Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Multisensory Teaching Method to Reading
Multisensory Teaching Method to Reading The multisensory teaching approach to reading is based upon the idea that some students learn best when the material that they are given is presented to them in a variety of modalities. This method uses movement (kinesthetic) and touch (tactile), along with what we see (visual) and what we hear (auditory) to help students learn to read, write and spell. Who Benefits From This Approach? All students can benefit from multisensory learning, not just special education students. Every child processes information differently, and this teaching method allows for each child to use a variety of their senses to understand and process information. Teachers that provide classroom activities that utilize various senses, will notice that their students learning attention will increase, and it will make for an optimal learning environment. Age Range: K-3 Multisensory Activities All of the following activities use a multisensory approach to help students learn to read, write and spell using a variety of their senses. These activities feature hearing, seeing, tracing and writing which are referred to as VAKT ( visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile). Clay Letters Have the student create words out of letters made of clay. The student should say the name and sound of each letter and after the word is created, he/she should read the word aloud. Magnetic Letters Give the student a bag full of plastic magnetic letters and a chalkboard. Then have the student use the magnetic letters to practice making words. To practice segmenting have the student say each letter sound as he/she selects the letter. Then to practice blending, have the student say the sound of the letter faster. Sandpaper Words For this multisensory activity have the student place a strip of paper over a piece of sandpaper, and using a crayon, have him/her write a word onto the paper. After the word is written, have the student trace the word while spelling the word aloud. Sand Writing Place a handful of sand onto a cookie sheet and have the student write a word with his/her finger in the sand. While the student is writing the word have them say the letter, its sound, and then read the whole word aloud. Once the student completed the task he/she can erase by wiping the sand away. This activity also works well with shaving cream, finger paint, and rice. Wikki Sticks Provide the student with a few Wikki Sticks. These colorful acrylic yarn sticks are perfect for children to practice forming their letters. For this activity have the student form a word with the sticks. While they are forming each letter have them say the letter, its sound, and then read the whole word aloud. Letter/Sound Tiles Use letter tiles to help students develop their reading skills and establish phonological processing. For this activity, you can use Scrabble letters or any other letter tiles you may have. Like the activities above, have the student create a word using the tiles. Again, have them say the letter, followed by its sound, and then finally read the word aloud. Pipe Cleaner Letters For students who are having trouble grasping how letters should be formed, have them place pipe cleaners around a flashcard of each letter in the alphabet. After they place the pipe cleaner around the letter, have them say the name of the letter and its sound. Edible Letters Mini marshmallows, MMs, Jelly Beans or Skittles are great for having children practice learning how to form and read the alphabet. Provide the child with an alphabet flashcard, and a bowl of their favorite treat. Then have them place the food around the letter while they say the letter name and sound. Source: Orton Gillingham Approach
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Apace Research Essays - Space Colonization, Space Exploration
Apace Research Essays - Space Colonization, Space Exploration Apace Research The urge to explore and search the unknown is part of human nature and has led to many of the most important changes in our standard of living. Searching and exploring enriches our spirits and reminds us of the great potential of achievement. The drive to develop the next frontier has also been a fundamental part of the heritage of the people of the world. Every year, billions of dollars are spent on the exploration of space. Many citizens doubt the necessity to research our solar system and the rest of our universe. Spaceflight may seem us as an ultramodern idea, but evidence of the dream of space exploration exists as far back as texts from early centruies from the first millenium. From Thales to Copernicus including almost 14 hundred years some of the scientists could declare that the earth was round and sun was the center of our solar system.. Much later, in the 1600s, Sir Isaac Newton formulated the laws of universal gravitation and motion. Today a rocket operates under this principle. The first American satellite, Explorer 1, was launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida on January 31, 1958. Later, Yuri A. Gagarian, a Ru ssian cosmonaut, made one full orbit around the Earth on April 12. The United States had become furious. Their mission was to be the first men on the moon. The Lunar Module had landed on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong descended the ladder and said the famous words, Thats one small step for man and one giant step for mankind. Today, instead of competing against one another, Russia and America are working together, planning the construction of an international space station. We know that we have learned much about our planet from our journeys in to space. Today everybody in the earth knows the importance of satellites for communication. It takes seconds to be connected with anyone otherside of the planet. Satellites at thousands of kilometers miles out in space can survey Earths oceans, land use and
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Should the Multinational Firm Be Involved In International Business or Essay
Should the Multinational Firm Be Involved In International Business or Investment with a Developing Country - Essay Example In this study, Supermart is taken as a frictional multinational company which is based in the United Kingdom. It is a developed country. Supermart is a retail company doing its business for a long time in various countries of the world. It is one of the largest companies in the retail industry segment of UK. But for the large numbers of players the market of UK has become very much saturated which limits the growth of the company. Therefore expanding its business internationally will help this retail company to generate more revenue by acquiring the new customer base. For this reason, this UK based company has made a plan of expanding its business in the emerging market of China. Supermart can have many benefits and advantages of this decision. China is experiencing a huge growth in its retail market. A significant rise in the income of household people influences the retail industry of China to grow. China is a developing country having an emerging market. The improvement of the Chi nese economy Influences its people to spend more which becomes an advantage in its retail industry. The purchasing power of the people is increasing in this country which leads to the rise in demand. A positive marketing environment is created for this reason. The government of China is providing business licenses to many new companies for the development of the country. But in some cases, its government policies create many difficulties in case of foreign companies for establishing its business. Some of the reforms of China opens the country’s market and attracts many big companies. The political factor of China influences a lot in its national institutional system. Previously there were many trade regulations in the retail industry sector of this country. This industry was not considered as a prestigious industry by its government and it was not sanctioned. But modernization of China facilitates the growth of its retail industry. The open market system of the country influe nces its institutional system. The economic system of China has become market-oriented economy. The country has become a significant player in a global economy. It supports the growth of its private sector industry. For business operations, the country maintains strict regulations and laws. There is a specific framework under which the companies have to operate its business.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis Essay - 1
Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis - Essay Example t nearly nine in 10 respondents are in debt, with car payments, credit card balances, home equity loans, lines of credit and student loans as the most common debt types. Greenwald’s research was also used to emphasize that Americans are in â€Å"debt denial†wherein certain sectors would not consider home equity lines of credit, borrowing money from a family member, late bills and credit card balances as debts. In light of these, the article highlighted the American reliance in debt. McGuire, then went on citing Kerry Geurkink’s statement that stressed the failed efforts at educating Americans on properly handling their finances. The point made was that, Americans are entangled in debt because most think that it is within their control while a growing number acknowledged â€Å"irresponsibility†as a factor. This argument further explored how Americans confuse, consciously and subconsciously, â€Å"wants†from â€Å"needs.†This, for McGuire, touched base with the attitudes of entitlements that force people to consider things such as the internet and cable TV as necessities. There is a stinging criticism in the final words of the article that said: â€Å"People seem to be unsatisfied†¦ although people have more.†In line with the acceptance of the hypothesis that was previously put forward, McGuire admonished her readers that people should stop thinking in monthly payments and that they should make intelligent decisions with their purchases, expenditures and debt acquisition. She also agreed with Geurkink that people should save and pay off debt at the same time as retirement now lasts for decades and that Americans are expected to foot more of the bill amid a rise in the â€Å"cost of higher education, medical care and, until recently, housing – far outpacing inflation. All in all, this article is a report more than a first-hand study. It perused other studies in order to present the points that the author wanted to convey. Nonetheless, there is the hypothesis
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Count of Monte-Cristo Essay Example for Free
The Count of Monte-Cristo Essay Alexandre Dumas was born in 1802; his parents were Thomas Alexandre Dumas and Marie-Louis-Elizabeth-Laboret. His father died when he was about 3 years of age, leaving the family to suffer financially. Dumas was raised by his mother in a town called Villers-Cotterets. He was educated at a parochial school. He worked as a clerk when he was younger. He decided to move to Paris in 1822, at the age of 20 due to his growing interest in theatre. Dumas permanently moved to Paris a year later. After becoming g a clerk for the Duc dOrlà ©ans, he collaborated with Adolphe du Leuven and Pierre-Joseph Rousseau on his first staged play titled â€Å"LaChassse Et L’amour†in 1825. Dumas started writing plays and then he turned all of his plays into novels. He rewrote one of is plays to create his first serial novels titled â€Å"Le Capitaine Paul†which lead to his forming a production studio that had turned out hundreds of stories. From 1839 to 1841, Dumas and friends complied celebrated crimes, and eight volume collection of essays on famous criminals and their crimes in European history. He then wrote a book called â€Å"The Fencing Master†. It took place in Russia, Russia banned the book from their country, and this caused Dumas to be banned from Russia until Czar Nicholas died. In 1840, he married an actress named Ida Ferrier, and continued, supposedly, having affairs with other women. He had four illegitimate children. He had one son, named after him that would follow in his footsteps in becoming a successful novelist and playwright. Dumas’ writing made him very rich, but he kept spending lavishly on women and sumptuous living. He built the Chateau de Monte Cristo, two years later; he had to sell the beautiful property because he was short on money. Dumas died in 1870 and was buried where he was born. On November 30, 2002, Dumas’ body was exhumed and put in a brand new coffin, draped in blue. That event was televised. Onto the Count of Monte-Cristo, it was Dumas’ best-known novel after â€Å"The Three Musketeers†. Its based on a true story, improbable as that may seem. Dumas employed collaborators to search through published memoirs for suitably existing plots. A volume called â€Å"Memoires Tires des Archives de la Police de Paris†by Jaques Peuchet, and it caught Dumas’ attention. In Peuchet’s memoires, was a case of wrongful imprisonment and avengence that appealed to Peuchet strongly. In 1807, a shoemaker, residing in Paris, named Francis Picaud, was engaged to marry Marguerite Vigoroux, a beautiful, rich orphan. Four of Picaud’s friends, jealous of his new fortune, accused him of being an English agent. Picaud was taken away by police, who were worried about insurrectionary movements, at the time. In 1814, with the fall of the empire, Picaud was released from the castle Fenestrelle, where he had been imprisoned. While he was held captive, he looked after an Italian prelate who was in prison for a political charge. The man informed Picaud about a treasure he had hidden in Milan. When Picaud was released from imprisonment, he went to Milan to go and get the treasure and returned to the place that he was staying before he went to prison to plot against the people that did this to him. Dumas liked the idea of creating a character who had a fortune and avenges. The Count of Monte-Cristo was a great success. Dumas had great senses of narrative and dialogue. He had a creative imagination but a very limited sum of critical sense and a vague concern for historical accuracy. Characters are described as one-dimensional, and stranded in the molds Dumas had set for them. Despite many problems, the book is still intriguing on many, many levels. The Count of Monte-Cristo satisfies the dreams of anyone who has strived to win the lottery or whoever has wanted to get revenge on someone who deserved it. Monte-Cristo is classified as a â€Å"nineteenth century Superman†(Jennifer Smith). His Houdini-like escape from prison was miraculous. He even escaped his planned death! Everything goes right for the Count. During the party of the book that is set in Rome, Dumas portrays Monte-Cristo as a Byronic hero, after the romantic poet, Lord Byron. He was the most talked about man of the age. Women were drawn to him like magnets! Despite the references to Byron, the resemblances of him and Monte-Cristo are superficial. The Byronic hero seems to be more complex than Monte-Cristo. He’s usually guilty of something against society’s rules or something and searches for meaning. But, this isn’t Monte-Cristo†¦ Monte-Cristo is confident of the moral order of the world. Dumas threw in the Byronic allusions only to add some spice into his literary pot, just to give it flavor. It also applies to the Venetian lady. She thinks that Monte-Cristo was a vampire because of his pale skin. Vampire lore was often associated with Byron, who also resembled a vampire figure with his obsession to darkness and destructive characteristics of love. There is a great similarity to the vampire myth and Monte-Cristo that this allusion would work. Monte-Cristo has returned many times from the Chà ¢teau dIf to ruin living people’s lives. Dumas uses another one of his favorite authors to get some help with some plot devices. William Shakespeare. When Valentine drinks the potion given to her by Monte-Cristo, she falls into a deep sleep, resembling death. Her family then buries her and soon after, she is awaken and is reunited with her love, Maximilien. This is basically what happened in Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet, another Shakespearean play, shares many similarities to The Count of Monte-Cristo. Hamlet believes he has a mission from God to complete by avenging someone who had done wrong. But he doesn’t go along with the task. Monte-Cristo, on the other hand, goes along with his task, and accomplishes his revenge. Innocent suffering doesn’t trouble Monte-Cristo, not until the death of Edourard. His revenge wreaks devastation on all the families. He doesn’t question his own actions because he bleives he’s suffering a punishment by God for his sins. He uses that argument upon the death of Caderousse. He cleared his guilt for not preventing his murder by stating that he refuses to get in between justice. Dumas uses the same argument for inaction with Madame de Villefort went and poisoned four people. Everyone who suffers deserves their own misery. Those who die untimely deaths are recipients of the justice of God. That’s not an argument that can take much scrutiny. If Monte-Cristo were consistent, he would have to acknowledge that according to his beliefs, the injustice of seeking revenge must also have to have been a part of the judgment of God. His own sufferings during his fourteen year imprisonment, the same argument could be applied to that. It’s a weak argument for a person to hold that someone else’s death or mourning is sent by God. Monte-Cristo eventually comes to his senses and sees that God is the only source of supreme power. If he had taken more notice to his enemy, Villefort, who had commented at their first meeting, he may have learned what he had learned a lot sooner. In his final words to Maximilien, the sum of all human wisdom is summed up into two words, â€Å"wait and hope†(The Count of Monte-Cristo). In the book, a nineteen year old, Edmund Dantà ¨s, a future ship captain, a future husband. He has the perfect life. Or so you think. His perfect life ends up getting a little dangerous when his so-called friends step in. Fernand Mondego is the one in love with Dantà ¨s’ fiancà ©e. He and a couple others make up a letter accusing Dantà ¨s of treason and on the day of his wedding, he’s arrested for the false crime. The deputy sees through the false accusation, and sets Dantà ¨s free, but he isn’t set free because he reveals the name of the man to whom he is supposed to deliver the letter from Napoleon. Dantà ¨s ends up getting sent to the Chà ¢teau d’If , where all the most dangerous political prisoners are held. While he was in prison, he meets a priest, Abbà ¨ Faria, who was imprisoned because of his political views. Faria taught Dantà ¨s history, science, languages, and philosophy, turning Dantà ¨s into a very well educated man. Faria tells Dantà ¨s of a treasure hidden on Monte-Cristo, and tells him how to find it. Dantà ¨s digs himself a tunnel and throws himself into the sea and swims for freedom. Dantà ¨s arrives at Monte-Cristo finds Faria’s treasure. He considers this fortune a gift from God, given to him for the purpose of people helping him out, and punishing those who have not helped him out. He disguised himself as an Italian priest named Abbà © Busoni and travels back to Marseilles and visits Caderousse, who is struggling to make a living as an innkeeper. Caderousse tells Dantà ¨s more of the plot that his friends used to frame him, and that his father had died of the grief of his absence, and his fiancà ©e, married Fernand. He also found out that Fernand and another one of his old friends who betrayed him, had become rich and powerful and reside in Paris. Dantà ¨s gives Caderousse a very valuable diamond as a reward for giving him the information. Ten years later, Dantà ¨s is in Rome, he now goes by the name, The Count of Monte-Cristo, an all-knowing and unstoppable man. Dantà ¨s meets the son of Fernand and Mercedes, Albert. He saved him from bandits. In return for the favor, Albert introduces Dantà ¨s to Parisian society. Dantà ¨s then starts to plot his revenge. Fernand is the first one to be punished. Dantà ¨s revealed his darkest secret. Frenand got rich by betraying his former patron and sold Ali Pacha’s wife into slavery. Villefort’s punishment comes at a slow, steady pace, and in many stages. He tutors Madame Villefort in the use of potion, he then has her killing people of the household. He then publicly exposes Villefort’s charge of infanticide. For Danglar’s revenge, Dantà ¨s just drains him of money. He spares his life but leaves him with no money, not a cent. Dantà ¨s does one act of goodness though. He helps out Maximilian by saving his fiancee, Valentine from her stepmother. He gives Valentine a pill that simulates death, but really she’s asleep, and carries her off to Monte-Cristo. Maximilian thinks that she’s dead, which makes him want to die too, but Dantà ¨s reveals that Valentine is actually alive. Maximilian and Valentine live happily together. Dantà ¨s also finds happiness with Haydà ©e
Friday, November 15, 2019
Hal Riney & Partners, Inc :: essays research papers
Hal Riney & Partners, Inc Ownership/size/locations -      Hal Riney & Partners, Inc., one of the most famous privately-owned advertising agencies in San Francisco, CA, was founded in 1986 by chairman and CEO Hal P. Riney himself. With the branch office in Chicago, Hal Riney & Partners Heartland, reaches out to clients in different regions as well. Both San Francisco and Chicago offices employ a total number of approximately 350 employees. Income/profitability -      As of July 1996, Hal Riney & Partners, Inc., had an approximate annual billings of $475 million. The breakdown of gross billings by media are as followes: Newspaper - $38 million; Business Publication - $4.75 million; Transit - $4.75 million; Outdoor advertising - $19 million; TV - $275.5 million; Radio - $42.7 million; Collateral - $9.5 million; Consumer publication - $57 million; and cable TV - $23.75 million. Nowadays, the average percentage of earning for advertising agencies is approximately between .05% to 1% of the total billings. With a billing of $475 million, it would be logical to assume that Hal Riney & Partners earns approximately $2.375 million to $4.75 million. With the acquisition of several new accounts including Acer Group and Sprint Spectrum, Hal Riney’s billing is now approaching $600 million. Management Profiles -      The chairman and CEO of Hal Riney & Partners, Inc., is Mr. Hal Riney. There are over 30 Sr. VPs and VPs holding various positions at the San Francisco office alone. Some of the key personnel at the San Francisco office includes Vice Chairman - James Travis; Chief Financial Officer & Executive VP - Lyn Muegge; Executive VP & National Creative Director - Joe O’Neill; Executive VP, and Managing Director - David Verklin; Executive VP and Corporate Development - John Yost; and Creative Director - Gerald Andelin.      The Chicago office handles a set of different clients with its own different personnel such as Barray Krause - Executive V.P. and Managing Director; Jonathan Harries - Executive V.P. and Executive Creative Director; Catharine Gerber - Senior V.P. and Media Director; and Paul Janas - Senior V.P. and Creative Director. Hal Riney has recently added Scott Marshall as the president on his pay roll after several unsuccessful search for new partners. In the past 18 months, Hal Riney had also held conversations with Interpublic Group (who owns McCann-Erickson, Lintas, etc.) and W.Y. Choi (a majority owner of N.W. Ayer & Partners) in attempt to sale his agency. Clients -      Hal Riney & Partners serves a variety of clients from auto maker to fast food restaurant. Current major clients include Acer Group, Alamo car rental company, Birkenstock, The Walt Disney Company, Cox California PCS, GM Electric
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Greater Access to the Internet Has Enabled Buyers
Greater access to the internet has enabled buyers to search more easily for information about potential suppliers of goods and services. This has significantly affected many industries, such as insurance, banking, retailing and travel. To what extent do you think that increased internet usage inevitably reduces producers’ profits? Justify your answer with reference to organizations and/or industries that you know. Over the past decade, Shopping on the internet has skyrocketed with internet sales reaching almost ? 0 billion in 2012, which accounts to almost 10% of total sales in the UK. This is due to the increased possession of Internet devices such as: smartphones, laptops and computers. It has become much easier and simpler for consumers to buy products online using these devices. Increased internet security has also increased demand for online shopping due to customers being confident in undergoing an online transaction. Another advantage of selling items on the internet is that it gives you the opportunity to advertise your or another companies products.Over 80% of the British population uses the internet regularly which opens up a massive market for advertising and for companies to show their products to users of the internet. However, results in increased internet usage have resulted in the decreased need for physical advertising such as: books, magazines and newspapers which have begun to prove more ineffective in advertising products. For example, a double paged spread in a popular newspaper can exceed costs of ? 10,000 while costs of advertising on a high traffic website may only cost ? 200 a month.Jessops has recently entered administration and is a perfect example as to how increased internet usage can reduce profits for some firms. Its target market was camera lovers, which prints out photos, sells cameras and a large number of accessories. Despite being an online retailer, Jessops failed to compete with the low prices of Amazon, Curryâ€℠¢s and other online competitors. The internet has an endless supply of products such as cameras at a very competitive price. Some products would not be sold in Jessops but would be sold online resulting in losses of potential revenue for Jessops.Another market which has slowly died is the demand for printing of photos, due to social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook people don’t need to share their photos in a physical format and are capable of simply sending the picture via these social websites. In this case of selling products it was a massive drawback for Jessops but turned out to be an advantage for competitors such as Amazon. The increased number of internet users leads to benefits for Amazon who thrive off increased internet usage due to consumers finding it a cheaper alternative to Jessops.The internet can also be a good source of primary market research which enables firms such as Amazon to analyze prices of different websites. This would give the opportuni ty for Amazon to perhaps reduce prices or introduce offers which would help them sell more products. I believe it is entirely up to the company, this kind of competition would perhaps not effect Amazon due to their size in the market and their reliability where customers instantly visit Amazon knowing they will be given a fair price and receive their purchased item quickly.However, it did affect Jessops who failed to respond to demand and lower prices resulting in there imminent administration. I don’t believe that the increased usage of the internet reduces profits as some firms can be incredibly profitable off of this. With the current state of the economy, people who are in need of high quality clothing have tended to move further away from worldwide brands such as: Gucci, D&G and Louis Vuitton and have moved closer to the retail shop Zara. Zara has blossomed over the past few years, both online and in the high street due to increased internet usage and there quick respons e to demand.It is primarily down to the type of business and the level of competitiveness they possess. A large number of fashion companies are not focused on their usage of the internet and rely on customers purchasing these products physically from their shop which can be a major drawback in their market as they can’t expand their popularity to the larger target market found online. From the examples supplied I do not believe the increased usage of the internet will reduce producers’ profits as it will be down to the nature of the product and other related reasons.Reaction to change online will affect the companies chances of success in the current economic climate however. The internet can provide an endless number of benefits for companies such as: easy shopping, safe transactions and more straightforward searches. The internet has proven to be more successful for companies such as Zara having a massive profit increase of 43% simply after the re-designing of their websiote making it simpler for the inline internet shopper. Although a company like Zara could earn an incredible amount from online sales this leads to high street stores failing due to the loss in numbers of customers.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Danger of Potent Ideology
It is inevitable that great men who wield great powers are bound to be misinterpreted. History reveals that this inevitability is true to the most influential men of our time, from the bible’s Jesus Christ to Germany’s Friedrich Nietzche, two opposites who share the same fate. The radical ideologies that both men promoted have become the basis of infamous acts and beliefs. For example, the fatal extremist belief that Christians abhor homosexuality is highly in contrast with the teachings of Jesus Christ, who advocated unconditional love and forgiveness. The Superhuman theory of Friedrich Nietzche, on the other hand, has been erroneously used to foster the idea that a particular race of man, or a particular individual, is superior to others. This Nietzche philosophy was speculated to be internalized by Adolf Hitler himself, who orchestrated the largest mass murder in the history of the world, simply because he believed in the superiority of the German race. Thus, we can see in the examples of Jesus Christ and of Friedrich Nietzsche, that when men rise above the conventions and to the challenges in their time, they are not only bound to become legends, but also misinterpreted leaders. Martin Luther King: A Force Misinterpreted In the United States of America, one potent influence suffers the same fate. Considered the leader of the free world; this man had so much power that he heightened a revolution and compelled a nation to change its laws. He is Martin Luther King, Jr. In his article entitled â€Å"Martin Luther King,†popular civil rights journalist Jack E. White describes King as, â€Å"the right man at the right time,†for in a revolution that needed a fearless leader, King became the perfectly accurate answer; the right man for the job. The nation at the time was ripe with protests against inequality. America then was a country that subscribed to the apartheid ideology;  segregation of individuals according to skin color was viewed appropriate. Race validated a person’s worth, and King fervently disagreed with this belief. He mobilized the African-American community into launching non-violent protest against discrimination, one of which is the 13-month boycott of the Montgomery bus lines in Alabama, in 1955. The popular and immortalized story of Rosa Parks, an African-American seamstress who refused to give up her bus seat for a Caucasian man prompted the boycott, but it was King who instigated and sustained the people’s resolve to protest. In 1957, King began organizing a network of African-American leaders and started facilitating non-violent protests in several communities. The awareness and significance of King’s cause heightened even more. The most admirable trait King has demonstrated is his unwavering principle of non-violence, even when he himself had suffered through several acts of volatile violence, including the bombing of his home and unjust incarceration. Several communities and critics noted his incredible resilience and potent influence, and in the 1960s, he earned the recognition he so justly deserved. Time Magazine hailed him as its Person of the Year in 1963, and in the succeeding year, King was named as the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. However, King did not limit his cause to racial discrimination. He had far too much insight to narrow his perspective on one cause alone. Among the issues that he felt strongly about are the war in Vietnam and its accompanying factor, poverty. By acting on these issues, Martin Luther King, Jr. became not just the leader of the African-American demographic, but the most influential civil rights beacon who led the entire nation of America into a new light. Such a magnificent leader deserves a golden place in history, and Martin Luther King, Jr. is a figure truly well-placed not only in the annals of history, but in the hearts and minds of the American people as well. However, such a magnificent leader does not deserve a misinterpretation, and martin Luther King, Jr., is a figure highly misinterpreted. King’s impact today extends only to African-American communities and engulfs only the issue of racial discrimination against African-Americans. Although this is a correct representation of King, it is a narrowed perspective of what he believed in, what he stood for, and what he fought and died for.  Jack E. White, in his article entitled, â€Å"Martin Luther King,†observes that: It is a testament to the greatness of Martin Luther King Jr. that nearly every major city in the U.S. has a street or school named after him. It is a measure of how sorely his achievements are misunderstood that most of them are located in black neighborhoods. Three decades after King was gunned down on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tenn., he is still regarded mainly as the black leader of a movement for black equality. That assessment, while accurate, is far too restrictive. For all King did to free blacks from the yoke of segregation, whites may owe him the greatest debt, for liberating them from the burden of America's centuries-old hypocrisy about race. Thus, we can clearly see that the United States of America owes him the label of â€Å"liberator of all,†instead of the restrictive label, â€Å"liberator of the black race.†The American nation we have today would have a very different face if King had not step up to the demands of his time, if he had not heeded the cry of the American people. Martin Luther King, Jr. freed America from the bondage of racial hypocrisy, and yet he is denied such a distinction by assigning him only to one cause, and only to one community. The earlier premise that Martin Luther King, Jr., is a highly misinterpreted leader is once again emphasized here. As a matter of fact, King had the intention of leading a protest march against poverty, an American plight that was not unique to a certain race. From the cause of racial discrimination, he moved to the cause of fighting poverty. However, before he carried out his plans King was gunned down in a hotel balcony in 1968. Thus, his distinction should not be narrowed down merely to a single cause. His widow Coretta Scott King perfectly validated her husband’s life and her husband’s cause by organizing the â€Å"Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Non-Violent Social Change;†for it was the all-encompassing cause of social change that King believed in, stood for, fought and died for. Another misinterpretation of Martin Luther King, Jr. is the use of his principles and the use of his words to further racial issues grounded on a myopic perspectives.  One such movement that stands out from the rest, mainly because of its controversial nature, is the movement being led by Ward Connerly, an opponent of the government’s affirmative action policy. Connerly claims that his opposition against affirmative action is based on, and in parallel with, the advocacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. He asserts the erroneous interpretation that affirmative action is tantamount to racial discrimination. This claim is incredulous, since the affirmative action policy is aimed precisely to eradicate discrimination. It is preposterous to conclude that the allocation of jobs minorities is equal with racial discrimination; it is even more preposterous that a magnificent leader such as King would even be associated with such an incredulous cause. In Respect to Martin Luther King’s Dream In these modern times, social change is a cry that resounds with so much fervor, and it is evident that so much has to be done to achieve the dream that Martin Luther King envisioned. King’s complex cause, social justice tied with economic justice, is a feat that requires internal and external changes within individuals, within communities, and the nation at large. It is worthy and important to note, however, that the United States of America has come a very long way indeed in terms of liberation from racial and social hypocrisy, and in this sense, we can say that King’s dream is slowly coming into reality. Racial discrimination, for instance, is now viewed as an abhorrent ideology, an unacceptable doctrine for the modern American. It is very much detested that whoever exhibits the slightest belief in it becomes an outcast in a nation of free thinkers, in a nation called the free world. The racist violence that was so apparent, so real, and so brutal in the past, prior to the emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his civil rights cause, seems incredulous; it seems inconceivable that America has ever trodden such a path. The African-American race today, in fact, has earned a stellar place in America. Prominent names like talk show host Oprah Winfrey, professional golfer Tiger Woods, premier poet Maya Angelou, musicians Alicia Keys and Beyonce Knowles are influential figures in American society, admired by all races in America. Amusing lists this line from Chris Rock, a popular African-American comedian: â€Å"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, and the best golfer is a black guy.†Though this statement is intended not to be taken seriously, we see a tinge of reality in it: the reversal of stereotyped roles between a black man and a white man is an indication that America has greatly changed its racial perception about the African-American race. This, however, is just a small parcel of achievement in the social change King aimed for. Customer’s last name    6 The Martin Luther King Challenge The world today faces the Martin Luther King challenge, the challenge to forward the cause from racial equality to economic justice, and then elevate these to the international context in order to achieve international peace. Because the nation is merely in the first step, racial equality, it is quite obvious that we do have a long way to go. To take up and succeed in tackling the Martin Luther King challenge, we have to go back to his words, and one effective guideline that stands out from among his speeches is his advice to live a complete life. discloses the manner in which a complete life may be achieved, according to King: And there are three dimensions of any complete life to which we can fitly give the words of this text: length, breadth, and height. (Yes) Now the length of life as we shall use it here is the inward concern for one’s own welfare. (Yes) In other words, it is that inward concern that causes one to push forward, to achieve his own goals and ambitions. (All right) The breadth of life as we shall use it here is the outward concern for the welfare of others. (All right) And the height of life is the upward reach for God. (All right) Now you got to have all three of these to have a complete life. Such wise, potent words may ring empty if it is not heeded, and the free world, in order to fulfill the noble dream of Martin Luther King, must begin acting on this quest for completion. True, racial equality is a cause forwarded by this magnificent leader; but to say that it is the only thing he fought for, is very much restrictive. This is the ripe time for America and the world to truly understand his cause, and to truly act upon it. Works Cited â€Å"Chris Rock Quotes† 12 December 2007. â€Å"Friedrich Nietzsche.†Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 10 December 2007. Kalish, Michael. â€Å"Friedrich Nietzsche's Influence on Hitler's Mein Kampf.†UCSB Department of History. 10 December 2007. â€Å"The Life of Martin Luther King Jr.†Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. 9 December 2007. White, Jack. â€Å"Martin Luther King.†The Time 100:The Most Important People of the Century. Leaders and Revolutionaries. 9 December 2007
Friday, November 8, 2019
5 Pairs of Compound Words, and How Theyre Compounded
5 Pairs of Compound Words, and How Theyre Compounded 5 Pairs of Compound Words, and How They’re Compounded 5 Pairs of Compound Words, and How They’re Compounded By Mark Nichol A while back, I wrote about compound words involving front and back, in and out, and up and down, and the bewildering variety of styles (open, hyphenated, and closed) for each group. Here are five more pairs of words to watch for when they’re used in compound phrases. 1. Light and Dark To be light-headed and to be lighthearted are not strictly analogous one is a physical sensation, and the other refers to an emotion (though it may result in a physical response) but they are both adjectives. So, why is one (and similar compounds like light-fingered and light-footed) hyphenated and the other closed? I confess I’m in the dark. But note that compounds beginning with dark are always open (â€Å"dark days†â€Å"dark horse,†â€Å"dark matter†). Most other noun compounds beginning with light (â€Å"light meter,†â€Å"light pen†) are open, but notice light-rail, which, like a few other compound nouns (mind-set, life-form), remain stubbornly hyphenated (though the meaning of light here differs; it’s akin to the definition in the previous paragraph). When the noun light is the last element of a compound, it’s always closed: candlelight, flashlight, searchlight. 2. Mind and Brain I’m going to go out of my mind. Why is one simpleminded yet single-minded? Is it because one is a presumably perpetual state that a person so designated has little or no control over, while the other is a personality trait? But compounds beginning rather than ending with mind generally obey these rules: open in noun compounds (with the previously noted exception of mind-set and the obscure mind-healer, as well as the jargony mindshare) and hyphenated in adjectival compounds such as mind-bending and mind-boggling). Brain, meanwhile, is almost always open (â€Å"brain trust,†â€Å"brain wave†); brain-dead is a rare exception. 3. Right and Wrong Compounds employing these words for practical or moral choices are generally open (â€Å"right angle,†â€Å"wrong side†), but phrasal adjectives with prepositions (right-of-way, right-to-work) are always hyphenated. 4. Right and Left Most compounds employing right or left as directions are open (noun phrases like â€Å"left wing,†adverbial phrases such as â€Å"right away†), but the phrasal adjectives left-handed and right-handed (also adverbs) are always hyphenated. 5. Smart and Dumb By now, you know not to expect logic in idiomatic phrases it’s â€Å"smart aleck†but smart-ass (or smart-mouth). Open phrasing, however, is preponderant for smart and dumb: â€Å"smart card,†â€Å"smart drug,†â€Å"dumb down,†â€Å"dumb show†(pantomime). Street-smart is hyphenated, but â€Å"street smarts†is open. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and NumeralsThe Parts of a WordHow Do You Fare?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How To Make Your Content More Social Media Friendly
How To Make Your Content More Social Media Friendly Social media is key for content marketing success. Once youve put the work into producing a piece of content, you want it to catch fire and get tons of shares. All you have to do is blast the link across your social channels, and watch all the shares and traffic roll in. Right? Well, that isnt quite how it works. And if your social media content isnt performing, it could be because it isnt very social media friendly. Depending on how you look at it, social media can be a blessing or a curse. Sure, it is a great low cost channel for spreading your content, but it can also be a crippling scapegoat if you arent careful. You could but be publishing on social media regularly with little return on your investment, all with the appearance of doing great content marketing. Are your readers actually sharing your content? Are your really achieving the social traction that you expected or deserve? Is the good old hub-and-spoke model of content marketing actually working for you? Fortunately, the problem may be entirely your fault. You may just need to make some basic adjustments to make your content more social media friendly. The more friendly you make your content, after all, the more likely your readers will be to share it with their audience. Here are five easy ways that you can do just that. Want more people to share your content? Make it more social media friendly. 1. Make Sure Your Content Looks Good On Social Media One of the first things that you need to do is to make sure that your content look good when it is shared on social media. This relies on  a small bit of meta-tag code that should included the HEAD of your html page. This code will provide instructions to networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest by telling them which image, title, and description to use when a post goes live. You can preview what your own link previews look like using this handy debug tool provided by Facebook. There are several ways to ensure that your link previews always look great. The free JetPack plugin or Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress will make a "best guess" at what these link previews should include using data from the post itself. This is a good starting point, but may not offer enough flexibility for the power user. Tools like our own allow you to completely customize your link previews, giving you maximum editing control. Recommended Reading: Best Practices Guide For Making Sure Your Posts Look Good On Social Media 2. Write Emotional Headlines Because They Get Shared More One of the ways to make your content more social media friendly is to write headlines that are more likely to be shared with others. There are some very simple ways to do this. For example, our research has proved that headlines with more emotional value tend to get shared more with others. With millions of headlines in our system, we went through each one and calculated its Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) – a rating that attempts to measure the emotional value of a headlines. What we learned was that headlines with a higher emotional value were more likely to be shared on line. The Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer  is a free tool from the Advanced Marketing Institute that you can use to calculate the EMV of your own headlines. Can this tool predict shares? Maybe. Simply copy and paste your headline into the box and it will give you a calculated score of your headline’s EMV Score. After researching EMV, we thought a great tool would combine that research with other elements of headlines that drive shares, traffic, and search results. That's why we built the headline analyzer. Try this tool to write even better headlines. Write More Shareable Headlines With Our Free Headline Analyzer The headline analyzer will help you: Use headline types that get the most traction for social shares, traffic, and search engine ranking. Make sure you have the right word balance to write readable headlines that command attention. See the best word and character length for search engines like Google and email subject lines, while also seeing how your readers will scan your headlines. Try The Free Headline Analyzer Now Recommended Reading: Proof That Emotional Headlines Get Shared More On Social Media 3. Make Your Content Easy To Share By adding simplicity to your page, you can increase the likelihood that someone will share your content, immediately making it more social media friendly. There are few simple things that you can do to make this more likely. Make Sure Your Social Sharing Buttons Are In The Right Spot Not long ago we took at look at how the placement of social sharing buttons could best influence social sharing from our blog layout. What we found was that the top/left side of the page seemed to perform the best for most situations. Because most websites load content on the left side of the page, and based on how people typically look through a site, it is pretty easy to see that the most noticeable place for this type of activity is in the top-left portion of the page. Recommended Reading: What is the Best Placement for Social Media Buttons? Add Easily Sharable Content To Your Post Here at we made a simple plugin for our own use, and have recently made it available to everyone for free. This simple tool allows you to easily add tweetable content to your posts.  These boxes create important triggers that you can use to get your readers sharing content for you. Create beautiful boxes in your blog posts. #ClickToTweet Make Your Images Easy To Share SumoMe makes a great little tool that allows your readers to easily share your blog images via Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. It is the best option out there for sharing your visual content across the web. Recommended Reading: 25 Growth Hacks Your Content Marketing Desperately Needs 4. Publish Your Content At The Right Time When is the best time to publish a blog post? KISSmetrics in corporation with Dan Zarrella has been able to crack the code on this very idea. Key Takeaways: Most blog content is read in the mornings. However, men tend to be more likely to read content in the evenings. Monday is the best day of the week to publish content. Most blog posts gets the most traffic around 11am. Saturday and early morning visitors (9am) tend to leave more comments. Monday and Tuesday are the highest drivers of inbound traffic. The take away on this data is pretty easy to see. It is likely in your best interest to publish your content early in the week, and early in the morning to maximize your social media impact.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Effective Application of Financial Concepts Essay
Effective Application of Financial Concepts - Essay Example Firstly, Project Alpha has the shortest payback period. This implies that it will take the project a shorter period of time to repay its initial investment out of the net cash inflow (Kinney & Raiborn, 2009: 555). The rest of the amount will be profit. Secondly, it has a higher ARR of 29.4% compared to merely 1.6% of the Beta project, making the investment more attractive. The Alpha project is, therefore, more profitable than the Beta project. Finally, Project Alpha has a higher NPV than project Beta. Project Alpha has more cash inflows than project Beta. Payback period is the time that a project takes to recover its expenditure or the amount of time required for a project to repay its initial investment amount out of its cash inflows (Atrill & McLaney, 2011, p.364). PP provides a measure of liquidity founded on the projects expected cash flows (Weingartner 1969: 594). When using payback period, companies normally base their decisions on a maximum time limit that is predefined for projects. A project with the shortest projected time is chosen (Atrill & McLaney, 2011). This method is more realistic because it uses cash flows and not accounting profit. It is simple to calculate and is more useful in situations where there is the rapid change in technology as well as improving investment conditions. Finally, the method favours quick returns by maximising liquidity, minimising risks and helping company growth. The greatest flaw of PP is that it fails to take into consideration the returns after the payback period. It ignores cash flow timings as well as overall project profitability. The method is subjective because it fails to give definite investment signal. Even though payback period gives high emphasis on liquidity, it ignores profitability. It also ignores cash flow after the payback period making it less effective in gauging a project. When using ARR, companies normally base their decisions on a predefined minimum target ARR for projects. Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Engineering Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Engineering Ethics - Essay Example The chapter discusses the moral complexity in engineering, its ethics and the importance of studying it. Deborah would not agree with Plant Manager Edgar Owens that the excess should be regarded as a merely technically. Meanwhile, would examine them about their moral values. Moral values in engineering projects are not considered as external burdens, but as standards of excellence. Combining the design constraints and goals, engineering projects involves multiple moral values connected to those constraints and goals (Martin and Roland 12). For example, efficiency, safety and respect to people and environment. Technical skills are most importance in solving ethical issues and making moral decisions. Engineers consider macro and micro issues when pursuing their projects. Micro issues are the ones concerning an individual or a company while macro issues are the ones concerning the whole world. Engineering ethics is the rights and responsibilities of engineers and personal commitments and desirable ideals in engineering. Ethic is also a study of morality. After studying engineering one bec omes a profession or a professional in public good, self-regulation or advanced experts. The local parents of the children who swim in the lake would not agree that the excess is merely technicality. Instead, they would wish the lake not to be polluted. Ethical dilemmas would be created among Marvin and Plant Manager Edgar Owens whether to control the pollution or not. Moral dilemmas are comprised of moral reasoning and choices. The chapter discusses how moral choices are useful in technological development, aspects in resolving moral dilemmas and extra roles of professional codes of ethics (Martin and Roland 27). Moral values results to decision making of engineers and their managers who make purely technical and economic decisions. Economic and technical decisions have moral dimensions in four directions, which include environmental protection,
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