Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Earthquake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Earthquake - Essay Example on, an Earthquake is but a tremor/vibration of the Earths crust as a result of frictional movement of the lithospheric plates underneath the earth’s surface. As alluded to in the definition, the immediate cause of earthquakes is the sudden release of huge amounts of pent-up energy as a result of cracks in the earths crust due to collision of huge masses of rocks against one another. Other causes of earthquakes include falling huge rocks, volcanic eruptions, landslides and explosions. The extent of such are, however, limited to certain geographic localities. With favorable geologic conditions, powerful earthquakes spread shock waves hundreds of miles away from the originating points, in effect releasing pulses of energy, that most often inflict immeasurable destructive effects. Such is the sort of disaster that befell Japan on March 11, 2011 when an enormous earthquake, estimated by the Meteorological authorities on the Richter scale to be 9.0 in magnitude struck, spreading 81 miles along the nation’s northeastern coast. The rare and complex double quake that lasted about 3 minutes moved Japan a few meters east, with the local coas tline also sinking half a metre. The forces of the tremor, one among the most disastrous over the last century, sparked off a giant wave, the tsunami, that t caused even much more damage than the quake itself; inundating roughly 560 sq. km with property estimated to be well over $300 billion, and in particular, causing a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, resulting in radioactive leaks that claimed more of the nearly 20, 000
Monday, October 28, 2019
How to Drive Value Your Way Essay Example for Free
How to Drive Value Your Way Essay MGT665 – Individual Assignment HOW TO DRIVE VALUE YOUR WAY Submitted By: Hiten Bachani (129278117) 0 MGT665 – Individual Assignment Main theme The paper revolves around the migration of the value within the supply chain as industries and technologies evolve. The basis of which can be traced down to the changes occurring in the patterns of consumer behaviour. But the changes in consumer patterns does not necessarily result in the value being shifted from one stakeholder to other; rather it is purely a function of the type of industry and how it has evolved over the years. Idea in Brief Argument Successful Companies do four things well: Problem Lessons In turbulent times, profits have a tendency of migrating up or down the value chain, away from the established companies to the upstream or downstream partners. eg: In PC industry, value moved from IBM (manufacturer) to Wintel (suppliers) The trajectory is not witnessed in the Auto Industry, where the incumbent carmakers have maintained a constant share of the industrys market capitalization despite dire predictions to the contrary. 1) Controlling the assets least likely to be commoditized 2) Being the guarantor of quality to end customer 3) Staying in close touch with the changing customers needs 4) Balancing the imperatives of growth and strategic control of the value chain The paper emphasis on four rules to that the companies can practice to influence whether the value migrates – and if so, to where in the chain. Rule 1 : Be the least replaceable player The question of who along the value chain is most replaceable fundamentally affects who can capture surplus value. It has been argued that the system integrators are most difficult to replace in auto industry but it is not so in the PC industry. However, a company seeking to preserve or gain advantage needs not only to reinforce its own irreplaceability but also ensure that none of its suppliers become impossible to replace Rule 2: Become the Guardian of Quality Value in an industry mostly accrues to the player that customers associate most of the quality with the product. The quality guardian in the value chain, typically carries a disproportionate share of legal liability. Also the cost of liability differs across the industries, for e.g. it is quite high in auto industry since the life of customers are at risk if car crashes while it is low in PC. Rule 3: Follow the Customer When the end customer changes his needs, value may shift across the value chain. Hence it becomes imperative for the companies to link the customers need to the value proposition they offer. But in the absence of a fundamental shift in the end customer, incumbents will be well positioned to 1 MGT665 – Individual Assignment manage even disruptive technologyâ€â€as long as they retain ownership of distribution and can resist the emergence of open standards. Rule 4: Manage the Growth Story This rule throws light on type of industry such as high growth or low growth and within that how the company changes its market share. It might be the case that a firm has only a small market share in a violently growing sector or a high share in a stable sector. When the high-growth industry in question is relatively small: Incumbents will be less inclined to fight hard to preserve dominance when the absolute profits are limited. The opposite applies, however, when the high-growth market is large. Here, scale often favours stability, because established players are large enough to maintain closed systems of suppliers, eschew open standards, and forestall change. Methodology study The author has tried to look at the problem through the lens of auto industry and PC industry and h as found contrasting differences while comparing. It has been observed that the value has hardly shifted along the value chain in case of Auto Industry while in case of PC industry it has drastically shifted from the hands of system integrators to the suppliers. The reason lies in the very nature of the product which both the industries sell. The paper also throws light on the methodology of how incumbents and challengers shift value across the value chain; both leveraging their strength depending upon their current capabilities. Also, it talks about the new corporate giants like Facebook and Google who do not compete in a sector but on the other hand shape it. This is because they focussed on the latent needs of the customers and came up with a value proposition leveraging the internet space (platform) at the right time making it difficult for the rivals to imitate because of the viral diffusion of the technology. Does it make sense Yes, up to a certain extent it does makes sense and there have been ample examples in the past to prove the hypothesis. Over time the customer needs have changed and successful organizations have reoriented themselves to cater to their needs. Also, they have been cautious to preserve their share of pie by follow ing the rules mentioned in the text. However, the conditions vary from industry to industry due to the different dynamics of the business scenario and the ecosystem in which they operate. It is worth noting that reputation of the player (not factored in the methodology) also plays a major role in some industries viz. Pharmaceutical industries. This may help the incumbents in the short run and give them a buffer time to rethink their strategies and retaliate so that the value does not move away from them. My opinion The author has done justice to his research by quoting right examples at the right place. One factor which has not been factored is the barrier to entry in the industry for a new player or for an existing player to transit from one stage to another within the value chain. Even in today’s world when the technology has become very sophisticated; suppliers also have a chance to build economies of scale and be a crucial member in the value chain of the industry by supplying to many players. This can be achieved by standardization of components at an initial stage and then employing methodologies like SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) in manufacturing industry(Automobiles) which the author had quoted as difficult in terms of replace-ability as compared to PC industry; however thi s can be achieved given the upstream or downstream player has sufficient resources to overcome the barriers of entry. 2
Friday, October 25, 2019
Chinese Paleontologists Create a False Fossil Link Between Birds and Di
Chinese Paleontologists Create a False Fossil Link Between Birds and Dinosaurs An article published in January of 2000, â€Å"All mixed up over birds and dinosaurs†, by Richard Monastersky in Science News Online seems to put an interesting spin on a corresponding article published about six months earlier in the scientific journal Nature. The article in Science News Online seems to imply that the article â€Å"A dromaeosaurid dinosaur with a filamentous integument from the Yixian Formation of China,†could be referring to forged fossils made up by Chinese scientists in order to provide the missing fossil link between birds and dinosaurs. The article was published on September 16, 2004, by Xing Xu and Wu discusses the actual scientific findings of the Archaeoraptor lioningensis fossil, found in the northeastern province of Liaoning, China of what is the Sinornithosaurus millenii dinosaur. Monastersky and other paleontologists seem to believe the fakery occurred in that the tail discovered for the dromaeosaurid is really a mirror image of the ta il of the Archaeoraptor. The articles present completely different sides of the story as one being strictly scientific and the other article presenting damaging information that could prove to be dramatic for the Chinese paleontologists that were apparently trying to make a quick profit off the findings. Some background information on dromaeosaurids is they’re poorly characterized meat-eating dinosaurs that are a group of theropods known to have the closest relationship to birds than that of any other specimen of dinosaurs. These dinosaurs are also thought to be among the fastest and most agile dinosaurs certainly aiding in their hunting of prey. These two key features along with the bi... ... just like everyone else, but with the ever emerging technological world it seems that that code of ethics could be diminishing in one of the world’s oldest fields of study. It is a very hard thing to control and debate, but certainly scientists should try and continue to be fair and honest as they always have been. Certainly it is easy to see from this example that a scientific lie may hold up at first, but after awhile people begin to catch on and in the end it just ends up ruining reputations and careers. Works Cited Monastrersky, Richard. â€Å"All mixed up over birds and dinosaurs.†Science News Online. 15 Jan. 2000. Vol. 157, No.3. Xing Xu, Xiao-Lin Wang and Xiao-Chun Wu. â€Å"A dromaeosaurid dinosaur with a filamentous integument from the Yixian Formation of China.†Nature. 16 Sept. 1999.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Importance Of The Cultural Training Education Essay
In recent old ages at that place has been a drastic alteration in the form of the work force where there has been a batch of engagement of the multicultural people in assorted administrations. So every administration had started concentrating to better their indispensable accomplishments through assorted developing programme ( Sabo, 2000 ) . During this procedure they recruit, train and promote from planetary labor pool ( Herr, 1990 ) . Furthermore there has been enormous addition in the figure of the minority registration in the administration at different degrees. So every administration is more focussed to acquire prepared to larn and work with different people with different cultural background throughout the universe internationally. In order to understand and to get by up with different people employees are provided with needed developing programmes every bit good as schemes. And in these preparation programmes much focal point is given over the struggles in the cross-cultural relationships ( Sue and Sue, 1990 ) . Difference in these learning manners can move as a hinderance to the preparation programmes. Apart from these there are certain internal factors like self-pride and attitude which will move as barriers during the preparation work country ( Field and Aebersold, 1990 ) . Furthermore internal personal relation accomplishments are the most general accomplishment which is provided in every preparation programme ( Greenan and Winters, 1991 ) . And these accomplishments are inter-related to each other and their impacts over the preparation programmes are huge.Cross cultural direction:There has been important addition in the cross cultural interactions among people and administrations because administrations are seeking to thrive and develop globally in order to go earn more net income. ( Alder, 1983, 1991 ; blunt and Richards, 1993 ) stated that the importance of International Human Resource Management has been increasing in footings of academic and pr actical facets. ( Black and Mendenhall, 1990 ) argued that cross cultural preparation is an effectual manner for easing effectual transverse cultural interactions. In old yearss, transnational companies used to concentrate on merely one dimension while choice of an employee for foreign assignment and that is proficient competency without sing the effects of interpersonal accomplishments and relationship accomplishments ( Mendenhall et al. , 1987, Miller, 1973, Tung, 1981 ) . Cross cultural direction trades with choice of campaigners for international undertaking,Cultural preparation Models:During these developing the trainers use few words like preparation and orientation which are really frequent in their educational form. Orientation means acquiring acquainted with the environing environment or state of affairs ( Batchelder, 1978 ) . orientation is characterised as who, what, when and where attack sing their readying period but in preparation every person learns practically about the environment, learns the needed accomplishments and attacks depending upon the state of affairs. Finally they become so possible and capable plenty that start executing good in those new environments efficaciously. There are assorted theoretical accounts which are used by the trainee to develop the pupils. These are some of them. Orientation Training Education ( Bennett, J. M. ( 1986 ) â€Å" Modes of cross-cultural preparation: gestating cross-cultural preparation as instruction †. International Journal of International Relation, Vol. 10: 117-134 Table. : Models used in the cultural preparation Orientation Training Education Goals Cognitive Behavioural Affectional behavioural Cognitive affectional behavioural Content Cultural particular ( who, what, when and where ) Cultural particular ( who, what, when, where, and how ) Cultural specific cultural general ( who, what, when, where, how and why ) Procedure Intellectual Experiential Experimental rational Beginning: Bennett, J. M. ( 1986 ) , pp.121Assorted cross-cultural preparation theories:( Fiedler et al. , 1971 ; Mitchell et al. , 1972 ) stated that there are four different types of teaching- acquisition theories are most effectual for transverse cultural preparation and these are: Cognitive Pragmatism Behaviorism Humanitarianism Cognitive learner theory: This is besides called as the ‘Class room ‘ , ‘University ‘ Model ( Harrison & A ; Hopkins, 1966 ) . Here it is believed that the cognitive apprehension is indispensable for effectual public presentation because here the participants learn the things with their involvement towards the acquisition. Fiedler et Al. ( 1971 ) ; Mitchell et Al. ( 1972 ) ; Landis et Al. ( 1976 ) ; Randolph et Al. ( 1977 ) ; Worchel and Mitchell ( 1972 ) ; and Weldon et Al. ( 1975 ) designed and developed this theory to measure the cognition of campaigners sing cultural difference and their impact on their public presentation while executing work in a different state. This theory involves readying of short incidents that describe the interactions between sojourners ( person visiting or populating temporarily in given state ) and host national ( native of given state ) . So, the campaigners are divided into groups and each group has to analyze series of multicultural incidents jointly. For each incident, campaigners used to acquire assorted multidimensional inquiries and they have to take one option based on their cognition and penchants ( Parhizgar, 1998 ) . Pragmatistic: It is a cross-cultural experiential preparation plan. It includes five types of procedures and these are: Attention: campaigners are required to hold deep and close concentration on some peculiar events. They have to detect some cardinal things merely and disregard others. However, some cultural values do non necessitate close attending because these values are rather similar to candidate ‘s ain civilization values. Choice: the trainees have to choose some peculiar sort of cultural values, beliefs and behavior forms to be learnt and analyzed. Withdrawal: it includes determination of cultural values, beliefs and behavior forms that are rather different from trainees ain civilization in order to larn efficaciously other civilization in simplest manner. Emphasize: the trainees has to give more attending towards certain parts of selected cultural values in order to deeply understand the basic operation of that civilization. It besides helps in analyzing the affectional power of images which varies harmonizing to person ‘s ain perceptual values. Assortment and contrast: if trainees find that the new cultural environment is utmost and seeable in the same manner as their ain civilization, so trainees do non able to larn significantly. So, to larn efficaciously, trainees have to see or hear the new civilization from different manner otherwise similarity causes them to lose involvement ( Parhizgar, 1998 ) . Behavioristic: ( Bandura, 1969 ; Sims, Jr. , & A ; Gioia, 1986 ) stated societal acquisition theory which argued that to understand the behavior of a individual we need to analyze individual ‘s societal and rational environment. It consists of taking trainees to field trip to a different state to detect and analyze the cultural forms straight. This theory comprises of eight constituents viz. : Observation: in the simplest manner, trainees can watch and enter events on the footing of their observation. ( Moorhead & A ; Griffin, 1990 ) described assorted signifiers of observation that trainees are free to utilize and of import 1s among them are – structured observation, participated observation and concealed observation. Structured observation involves look after of peculiar type of events by the trainees to larn on peculiar country. In participated observation, trainees have to really take part in the events and record the meaningful effects in their dairy. Inspection and experimental recording of the events without the pre and station cognition of perceivers play an of import function in concealed observation. Attention: this procedure helps in finding the choice of events that is required to pull out of import information from those interactions. The factors that may alter or upset the trainee ‘s attending are – place, involvement and analogy of the theoretical account and the perennial handiness of the manners ( Black & A ; Mendenhall, 1990 ) . Percept: ( Zalkin & A ; Costello, 1962 ) stated that a individual has to gone through series of procedures to understand information about modelled cultural behavior. It besides helps in increasing the consciousness of individual sing its cognition of modelled cultural behavior. Apperception: the procedure of implanting or integrating new constructs into 1 ‘s ain civilization – wonts, desires, involvements and values is known as apperception. The manmade instruments like cultural traits are responsible for bring forthing peculiar types of psychological responses in human existences. The perceiver has to demo desire and involvement in order to understand the order or nature of ideas of other civilizations. Retention: ( Black & A ; Mendenhall, 1990 ) stated that the procedure by which we can integrate modelled or desired behaviors as memory is called keeping. Invention: it is a procedure which helps us in the account of new things or constructs in footings of general and specific features, common values and rules. It besides plays an of import function in disputing the bing cognition every bit good as to detect the new constructs. Adaptation: in the simplest signifier, version agencies is to do accommodations efficaciously to cognize the cultural environment, factors behind the environment alteration, and how people able to new constructs by agencies of socialization. Behavioral alteration: it means the reading and use of new erudite cultural behavior and values that is to be embedded in the individual ‘s ain civilization. It is the procedure of transition of behavior of a individual to understand the other civilization in deeper manner. Humanist: Modem humanistic cultural preparation theory is concerned with two chief types of learning larning phenomena. One consists of cultural doctrine: moralss, morality, literature, verse forms, faith and other distinguished Fieldss of enquiry such as metaphysics ( cosmology, ontology, and causality ) , epistemology and axiology. The 2nd consists of related human ritual activities, manners of corporate cultural perceptual experiences and experiences in creativeness, productiveness, or executing humanistic disciplines and those involved in perceiving, appreciating, utilizing, basking, measuring, managing, instruction, and prophesying values covering with it. This theory presents a challenge to the trainee ‘s doctrine and free ways of understanding. It is founded on the theory that larning occurs chiefly through contemplation on personal experience. The work of a collaborative group of trainers-multicultural trainers-is non to set anything in the head or repertory of the trainees, but to pull out positions from the trainees ‘ ain sensational and rational penetrations and experiences. It is a deductive and dialectic teaching-learning attack. On the footing of trainee ‘s experiences, trainers explain stirred statements, so trainees make new connexions in a composite formation. Both learning and learning procedures are inductive in footings of logical thinking, averment, visual image, contemplation and generalisation of the facts. A humanistic attack is manipulated neither by trainers nor by trainees. It is the natural flow of nearing and sing with extremely motivated techniques ( Parhizgar, 1998 ) . Integrationist attack: Research suggested that to heighten the success of individual who is traveling to work in a different state in footings of public presentation and personal satisfaction, individual has to travel through socialization. Berry ( 1997 ) proposed a theoretical theoretical account to achieve socialization easy and efficaciously is by agencies of integrationist attack. This attack is rather different to separation, assimilation and marginalization. The administration has to promote their employees who have been selected for an international undertaking to take or follow above said attack in order to understand new civilization by agencies of socialization. In this attack, campaigners are asked to retain or memorize their ain civilization every bit good as to larn new constructs and values related to the new civilization ( Abbott et al. , 2006 ) . Cultural theory: Downs ( 1970 ) explained four types of preparation theoretical accounts for transverse cultural issues: Intellectual Model: this theoretical account comprises of talks and reading stuffs about a civilization that is different from individual ‘s ain civilization and it is based on that the exchange of information sing new civilization is helpful in life in different civilization. Area Simulation Model: this theoretical account is by and large referred to as civilization specific preparation plan. These preparation plans are based on belief that an person has to acquire particular preparation sing the civilization he/she is traveling to come in. These plans chiefly involve analysis of future behavior of an person for peculiar state of affairs in the new civilization. Self Awareness Model: this theoretical account is based on premise that to understand a new civilization, it is critical for an person to first understand the individual from the different civilization. To understand individual, means understanding likes, disfavors, behavior, societal values and norms of that peculiar individual. Culture Awareness Model: ( Harris and Moran, 1991 ) stated that to work efficaciously and strongly in another civilization, an person has to larn the basic or general behavior rules that is accepted by the society with regard within that type of civilization.Developing Cross-cultural Management Skills: Experiential Learning in anBy and large, there are two major types of preparation plans that are used by administration in order to give preparation to their possible employees to larn some new techniques and schemes and applies the already learnt techniques for smooth and proper operation in a different state. The first type is civilization general and other type is civilization particular. Both types of preparation plans have distinguishable characteristics and features. ( fiedler et al. , 1971 ) designed and illustrated the oldest, civilization specific attack which involves forced pick replies of people from one civilization who are being received preparation in regard of other civ ilization. The purpose of civilization specific preparation plan is to give general information sing new civilization to employees so that before really traveling to a different state, they enable to make some readying to cover with transverse cultural issues. This type of developing attack is preferred when an person is frequently traveling to one peculiar state. On the other manus, as administration starts working hard to go a planetary participant to gain more money, so the focal point of the administrations begin switching towards civilization general preparation plan ( David, 1997 ) .Parameters of cultural differences:In the yesteryear, batch of research workers and anthropologists have been tried to specify civilization and the distinguish characteristic that constitutes civilization. The survey by Hofstede ( 1981, in Hofstede. 2001 ) explained the difference between civilizations on assorted parametric quantities viz. – Bolshevism vs. individuality, high power distance vs. low power distance, high uncertainness turning away vs. Low uncertainness turning away, maleness vs. feminism and long vs. short term ends. The elaborate description of above said parametric quantities is given below: Individualism vs. Bolshevism: It is the grade to which a homo is bound under social norms and values while doing any determination. In an individualistic civilization, people have been encouraged or supported to do their ain determinations to populate their life without confer withing their determinations with others. On the other manus, people in collectivized civilization have been encouraged to do determinations in groups and ever back up squad work. High power distance vs. Low power distance: it is the grade to which the power of doing determinations has been allocated in the society. By and large, people with high power distance ever give importance to hierarchy in doing critical determinations while people with low power distance give authorization to every person to take portion in determination devising without following hierarchal order. Masculinity vs. Feminism: it is the extent to which a society allows the person to take portion in working civilization on the footing of gender. In a masculine civilization, work forces considered to be working harder than adult females while in a feministic civilization, adult females are besides given equal chance as compared to work forces to populate their life. High uncertainness turning away vs. Low uncertainness turning away: it is the grade to which an person is encouraged to work in a challenging or unpredictable environment. In high uncertainness turning away, people prefer to work under rigorous regulations and officially structured ways of making work. While in low uncertainness turning away, people prefer to work freely and like to invent new ways of making things and disputing the past ways. Long vs. Short term ends: it is the grade to which a civilization given importance to timeframe to larn something new. Peoples with long term ends, characterised by forbearance, emotional stableness and anxiousness and they prefer working in such a manner that they will be able to present a better hereafter. On the other manus, people with short term ends ever focus their attending to do their present better than yesteryear without sing the impacts of their determinations on hereafter.Advantages of transverse cultural preparation:To increase the cognition and experience of employees to heighten their apprehension to seeing the universe from wider position. To maximise the cultural sensitiveness. To larn how to avoid misinterpretations based on cultural differences. To larn how to pass on verbally and nonverbally with co-workers in other civilizations. To increase the flexibleness of the employees to set in different civilization. Hence cross-cultural preparation can be seen as a tool for bettering the corporate civilization and patterns by invariably larning through initiation of foreign subjects in the organisations. Further the cross-cultural preparation will assist to cut down the psychological emphasis and cultural daze which frequently lead to failure of exiles.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lynching: Southern United States and Male Roles Essay
Lynching in the South was a violent intimidation tactic used towards African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement. Lynching played a huge part during the Civil Rights Movement. Lynching had a negative effect on both blacks and whites; the justice system didn’t take lynching serious; Many African Americans were exploited for everyone to witness. Lynching in the South had a negative effect on both African Americans and whites during the Civil Rights Movement. A lot of black men became jobless, convicted, or killed which led to many black women playing the male roles to keep their families stable. The Ku Klux Klan and mobs plans were to prevent African Americans from getting an education, job, voting, and owning their own property, so as a result they terrorized them every day. Thousands of African Americans were lynched by white mobs. Some middle class whites sought out to put an end to lynching because it had gone too far. African Americans were psychologically scarred from witnessing other African Americans being lynched. The justice system abandoned their oversight of constitutional protections toward African Americans. Lynching could exist because the law enforcement would not prevent it. The government allowed lynching to carryon for years. Federal legislators tried to get bills passed to make lynching a federal crime but it failed. The government played a little role in protecting the safety of individuals. As a result The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People made anti-lynching campaigns; even after all the failed attempts the NAACP still was active to put an end to lynching.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Ted Kennedy and the Chappaquiddick Accident
Ted Kennedy and the Chappaquiddick Accident Around midnight on the night of July 18-19, 1969, U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy had left a party and was driving his black Oldsmobile sedan when it went off a bridge and landed in Poucha Pond on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts. Kennedy survived the accident but his passenger, 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne, did not. Kennedy fled the scene and did not report the accident for nearly ten hours. Although Ted Kennedy was subjected to a subsequent investigation and proceedings, he was not charged with causing Kopechne’s death; a point that many contend was a direct result of Kennedy-family connections. The Chappaquiddick incident remained a scar on Ted Kennedy’s reputation and thus prevented him from making a serious run at becoming president of the United States. Ted Kennedy Becomes a Senator Edward Moore Kennedy, better known as Ted, graduated from the University of Virginia Law School in 1959 and then followed in his older brother John’s footsteps when he was elected to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts in November 1962. By 1969, Ted Kennedy was married with three children and was lining himself up to become a presidential candidate, just like his older brothers John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy had done before him. The events on the night of July 18-19 would change those plans. The Party Begins It had been just over a year since the assassination of US Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy; so Ted Kennedy and his cousin, Joseph Gargan, planned a small reunion for a few, select individuals who had worked on RFK’s campaign. The get-together was scheduled for Friday and Saturday, July 18-19, 1969, on the island of Chappaquiddick (located just to the east of Martha’s Vineyard), coinciding with the area’s annual sailing regatta. The small get-together was to be a cookout with barbecued steaks, hors-doeuvres, and drinks held at a rented house called Lawrence Cottage. Kennedy arrived around 1 pm on July 18 and then raced in the regatta with his boat Victoria until about 6 pm. After checking into his hotel, the Shiretown Inn in Edgartown (on the island of Martha’s Vineyard), Kennedy changed his clothes, crossed the channel that separated the two islands via a ferry, and arrived around 7:30 pm at the Cottage on Chappaquiddick. Most of the other guests arrived by 8:30 pm for the party. Among those at the party were a group of six young women known as the â€Å"boiler room girls,†as their desks had been located in the mechanical room of the campaign building. These young women had bonded during their experience on the campaign and looked forward to reuniting on Chappaquiddick. One of these young women was 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne. Kennedy and Kopechne Leave the Party Shortly after 11 pm, Kennedy announced his intentions to leave the party. His chauffeur, John Crimmins, was still finishing his dinner so, although it was extremely rare for Kennedy to drive himself, he asked Crimmins for the car keys, reportedly so he could leave on his own. Kennedy claimed that Kopechne asked him to give her a ride back to her hotel when he mentioned he was leaving. Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne got into Kennedy’s car together; Kopechne told no one where she was going and left her pocketbook at the Cottage. The exact details of what happened next are largely unknown. After the incident, Kennedy stated that he thought he was heading toward the ferry; however, instead of turning left from the main road to head to the ferry, Kennedy had turned right, driving down the unpaved Dyke Road, which ended at a secluded beach. Along this road was the old Dyke Bridge, which did not contain a guardrail. Traveling approximately 20 miles per hour, Kennedy missed the slight turn to the left needed to make it safely onto and across the bridge. His 1967 Oldsmobile Delmont 88 went off the right side of the bridge and plunged into Poucha Pond, where it landed upside down in about eight to ten feet of water. Kennedy Flees the Scene Somehow, Kennedy was able to free himself from the vehicle and swim to shore, where he claimed that he called out for Kopechne. Per his description of events, Kennedy then made several attempts to reach her in the vehicle but soon exhausted himself. After resting, he walked back to the Cottage, where he asked for help from Joseph Gargan and Paul Markham. Gargan and Markham returned to the scene with Kennedy and made additional attempts to rescue Kopechne. When they were unsuccessful, they took Kennedy to the ferry landing and left him there, assuming he was going back to Edgartown to report the accident. Gargan and Markham returned to the party and did not contact the authorities because they believed Kennedy was about to do so. The Next Morning Later testimony by Ted Kennedy claims that instead of taking the ferry across the channel between the two islands (it had stopped working around midnight), he swam across. After eventually reaching the other side utterly exhausted, Kennedy walked to his hotel. He still did not report the accident. The next morning, around 8:00 am, Kennedy met Gargan and Markham at his hotel and told them that he hadn’t yet reported the accident because he â€Å"somehow believed that when the sun came up and it was a new morning that what had happened the night before would not have happened and did not happen.†* Even then, Kennedy did not go to the police. Instead, Kennedy returned to Chappaquiddick so that he could make a private phone call to an old friend, hoping to ask for advice. Only then did Kennedy take the ferry back to Edgartown and report the accident to the police, doing so just before 10 am (nearly ten hours after the accident). The police, however, already knew about the accident. Before Kennedy made his way to the police station, a fisherman had spotted the overturned car and contacted the authorities. At approximately 9 am, a diver brought Kopechne’s body to the surface. Kennedy’s Punishment and Speech One week after the accident, Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident. He was sentenced to two months in prison; however, the prosecution agreed to suspend the sentence upon the defense attorney’s request based on Kennedy’s age and reputation for community service. That evening, July 25, 1969, Ted Kennedy delivered a brief speech that was televised nationally by several television networks. He began by sharing his reasons for being in Martha’s Vineyard and noted that the only reason his wife did not accompany him was due to health issues (she was in the midst of a difficult pregnancy at that time; she later miscarried). He went on to share that there was no reason to suspect himself and Kopechne of immoral conduct, as Kopechne (and the other â€Å"boiler room girls†) were all of impeccable character. Kennedy also stated that the events surrounding the accident were somewhat cloudy; however, he distinctly recalled making specific efforts to save Kopechne, both alone and with the assistance of Garghan and Markham. Still, Kennedy himself described his inaction of not calling for the police immediately as â€Å"indefensible.†After relaying his take on the sequence of events that occurred that night, Kennedy stated that he was considering resigning from the U.S. Senate. He hoped the people of Massachusetts would give him advice and help him decide. Kennedy ended the speech by quoting a passage from John F. Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage and then implored that he be able to move on and make further contributions to the well-being of society. Inquest and Grand Jury In January 1970, six months after the accident, an inquest into Mary Jo Kopechne’s death occurred, with Judge James A. Boyle presiding. The inquest was kept secret at the request of Kennedy’s lawyers. Boyle found Kennedy negligent of unsafe driving and could have provided support for a possible charge of manslaughter; however, the district attorney, Edmund Dinis, chose not to press charges. Findings from the inquest were released that spring. In April 1970, a grand jury was called to examine the events surrounding the night of July 18-19. The grand jury was advised by Dinis that there was not enough evidence to indict Kennedy on charges related to the incident. They did call four witnesses who had not testified previously; however, they ultimately decided not to indict Kennedy on any charges. After Effects of Chappaquiddick Aside from the tarnish on his reputation, the only immediate impact of this incident on Ted Kennedy was a temporary suspension of his driver’s license, ending in November 1970. This inconvenience would pale in comparison to the effects on his reputation. Kennedy, himself, noted shortly after the incident that he would not run for the Democratic nomination in the 1972 presidential election campaign as a result of the event. It is also believed by many historians to have prevented him from a run in 1976. In 1979, Kennedy began the motions towards challenging incumbent Jimmy Carter for the Democratic Party nomination. Carter selectively referenced the incident at Chappaquiddick and Kennedy ended up losing to him during the primary campaign. Senator Kennedy Despite a lack of momentum towards the office of president, Ted Kennedy was successfully reelected to the Senate seven more times. In 1970, one year after Chappaquiddick, Kennedy was reelected by winning 62% of the vote. Throughout his tenure, Kennedy was recognized as an advocate for the economically less fortunate, a supporter of civil rights, and a huge proponent of universal health care. He died in 2009 at the age of 77; his death the result of a malignant brain tumor. * Ted Kennedy as quoted in transcripts of the inquest on January 5, 1970 (p. 11)
Monday, October 21, 2019
Ripple effects by economic facts essays
Ripple effects by economic facts essays There are several things that can cause a ripple effect in our economy. There are economic facts, or things that will happen no matter what, that start to affect more and more people, until they sooner or later effect everybody. The Keynesian Transmission Mechanism is a good example of something that has a ripple effect on everybody. The Keynesian mechanism has three stages, each of which has an effect on something. The first stage is the increase or decrease in the supply of money (A-1). The second stage is for the investment to rise or fall in conjunction with the change of the money supply (B-1). The third and final stage in the mechanism, is for the total expenditure/aggregate demand curve to shift accordingly to the both the money supply, and the investment. There are also some walls that block the mechanism from working, that have ripple effects on the economy. These include the Liquidity trap, and Interest-Insensitive Investment. In the first stage of the Keynesian Transmission Mechanism, the money supply is either raised, or lowered by the Fed. They do this by buying and selling bonds to the public. If they buy bonds back, then they are essentially lowering the money supply, where as if they sell them, then they are raising the money supply. Looking at this alone, one can predict a rise or a fall in the amount of each individual has due to the scarcity of money, or the lack there of. This will have a ripple effect on the economy, because people will save more if they have less, and spend more if they have more (C-1). For example, if the Fed were to increase the money supply would cause a surplus of money in the money market. This in turn will have an effect on the interest rates. The interest rates will lower due to the money surplus (B-1). Because of the lower interest rate, the AD curve will shift to the right. This happens due to a drop in the price level because of the lower interest rate. W ith the l...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Scholarship Essay on Future Goals
Scholarship Essay on Future Goals Scholarship Essay on Future Goals Before one can consider himself successful, he needs to be able to achieve certain goals that he has established for himself. I have both personal and professional goals. First, I want to be independent. That means I must obtain an education or training that will help me to develop marketable skills so I can get a decent paying job, one that will take care of my needs and the needs of those for whom I will be responsible throughout life. I also have as a personal goal to remain healthy. That means eating healthy, nutritious meals, exercising appropriately, and getting enough rest so that my body can function properly. In obtaining my professional goals, I must first decide what I am interested in doing for a career. I need to research that career to see what skills, training, and education are required. It is also wise for me to see if this career is in demand and what the market demand will be for this career path for the next ten to fifteen years. Additionally, I should have an idea of how much money I can expect to make in this career and what kinds of opportunities exist for furthering my career. I also need to take into account where to receive the necessary training and education and how much it costs. Furthermore, I must determine how I will pay for this education. Of course I want to be happy, and so that is another goal. Even if I manage to make all the money that I desired, it would mean little to me if I was dissatisfied with my life in some way. I would not want to get into a career path that will serve all my other needs but leave me miserable. I would rather get into a career that may not pay much but that I find fulfilling in some way. If an individual does not see the value in what he does, he is inclined not to respect himself. That sense of unhappiness tends to spill over into other areas of his life, such as the treatment of coworkers, and even interactions with family members. So, with that in mind, one of my goals is to find a career that I enjoy and feel is worthwhile in some manner. Finally, another personal goal is to become a role model to as many people that I can, but especially to my children when I eventually have them. Since I was young, I have always had the urge to influence people in a positive manner and lead them in a positive, productive direction. This is because I grew up observing a number of social ills not only in my neighborhood but in the media as well. I hope to be a good influence on others throughout my life. Scholarship essay writing tips: Given that this scholarship essay is a personal essay, the examiner or reader expects the writer to offer ideas that are unique with regards to goals for the future. When writing this essay, one should keep in mind that it is a scholarship essay. This means that one is expected to impress the reader enough to make the reader to grant the applicant a scholarship. Since the scholarship is for an education, one should include acquiring a good education as a major goal. In fact, if you need a custom essay for scholarship feel free to contact writing service. Our experts will provide you with quality scholarship paper writing help.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Success and Failure of Loyalty Programmes Essay
Success and Failure of Loyalty Programmes - Essay Example This has led to a plethora of customer-focused programs created with the help of customer relationship management tools, to increase company profitability (Brown, 2000; Kalakota and Robinson, 1999; Peppers and Rogers, 1997). The motive behind loyalty programs is to establish customer loyalty by rewarding a certain frequency of repeat purchase by customers. As pointed by Uncles et al: â€Å"Loyalty programs are schemes offering delayed, accumulating economic benefits to consumers who buy the brand. Usually, this takes the form of points that can be exchanged for gifts, free product, or aspirational rewards such as air miles. Airline frequent-flier programs have been a prototype for many of the schemes†. However, there is no consensus on the definition of loyalty exhibited by consumers (Jacoby and Chestnut, 1978; Dick and Basu, 1994; Oliver, 1999). While some claim that satisfaction is an indicator of loyalty, others debate this point. Reichheld (1994) points out that despite be ing â€Å"satisfied†or â€Å"very satisfied†many customers still defect. In the UK, Ogilvy Loyalty Centre found out that 85 % of its automotive customers claimed to be satisfied but only 40 % made a repeat purchase, and 66 % of packaged goods customers who identified a favorite brand actually ended up buying â€Å"another brand†in the recent past. Gremler and Brown point out that Federal Express, Pizza Hut franchises, and Cadillac dealerships have been able to forecast the sales from loyal customers with more certainty.
Ethics Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Ethics Case - Essay Example Yet, employees might find it even more difficult to report unethical transactions or behaviors directly to their superiors, which makes hotline accessibility a better practice. Employee hotline would be helpful to report other issues such as harassment and breach of employee rights. Bringing to light all wrong doings in an organization is also a type of control mechanism to adhere to expected standards of ethical conduct; and, whistle blowing is certainly one of them, which makes it an ethical practice. Besides job responsibilities, employees hold the moral and ethical responsibility of protecting the company’s image and reputation, which can be accomplished by implementing ethical conduct and strong control mechanisms. The external vendors and suppliers form relationship with the company for business purposes and not with employees though employees are only a medium for communication and transaction. Whistle blowing with respect to transactions between the purchasing agents and vendors will not only set the right example for others but also warn the vendors and suppliers of their position and relationship with the organization. In order to safeguard their relationship and business interests, vendors will ensure ethical and legal transactions with the co mpany eventually, lest they can be replaced by others from the market. Hence, whistle-blowing should be regarded as ethical and employees must be encouraged to highlight any unethical instances in the business. These ethical practices in the long run will also help the company in achieving better outcomes, sustainability and better reputation in the market, which will help the company in its future growth. In order to encourage usage and increase the effectiveness of hotline in a smaller organization, it would be better to partner with external hotline facility service providers, like the EPS Employee Hotline Program. After establishing a hotline service, the management has
Friday, October 18, 2019
Increasing Education of ADHD Therapies for Pediatric Nurses Research Paper
Increasing Education of ADHD Therapies for Pediatric Nurses - Research Paper Example The treatment methods largely adopted are based on medication which has been found to have mild to extreme effects on the users. These side effects have endangered the life of the users even though they have had a somewhat commendable effect on the individual in regard to the condition. Personally, I have had a chance of attending to an ADHD patient, a 12 year old child who had been placed with me for adoption. The child was diagnosed with ADHD four years ago and has since been on medication and no other complimentary interventions have been initiated to treat the disorder. Being in this situation has prompted me to delve deeper into finding an alternate solution in the treatment of ADHD. Through sufficient and quality research a workable and efficient means of treating ADHD can be arrived at, one that has minimal effect on the individual. In a bid to accomplish this task, this paper will start with an in depth review of ADHD including existent statistics, medication, effects of medi cation, non-medication therapies and their effectiveness in treating ADHD. This will be followed by a look at a viable solution to the ADHD problem and an evaluation of the present obstacles to implementing this solution. In conclusion, it is expected that this study will have availed a new way through which ADHD can effectively be handled with minimal effects to the individual. Literature review The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are 5.2 million children aged 3-17 that have already been diagnosed with ADHD in United States. This means that 8.4% of all children have been diagnosed with ADHD (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 2012). This points to increased diagnoses as a decade earlier lower rates had been reported with the overall diagnoses at the time being 6.9%. Based on gender, reported diagnoses indicate that boys are much more affected than girls, boys ADHD prevalence increased from 9.9% in 2000 to the current level of 12.3%, for g irls the rate in 2000 was 3.6% and this has also increased, though in a lesser magnitude to 5.5% (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 2012). Another notable variable in the prevalence of ADHD is income levels, in 2000 the prevalence rates were the same across all income groups, but presently the prevalence has increased among children in low income families (100%-199%) as compared to families with income greater or equal to 200%. Lastly, ethnicity also seems to be a notable variable, in 2000 the prevalence rate among non-Hispanic white children ranged from 8.2%-10.6% while that of non-Hispanic black children ranged from 5.1%-9.5% indicating a higher prevalence among non-Hispanic white children (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 2012). These variations seem to have presently leveled out within non-Hispanic white, and non-Hispanic black groups. Treatment for ADHD has proceeded on two fronts; biological and psychosocial interventions. Typically, the goal of biological tre atments is to reduce the children’s impulsivity and hyperactivity and to improve their attention skills (Barlow & Durand, 2009). Psychosocial treatments generally focus on broader issues such as improving academic prowess, decreasing troublesome activities, and improving social skills. Although these
An essay which explores and analyses a particular issue in the field
An which explores and analyses a particular issue in the field of interpretation - Essay Example This author will assess the interpretation of war and the multiple factors that dictate the many perspectives on the topic. In Carol Acton’s article Diverting the Gaze: The Unseen Text in Women’s War Writing, she talks about the difference in how women perceive war verses the way men see it. She notes that, â€Å"while womens war writing from the First World War has received much critical attention over the past ten or more years that has established its authenticity as witness to war, scant attention has been paid to how women see the trauma of frontline combat nursing and how, consequently, such seeing or not seeing influences the narrative (Acton, p54).†The author focuses on the perception of how women perceive the trauma of war specifically nurses who aren’t necessarily fighting on the frontline, but who are providing medical care for soldiers and often caring for them right up to their last living moments. Acton notes how writings produced by women of the first World War and Vietnam were very similar, she goes on to point out that, On a general level, the striking similarity in the narratives of these two wars seems to arise from the compulsion to bear witness to the trauma of combat nursing. More specifically, British writers from the First World War and American writers from the Vietnam War were both concerned with carrying what Jane Marcus has called "a terrible knowledge" to a civilian population that seemed completely removed from any understanding of the war experience (Acton, p54) The contrast Acton makes between the women nursing the soldiers, both American and British, in both World War I and Vietnam, with the civilians reveals how there is a major difference in interpretation of war when one is on the frontline verses just assessing it when it’s far away. Acton goes on to point how
Thursday, October 17, 2019
RAW #7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
RAW #7 - Essay Example 2. The contracts have terms of reference that vary from contract to contract. â€Å" †¦the terms of a contract providing a foundation for economic ethics acceptable to a diverse set of imaginary contractors (some greed- driven egoists, some deeply religious artruists, most probably in between)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Donaldson and Dunfee 26) 3. The macro- social contracts are based on the assumption that there is rationalism among the contractors as they know the facts that are entailed. â€Å"†¦not afflicted inconsistency or logical confusion†(26) 6. Those who undertake the experimental thought on social contract are not aware of the political and economic preferences of contractors. â€Å"†¦we are confronted with undetermined mix of contractor preferences †(Donaldson and Dunfee 27) The list above shows the argument of Donaldson and Dunfee in relation to macro- social contract understanding. These main points can be used as the basic principles that govern the same kind of
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 24
Marketing - Essay Example Stuffed animals need stuffing. By looking at the raw material inputs that are used in stuffed animals, it was thought that these hole punch scraps can be used as alternative. The major concern in deciding on which products to choose, where the hole punch scraps can be useful is the question of volume. Hole punch scraps can only be valuable if they are sold in huge volumes. The answer to this question has been found on the stuffed animals alternatives for raw material inputs. Hole punch scraps are waste materials, that in essence when they are manufactured they are very minimal in terms of costs. The materials that are used to stuff animals like â€Å"straw, beans, plastic pellets, cotton, synthetic fibres, or other similar materials (Wikipedia 2010),†are naturally produced for the stuffing, thus maybe more costly to manufacture. The demand for these products come from children and adults who look for comfort objects (Fisher 2010). From a psychological perspective, the fascination for comfort objects has sprung up during the late 1800s when life is hard and comfort objects like stuffed animals tend to cheer people up for unique psychological situations ( 2008). The origin of stuffed animals businesses is traced back to practices of taxidermy, where skins of hunted animals are stuffed in order to mimic their appearances even when they are no longer alive. The demand for these products can be traced to a need using Maslows hierarchy of needs framework (Kotler & Armstrong 2004). A comfort object provides the consumer with security and partly, some social needs. During unique situations such as personal tragedies, problems and moments of loneliness, and stressful events, comfort objects somehow provide the feeling of having company as well as the feeling of being safe holding something ( 2008). Pricing is a
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
RAW #7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
RAW #7 - Essay Example 2. The contracts have terms of reference that vary from contract to contract. â€Å" †¦the terms of a contract providing a foundation for economic ethics acceptable to a diverse set of imaginary contractors (some greed- driven egoists, some deeply religious artruists, most probably in between)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Donaldson and Dunfee 26) 3. The macro- social contracts are based on the assumption that there is rationalism among the contractors as they know the facts that are entailed. â€Å"†¦not afflicted inconsistency or logical confusion†(26) 6. Those who undertake the experimental thought on social contract are not aware of the political and economic preferences of contractors. â€Å"†¦we are confronted with undetermined mix of contractor preferences †(Donaldson and Dunfee 27) The list above shows the argument of Donaldson and Dunfee in relation to macro- social contract understanding. These main points can be used as the basic principles that govern the same kind of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Assignment - 3
Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that strategic management entails the formulation as well as an implementation of key objectives that are adopted by managers on behalf of the shareholders. During this process, effective assessment of external and internal environments must be done. On the other hand, strategic competitiveness refers to the results that are achieved after a firm effectively formulates and implements appropriate strategies that are not easily copied by the competitors either because they are unique or there are costly to imitate. One of the major strategies that make Coca-Cola be a competitive company locally and in the international markets is the increased sales as the result of its expansion in many countries. Since the company was established in 1886, it has grown from a small firm based in Atlanta to the most valuable brand in the world. Coca-Cola Company brands are distributed in over 200 countries. Being the world largest brand, Coca-Cola has continued to enjoy impressiv e expansion globally. However, the company has very strong roots in Atlanta where it originated. The production of brands that depict comfort and leisure, aspects that are related to the American culture, the company produces brands that meet the needs of American people. In order to ensure that its products are effectively distributed in the international market, Coca-Cola Company has employed the services of various bottlers in various countries. The table below indicates some of the notable bottlers in the various Coca-Cola market segments. Apart from an effective entry of the global market, Coca-Cola Company has appropriately used technology in all its operations. For example, the company constantly rebrands its products. In 2009, the company introduced greener bottles. These are bottles that use less petroleum thus having less carbon impact. Likewise, the introduction of freestyle dispensers, that allow consumers to create their own beverage by combining more than 100 brands, i s a clear indication of the extent to which the company values technology.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Aristotle and Meteorology Essay Example for Free
Aristotle and Meteorology Essay Introduction: Aristotle wrote about many subjects that can be grouped into five general divisions: logic, physical works, psychological works, natural history works, and philosophical works. One of the little known physical works concerned meteorology. Aristotles views on meteorology are fascinating, but many of the views were not accurate. This paper compares only a few of his views to actual meteorological facts. I. Biography A. Birth and growth B. Influence on writings II. Basis of Aristotles meteorology A. Elements and theory B. Science and facts III. Water vapor and precipitation A. Aristotles view B. Science and fact. IV. Winds A. Aristotles view B. Science and fact Conclusion: Aristotle explained the various meteorological phenomenon in simplistic terms. The explanations match his theory of how matter and shape were interrelated. Aristotles ideas on water vapor and precipitation were somewhat accurate, considering that there were no tools to measure the atmosphere in his time. His views on wind, however, were not accurate at all. He wrote extensively on winds, but never fully comprehended how wind occurred. September 5, 2000 Aristotle on Meteorology Aristotle was born in 384 BC, at Stagirus, a Greek colony on the Aegean Sea near Macedonia. In 367 BC, Aristotle entered the Academy at Athens and studied under Plato, attending his lectures for a period of twenty years. In the later years of his association with Plato and the Academy, he began to lecture on his own account, especially on the subject of rhetoric. When Plato died in 347, Aristotle and another of Platos students, Xenocrates, left Athens for Assus, and set up an academy (Encyclopedia 2). In 342, Aristotle returned to Macedonia and became the tutor to a very young Alexander the Great. He did this for the next five to seven years. Both Philip and Alexander appear to have paid Aristotle high honor. There are stories that indicate the Macedonian court supplied Aristotle with funds for teaching, and with slaves to collect specimens for his studies in natural science (Encyclopedia 4). Aristotle returned to Athens when Alexander the Great began his conquests. He found the Platonic school flourishing under Xenocrates, and Platonism the dominant philosophy of Athens (Encyclopedia 5). Aristotle thus set up his own school at a place called the Lyceum. When teaching at the Lyceum, Aristotle had a habit of walking about as he discoursed. It was because of this that his followers became known in later years as the peripatetics, meaning, to walk about (Shakian 126). For the next thirteen years, he devoted his energies to his teaching and composing his philosophical treatises. His institution integrated extensive equipment, including maps and the largest library collection in Europe. He is said to have given two kinds of lectures: the more detailed discussions in the morning for an inner circle of advanced students, and the popular discourses in the evening for the general body of lovers of knowledge. At the sudden death of Alexander in 323 BC, the pro-Macedonian government in Athens was overthrown, and a general reaction occurred against anything Macedonian. A charge of impiety was trumped up against Aristotle. To escape prosecution he fled to Chalcis in Euboea so that (Aristotle says) The Athenians might not have another opportunity of sinning against philosophy as they had already done in the person of Socrates (Encyclopedia 5). In the first year of his residence at Chalcis he complained of a stomach illness and died in 322 BC (Encyclopedia 7). One of Aristotles writings is about meteorology. His theories are based on his belief that all objects in the world are composed of form and matter and the world is arranged according to the relative standing each object occupies in the universe (Shakian 127). This basis led to his theory that any motion was from the center or to the center (Encyclopedia 28). Aristotle saw the universe as a scale lying between the two extremes: form without matter on one end, and matter without form on the other end. Additionally, he believed all matter is made of four bodies: fire, air, water, and earth (Encyclopedia 29). With this information as a basis, it is no wonder that any remaining theories would probably be incorrect. Scientific fact cannot disprove that all objects are of form and matter. Any one can agree or disagree with that philosophy. However, scientific fact does show that movement can occur in directions away from the center or toward the center. For example, solar radiation from the sun does not travel in direct lines to or from a center. Some of the radiation scatters into space. Some is reflects from the earths surface and is lost into space (Lutgens 37-43). Air molecules do not move toward or away from a center. Air particles move in an infinite number of directions due to molecule size, shape, weight and composition. Finally, Aristotles theory that matter is made of four bodies is dramatically short sighted. Air is a mixture of at least nine different components and is constantly changing in composition. Nitrogen and oxygen make up nearly 99% of the volume of dry air. Of all the components of air, carbon dioxide is the most interest to meteorologists (Lutgens 5). In all fairness, Aristotle had no way to measure or determine the exact components of the atmosphere. In book 1, part 3 of Aristotles meteorology, Aristotle describes his explanation of water vapor. His explanation describes the area between the surface of the earth and the visible portion of the Milky Way. It is important to note that he views the Milky Way as a plane or upper level surface (Aristotle, Meteorology 253). Aristotle is very close to a scientific answer when he deduced that what immediately surrounds the earth is not mere air, but a sort of vapour, and that its vaporous nature is the reason why it condenses back to water again (Aristotle, Meteorology 253). His logic is interesting when he indicates that this expanse of a body cannot be fire for then all the rest would have dried up (Aristotle Meteorology 254). In part 9, Aristotle addressed the issue of precipitation. He explained that air condensing into water becomes a cloud. Mist is what remains when a cloud condenses into water. He further explained that when water falls in small drops, it is drizzle, and when the drops are larger, it is called rain (Aristotle Meteorology 267). This is one area where Aristotle was close to accurate. One flaw is his view of the Milky Way as a flat plane. Science has shown that the Milky Way is just one of an infinite number of star galaxies. Aristotle realized water vapor existed. He also realized that the area between the earth and the heavens was not fire. What Aristotle deduced as water vapor is scientifically referred to as a parcel of air. As the air parcel rises, it cools and may condense to form a cloud (Lutgens 81). Aristotle believed the remains of water vapor that did not form a cloud was mist. Actually, what remains is just other air parcels. The energy used to condense the air molecule is released as latent heat creating a cycle of rising and sinking air molecules (Lutgens 82-83). Aristotle provided names for the size of water droplets. It is possible that Aristotle coined the names drizzle and rain. Scientifically, drizzle is defined as small droplets of less than . 5 mm. Rain is defined as droplets of . 5 mm to 5 mm (Lutgens 131). Aristotle dedicated several chapters to the theory of winds. Without scientific measurements, the cause or theory of wind was difficult to determine or explain. Aristotle compared wind to a flowing river in book 1 (Aristotle Meteorology 348). Unfortunately, Aristotle could not discern why the river of wind never dried up. Therefore, he abandoned that theory and analogy of wind and simply tried to explain rivers instead. In book two, he dedicated three more chapters to wind. Aristotle used his theory of water vapor and direct observation of something he called smoke to describe the occurrence of wind. He related the rising water vapor and the heat of the sun. This combination created wind. Rain contributed to wind development by causing calm winds after a rain (Encyclopedia 191). Wind must have been a difficult subject for Aristotle to explain, considering how much was written about the subject. The facts indicate he was close to an answer but never fully understood the concept of wind. The definition of wind is the result of horizontal differences in air pressure. Air flows from areas of high pressure to areas of lower pressure. It is natures method to balance inequalities of pressure. Unequal heating of the earths surface generates the pressure differences. Therefore, solar radiation is the ultimate driving force of wind (Lutgens 149). The effects Aristotle explained were often the results of the pressure changes. He realized the sun had some influence. The clam wind after a rain is an occurrence with strong thunderstorms that leave a micro scale high-pressure dome in their wake (Lutgens 153). Aristotle explained the various meteorological phenomenon in simplistic terms. The explanations match his theory of how matter and shape were interrelated. Aristotles ideas on water vapor and precipitation were somewhat accurate, considering there were no tools to measure the atmosphere in his time. His views on wind, however, were not accurate at all. He wrote extensively on winds but never fully comprehended how wind occurred Works Cited Aristotle. Great Books of the Western World. Volume 1. Chicago: Robert P. Gwinn, 1990. Aristotle. Meteorology 113 438. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Internet Address: http://classics. mit. edu/Aristotle/meteorology. 1. i. html. Translated by E. W. Webster. 27 Aug. 2000. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1-321. University of Tennessee at Martin. Internet Address: http://www. utm. edu/research/iep/a/aristotl. htm. 24 Aug. 2000. Lutgens, Frederick K. and Edward J. Tarbuck. The Atmosphere. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992. Sahakian, William S. and Mabel Lewis Sahakian. Ideas of the Great Philosophers. New York: Barnes Noble Inc. , 1970.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
A True Revolution :: essays research papers
A True Revolution â€Å"We the people†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Does not that sound like a novel idea! Instead of hearing, â€Å"I, the king,†you now have a document that states that you count. It says that you have choices; you no longer have to listen to this person that gets every little thing that he wants handed to him on a shiny silver platter. He does not even have to obey his own laws and decrees. He gets to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. It was definitely time for a change. â€Å"We the people,†Such a great beginning for a document that will state the freedoms of a new nation, freshly freed from the bonds that kept them from doing what they wanted to do and trade with whomever they please. This document was a sign that we the people were finally free to live without England breathing down our necks. The government was now beginning to become democratic instead of a monarchy. The people would be able to vote for the person that they thought would do a good job. They would not have to deal with a king that would be replaced with the king’s son when he died. The common man would now be heard, not ignored and mistreated. His vote counted as something now; he was no longer a peasant that did not count. He could now even vote for the President! His vote would now influence who would say that he liked a law and could accept it, or say that he did not like that law and veto it! What power! Anyone could see that America was beginning to change, but not for the worse! The revolution that was illustrated by the words, â€Å"We the people,†was now in full effect. People now had voices and rights that they did not own when they were under the rule of the monarchy. They were no longer peons and peasants! They were now thought of as people, not just objects that were in the king’s way of getting what he wanted.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Love in Poems Essay -- Robert Browning Poetry Literature Essays
Love in Poems Robert Browning’s poem â€Å"My Last Duchess†is based on a real story about the fifth Duke of Ferrera in the Renaissance period. He married a 14-year-old named Lucrezia and then left her for a two-year period. She died at the age of 17. In this poem, the Duke is now looking for a second wife-to-be. Robert Browning is one of the greatest poets in the Victorian age. He writes romantic poems and he expresses love in this poem as obsessive. The poem’s rhyme scheme is a, a, b, b. This is a dramatic monologue. This is the kind of poem where there is only one speaker. In this poem it is the duke. At the very start of the poem, we are already given the idea that the Duke is a proud man especially with his art collections. â€Å"That’s my last duchess painted on the wall†, this quote tells us that he includes his last wife in his collection. The â€Å"my†emphasizes the duke owning his last duchess. By doing this, Robert Browning emphasizes the Duke wanting power especially over his last wife. Her painting is behind the wall now and the Duke shows it to a very few chosen strangers, â€Å"since none puts the curtain I have drawn for you but I†. The painting was made by Fra Pandolf. The Duke is jealous by the fact that the Duchess can blush by receiving any compliments from just anyone. â€Å"Sir, ‘twas not her husband’s presence only†¦into the Duchess’ cheek.†In this quote, the Duke never treated his wife as an equal. But he considered himself higher than her and he wouldn’t lower himself to tell the duchess what she did that annoyed him. He thinks the duchess has no pride at all because she treats everybody equally, â€Å"as if she ranked my gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name with anybody’s gift†. He wants the duchess for h... ...n wants the mistress to understand that it will never be a good idea if she will die a virgin. He is now desperate to get her in bed. If she dies a virgin, the man’s â€Å"lust†will just turn to ashes. The last part of the poem uses a more passionate language and basically gives the mistress a more appealing idea if the man makes love to the mistress. The whole of the third part is describing how the man feels about making love to the mistress. Andrew uses similes â€Å"like morning dew†to compare the â€Å"youthful hue†of his mistress and â€Å"like amorous birds of prey†to describe the way in which they should do the act of making love. Basically, this part has more persuasion than the other parts. It is similar to â€Å"The Beggar Woman†because it represents physical love. However, we will never know if the woman agrees with the man. We are left to decide for ourselves.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Effects of Watching Tagalized English Movies in the Philippines
Introduction: . Tagalization is the process of converting foreign language into Filipino language or it is the translating of text into Filipino. Under the 1987 Constitution XIV Section 6, the Filipino national language was settled and the Education department adopted a bilingual program to promote the use of Tagalog, the other official language. The government was swayed by studies indicating that children tended to learn better in their native languages The trend for Tagalization or as some would call it Filipinization has increased in the recent years.Among those in the media which have changed languages through the years are the movies. And because of this, the level of English proficiency decreased. Incapability to speak English fluently and efficiently is one of the realities faced by many young Filipinos today. There are many reasons to explain the decline in English proficiency but the proliferation of television shows such as tagalizing English movies is one of the attributo rs. With this, how could we expect the young generation to speak and write English fluently? Absract:This research entitled â€Å"The Effects of Tagalizing English on the English Proficiency of the First Year College Students of Pasig Catholic College†was conducted to know the effects of tagalizing English movies of the first year college students of Pasig Catholic College. It aims to answer the following questions 1. What is the profile of the first year college students of Pasig Catholic College in terms of: 1. 1 Gender 1. 2 Program1. 3 Age 2. What is the academic level of performance of those students who watch tagalized English movies? 3. What are the effects of watching tagalized English movies?The researcher chose the first year college students of Pasig Catholic College to be her respondents. In this regard, the researcher used descriptive method to determine the different effects of tagalizing English movies of the abovementioned first year college students. The rese archer used the survey questionnaires in gathering data as the main instrument. The questionnaire is divided into three parts. Part I was about the profile of the respondents, part II was the grade in English of the first year college students for the first semester, and part III dealt with the different factors regarding tagalized movies.In the light of the study, the researcher came up with the following findings: Area of Focus This study aims to determine the effects of tagalizing English movies of the first year college students of Pasig Catholic College. The English Teacher: This study may prove significant to the English teachers to become aware of the student’s needs and responses. He/she, as a facilitator of learning should encourage the students in engaging oral and written activities to enhance their English proficiency.The Students: This study will serve as an encouragement to the students to watch English movies more instead of tagalized English movies to develop fundamental communication skills that prepare students to engage in fluent and responsible communication. The Parents: Through this reseach, the parents will come up with ways to assist and expose their children to different English resources to develop the student’s skills in English proficiency. Related Literature: According to Shianee Mamanglu of Manila Bulletin (2010) agreed that the Filipino skill in English have diminished over the years thus the need to enhance it.She also said that only five to ten are accepted out of every 100 call center applicants because of poor English skills particularly on communication. Lingualearn, (2002 ) said that one can learn grammar of a language in different ways and one of these is by watching television. All have an inborn mechanism for decoding and making sense of foreign languages. By immersion in the foreign language and culture, one should be able to pick up any language. The New Strait Times and the Star Newspaper (2005) said tha t it is important that students should watch more television, especially educational English programs.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Policy Topic Search and Summary Essay
POLICY TOPIC SEARCH AND SELECTION The topic I have chosen is Medicare. The affected stakeholders associated with this topic are the elderly. Those enrolled in Medicare are referred to as beneficiaries. More than 14 million beneficiaries are now enrolled in private Medicare Advantage plans. This is a 30% increase since 2010. This is a great increase even with the payment changes associated with the Affordable Care Act (â€Å"Medicare†, 2014). Medicare is a federally funded program for people aged 65 and older, certain people with disabilities, and people with end stage renal disease. There are different parts of Medicare that cover specific services. Part A is hospital insurance; this covers hospital stays, skilled nursing facilities, hospice care, and some home health care. Part B is medical insurance; this covers certain doctor’s services, outpatient care, medical supplies, and preventative services. Part C is Medicare Advantage Plans. This is a Medicare health plan offered by a private company that is contracted with Medicare to provide all of the Part A and B’s benefits. This includes HMOs, PPOs, Private fee for service plans, special needs plans, Medicare Medical Savings Account Plans. If enrolled in Medicare Part C, services are not covered under original Medicare. The final part of Medicare is Part D, this adds prescription drug coverage to original Medicare (â€Å"What is Medicare?†, n.d.). The elderly are specifically affected by Medicare because for many this is their only option for having access to health care. Medicare’s future is at the forefront of a lot of people’s minds and is concerning for the elderly and those who are approaching the age of 65 and getting ready to retire. The costs associated with keeping Medicare running are ever increasing, and many are worried that the funds and the program will not be available in the future. References Medicare. (2014). Retrieved from What is Medicare?. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Descriptive Essay Final Copy
I grab my bag and a hair-tie from the vanity on my way Out the door, tying my waist-length brown hair in a knot as I hurry down the stairs. My nana stands at the stove, stirring the pot of gravy she is making for breakfast. Behind her stands my papaw, playfully yanking her ponytail every time she turns around. At first glance one would think that they make an odd couple, with my nana being only five feet tall, with fox-red hair and hazel green eyes, in near perfect contrast to my papaw who is a large man, standing nearly six foot four, with eyes the color of the sky and white air that was once jet black.But as they laugh and play standing there in the kitchen, I know this place would mean nothing if they were any different. I slip on my boots at the door, and run across the field to the old wooden barn, its red has long faded, and the metal door handles are covered with rust. Reach out and grab the rusty handle and pull, hearing the ancient hinges creak and groan as the door opens. W alking into the barn can smell the fresh hay, and the lingering smell of the old moonshine still that sits in the corner, unattended for years, but left for the antique look.I climb the ladder to the loft, and wade through the piles of hay until reach the little door that opens onto the roof. Climb out onto the roof and walk to the end of the barn. There sit down, my leg hanging over the edge of the black shingled roof. I sit and watch as the deer run across the field, and as the train go by down next to the river. Reach in my bag and pull out my sketch pad and charcoals. I draw everything I see, the river, the birds, and the mountains. After I finish, climb down and run to the house; pause at the door, leaning own to pull off my boots.I open the door, and step into the kitchen, the floor is warm from the heat of the old white stove, causing tiny droplets of condensation to form on the speckled blue wallpaper. Nana has already set the table, her faded blue and white china resting in front of three chairs on the blue table cloth that covers the deep brown oak table. On each plate sit two biscuits, golden and gleaming with butter, accompanied by sausage and fried eggs. Grab the pot from the Stove and ladle the thick, creamy gravy onto everyone's plates.The steam rises from each plate like a plume of smoke from a tiny fire, taking with it the wonderful smell of my nana's cooking. As we sit down to eat, we join hands and my papaw gives the blessing; thanking God for the food he has provided on this day, and for forty years h?s had with the wonderful woman who cooked it. See my nana smile with love for my papaw, her head still bowed in prayer as we say ‘amen. ‘ As we raise our heads, I smile too, knowing that this place is filled with love and laughter and always will be.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT, ASSESSMENT A - Essay Example Formal strategic planning is a process of decision making where suggestions are taken from the top level management towards making effective decisions within the organisation. It is worth mentioning that formal planning cannot be really effectual unless managers apply their fundamental knowledge, judgement and perception about the planning process (Steiner, 2010). On the other hand, alternative strategic decision-making is a modern process of defining a strategy or direction and making decisions by replacing formal procedures with the prime motive of solving issues with aid of inculcating circumstantial restraints and significances. With the growing competition in the global marketplace, many critics believe that formal strategic planning does not meet the current dynamic market requirements while making effective decisions and alternative forms of decisions making are more appropriate while making any decision (Popa, n.d.). With these considerations, the main objective of this study is to provide a detailed analysis which would depict that alternative forms of strategic planning are more appropriate for organisations that operate in highly uncertain and dynamic environments. Discussion Today’s business environment is considered to be in one of the most competitive industrial environments. With the rapid technological developments and the increasing competitors’ demands for new goods, the strategic planning process is also evolving at a rapid pace. It has therefore become vital for every organisation to implement plans that would not only aid them in maintaining their leading position but also facilitate them in attracting more customers by fulfilling their current demands. Strategic planning is determined to be an organisational management function that is utilised for setting priorities, resources, strengthening operations and ensuring that the employees and other people associated with the organisation are working in a collaborated manner towar ds the accomplishment of a common goal. It also helps in establishing an agreement around intended outcomes along with accessing and adjusting the organisational functionalities in accordance with the changing environment (Hitt & et. al., 2012). However, there have been numerous discussions amid different critics about the nature and the disadvantages of traditional strategic planning. Nature of Traditional/Formal Strategic Planning Approach Traditional strategic planning process mainly utilised theoretical and management tools to implement steps that would aid in attaining the future goals of the organisation. However, the effectiveness of the process mostly relies on how well the plan has been defined, the level of the organisational readiness to implement new changes in its functional process and its commitment towards building actions to achieve the organisational objectives (Eoyang, 2003). However, with the growing challenges in the business world, there has been an emergence o f a number of limitations arising out of traditional st
Monday, October 7, 2019
International Finance Question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
International Finance Question - Coursework Example When compared to a bank loan a bond tends to give the investor better terms, in loans the bank set the interest rates where else when a company issues a bond, the company controls the interest rates (Levi, 2009). Foreign bonds are also a good method of funding expansion to other countries because they protect the firm from currency fluctuation in the country of interest. The greatest disadvantage of bonds, however, is that it will reduce the firm’s trading flexibility. This is because the firm cannot trade out of a bond that is doing well while it maintains its other holdings (Levi, 2009). The second option that a firm can explore is getting money from private investors. They provide a flexible source of capital compared to what is provided by banks and other financial institutions. Loans from private sectors are often available at low costs (Levi, 2009). Acquiring funds from private investors is a simple process when compared to banks. A firm will save a considerable amount of time and money when acquiring the loan. The disadvantage associated with this option is that private investors might ask for an ownership stake in the company, and this is not usually acceptable with many firms. The second disadvantage is that the investor may require time to consider the request; this time may not be available to the firm if the situation is of urgency (Levi,
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Inspiring historical figure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inspiring historical figure - Essay Example e can see that Delany’s interest in political activism, added with his active participation in the protest against human rights violation faced by the African Americans, transformed him to an eminent abolitionist and political activist. To be specific, Delany co-operated with the abolitionist movement in America in 1840s, and made use of the newspaper named as North Star to propagate his ideas on the problems faced by the African Americans. Junius P. Rodriguez stated that, â€Å"During his time in Pittsburgh, Delany participated in the abolitionist movement, newspaper editing, moral reform, and the practice of medicine†(251). Later, Delany came to realize the fact that African Americans cannot expect freedom and equality in America. So, he considered that the African Americans can gain freedom by immigrating to other nations. Besides, Delany was an eminent leader of an African America movement named as Black Nationalism. Delany’s direct involvement (say, as a ne wspaper reporter and as an African American leader) in the problems faced by his fellow beings helped him to realize that indigenous nationalism can help the African Americans to gain political and social freedom in the mainstream society. In short, Delany’s involvement in the abolitionist movement and American Black Nationalism helped the African Americans to realize the importance of political activism within the context of anti-slavery movement. One can see that Delany did not neglect his duty towards his motherland. This awareness eventually led Delany to take the decision to serve the Army during the Civil War. Besides, he acted the role of a recruiter and served the Union Army. In 1850s, Delany decided to enter medical profession by enrolling at the Harvard Medical School. But racial segregation based on skin color limited Delany’s scope as a medical student in Harvard Medical School. But he did not try to abandon his profession as a physician. For instance, his role as a physician in
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Regional integration for and against articles Essay
Regional integration for and against articles - Essay Example China is one such country that is doing great job in the context of regional integration. It has acted as a strong initiator of regional integration policies and development. China is struggling hard to establish cooperation within South East Asian countries by promoting their economic interests. Behind the attempts at enhancing economic development in Asian countries underlies a strong goal of a making Asia a peaceful and economically developed continent (Clarke, 2011). There are many benefits of establishing regional integration of China with other South East Asian countries. The most important benefit of regional integration is allowing those countries that have been disadvantaged from economic aspects due to some reasons a chance to make themselves economically sound. As economic regional integration implies removing barriers in trade and other economic aspects to allow free trade among nations, regional integration is a beneficial phase for the countries to become developed econ omically (Nicolas, 2007). In addition to the advantages of regional integration described above, there are other benefits as well. It helps to strengthen the integration of trade within a specific region. Besides, it provides enormous chance for private investors to start a business over there. It also allows the countries involved in regional integration to develop economically stable public sector organizations and institutions. Thus it promotes a peaceful environment within different countries based on mutual trust and cooperation with each other (Storey, 2011). Among the great benefits of regional integration lies economic development of many sectors in those countries that are involved in the process of regional integration. Firstly, it enables the tourism industry of one country to flourish by removing the borders between two countries and encouraging free trade among them. The decrease in cross-trade barrier gives tourists an opportunity to visit other countries without carin g for the hindrances regarding travel. Despite travelling and hospitality benefits, regional integration calls for a significant decrease in inflation rate by making cheaper products. Not only are the products become cheaper, they become diversified as well. It also allows the faster delivery of products and services in the integrated regions (Clarke, 2011). Due to these reasons, China has expanded the trade and economic development between ASEAN countries by making trade agreements between South East Asian countries. It has contributed a lot in making China and the other ASEAN countries to enjoy great benefits of regional integration. It is probably due to this fact that China has become a geographical region promoting diverse talent and skills. Hence, regional integration is the key to economic success of a country (Storey, 2011). China Regional Integration- Disadvantages China is a significant promoter of establishing mutually satisfying agreements of business or economic nature between nations. It has been a region that allows for the integration of political or economic nature between South East Asian regions. Regional integration can be defined as a process where mutual agreements are made to satisfy some great purpose that would be beneficial for the both regions. There are many benefits of regional integration for instance, economic development, integration of various industries and business at international level. In addition to the
Friday, October 4, 2019
The Future of Muslim Brotherhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Future of Muslim Brotherhood - Essay Example What influenced the development of Muslim Brotherhood throughout the world is a shared set of religious values in which the basic social sentiment is that Islam should be the guiding force for a society as well as in governing the social lifestyle of people (El-Sherif, 2014). In the Middle East, Islam is the most dominant religion with substantial devotion and following by society members practicing its ideology (Knudsen, 2003). Islamists believe that the Quran’s guiding principles could satisfy the divine, thus serving as the most relevant political model for a society in order to ensure that devoted precepts of the Quran are the fundamental goals of society (El-Sherif, 2014; Knudsen, 2003). To not establish Islamist values in society and politics is considered unfavorable secularism and unfaithfulness to Islam. In fact, their inability to achieve this communion is quite unfavorable for the devoted Islamist. Hence, it adds pressure to establish the Muslim Brotherhood througho ut the world. The development of this ideology is a modern belief or idea that the practice of conservative Islamic values and liberalism can successfully be reconciled in a single political governance system which can be used to guide the society and allow the state to function well in a globalized world (El-Sherif, 2014). In relation to the political and social revolutions in Egypt, this study aims to determine whether or not the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt could maintain long-term support from the local citizens.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Black Genocide Essay Example for Free
Black Genocide Essay â€Å"Black Genocide in the 21st century†also called â€Å"Maafa†is an anti-abortionist documentary made in 2009 that speaks about the relevance of birth control, White America and Black America, Planned Parenthood and how it was established, also, the conspiracy behind abortion. The movie also deeply discusses the argument between abortion being genocide and it specifically targeting African Americans. Black Genocide was a very intriguing and interesting piece of material that filled my knowledge with much more than I had intended it doing. Before watching this video, I knew a little about abortion but not about the black genocide part. You see, I knew that abortion was a way for the government to obtain legal rights to abort children who weren’t able to be cared for but I didn’t know the government was using abortion as a way to limit the black population. I also knew that African Americans were having a lot of abortions and there were, and still is a lot of abortion facilities but never put together the idea of how they were getting access to this information, furthermore, the connection between eugenics and genocide. During the film, I learned so much information that is disgusted me and changed many of my views toward abortion and other things. I learned that in the early 1800’s, Americans feared retribution and resurrection because slavery was supposed to have ended. Intermarriage also lead to the loss of international purity and for that, they had a plan of colonization. Colonization was an affect that took place, and caused African Americans to be sent back to Africa. After the colonization, the new philosophy was established and was called â€Å"eugenics†, the perfect solution to what was known as â€Å"negro dilemma.†I also learned that Eugenics believed that Africans were inferior and without guidance, they couldn’t make it. Margaret Sanger was the founder of the â€Å"American birth control league†and was successful for promoting abortion and birth control. After watching the 21st century of black genocide, I wanted to know more about the situation with the NAACP and why the government still hasn’t publicly announced the conflict between the protesters and there undercover targets. I’d also like to know more about the positive and negative eugenics and why White America was considered positive eugenics when it was used to try and dominate the black parts of America and used as a companion to exterminate African Americans. I’d also like to know more about Planned Parenthood and to see if the facilities were still being targeted in minority places. I’d also like to know more about White America and the Planned Parenthood meetings, and also if Planned Parenthood groups still targeted low poverty neighborhoods of different race, such as Caucasians.
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