scenario hat left out the important segment including planners and shippers. While both scenarios provide substantial increases in net income, the long term growth associated with rating and ad revenue increase clearly define the third scenario as our focus. Implementation The largest challenge associated with this new marketing plan will be to keep our loyal consumers while also attracting the factionists and planners/ shoppers. In order do this we need to review past ratings from television shows, and find new time slots for these shows that are not in prime spots for the new programming. It is important to keep this in mind because although women aged 18-34 because of the CPM benefits, our past market currently makes up 67% of our total audience. We should study the plans of CNN and Lifetime, specifically their Fashion Today and Fashion Tonight shows. If we can gain a better understanding how they target women aged 18-34, and more importantly how their total audience of 43% comes from the premium CPM audience, then we could put ourselves in a more advantageous position amongst our competition. Lastly, we must find other ways to improve consumer interest, awareness, ND perceived value of The Fashion Channel. In order to do this I recommend a further plan to build brand recognition. This idea will build consumer loyalty and also bring our fans more emotionally connected to our brand and our company. I am proposing a plan that I anticipate will take about 6-8 months to roll out. Once we begin this new plan it will take another year to carry out the plan. I am proposing that we pick 12 destinations throughout the United States that are in the most popular fashion markets (Los Angles, New York, Chicago, etc.. ), and also base it on our most attached regions based on TV ratings. We will then come up with themes based on the locations and get our audience involved in our brand and show. Within six to eight months we should be able to pick out locations and venues for audience themed shows. We will be able to use our current programming to promote the upcoming audience experience which will not drastically change our incremental advertising expenses. I believe this plan coupled with the third scenario which will be rolled out incrementally, will provide the plan for The Fashion Channel moving forward.
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